For Leon, knowing the cause and reversing the solution is a simple matter as long as the basic conditions allow.

Now that it is clear that Natasha is indeed under mental control and the means of control is some kind of chemical substance, the remaining part of reversing the inhibitor formula is easy.

Leon used his supercomputer-like brain to quickly simulate various solutions, and then handed them over to Jarvis for real simulation.

It only took him 20 minutes to make a tube of bright red counter-reaction reagent.

"The success rate is 87%, right?" Leon sucked a tube of medicine into the syringe.

"Yes, according to the simulation, there is a 12% chance that the drug will not work, and a 1% chance that it will cause a drug conflict, resulting in brain death of the invader."Jarvis said

"But this is the limit of what can be done with current medical technology." Leon shrugged.

He looked at Natasha and said,"If conditions permit, we should even do a phase III randomized double-blind clinical trial. That is the standard process for drug development.""

"But looking at the patient's condition, I'm afraid we don't have time to find a volunteer for the experiment."

On the workbench, Natasha had already woken up and was desperately tearing at the ropes on her body, trying to resist.

Leon stood aside and pushed the syringe unmoved, and a line of liquid gushed out of the sharp needle.

"Stop struggling, the injection is about to begin, be careful not to break the needle"

"Besides, you tied me up once, so I'll tie you up now, so we're even."

"Miss Natasha must understand, right?"

He looked at Natasha's bloodshot eyes as she struggled, ignoring the fact that her mouth was sealed with tape.

"Very good, our patient agreed and chose to receive treatment"

"But please be prepared." He flicked the syringe to dispel the air bubbles inside.

"After all, I am an amateur doctor. Although the medicine may cause brain death, it is enough as long as it works. Why bother so much? If something unexpected really happens, we can just say it is survivor bias."In his previous life, Leon was actually a man who was very frugal with words.

It's just that he was influenced by Tony Stark for more than ten years in this life.

Although he was still the serious young man most of the time, at some critical moments, he would occasionally become as talkative as Tony.

"The inhibitor has to be injected into the arm. Would you rather take off your clothes or tear off your sleeves?"

"I see. Tear off the sleeves of the combat uniform, right?"

Leon tore off Natasha's sleeves, used his strength to control the patient so that she could not move, and applied alcohol to her white upper arms.

"Very good, Natasha, now is the final step, you have one second to consider whether to give up treatment"

"One! Well, time has come and you agree to continue! Great!"

"But now time is short, so you don't need to find someone to sign for the family members. If something unexpected happens, we will directly help you cremate and transport the ashes back to the Red House."

Natasha's eyes widened suddenly, and she whimpered something.

"Huh? What are you talking about? No need for anesthesia? Don't worry, we don't have anesthesia here."

"I'm starting the injection!"Lyon casually stabbed Natasha's arm, which was coated with alcohol.

The bright red medicine was quickly injected into the"patient's" body.

"OK! It's over. You see, it didn't hurt, right? Our treatment was incredibly short!"

"Now we need to press the injection site to prevent bruising, but it seems that it is not convenient for you, so I will do it for you temporarily."

Leon took out the empty syringe and pressed Natasha's arm with a cotton swab.

However, after putting the syringe back on the tray held by the robot arm Xiaodai, he stopped talking.

Instead, he looked at Natasha with a slightly serious expression.

Leon's psychological activities at this time were not as fancy as his words.

He was just thinking.

As one of the main characters in this world, Natasha should not be able to hit that one percent probability.

Besides, the counter-effect potion is the best he can do at present.

Even if he really summoned top doctors from all over the world, at most he could reduce the mortality rate of the potion by a few tenths. One percentage point, not much better.

When the chemical substances in Natasha's body were synthesized, the researchers probably did not think of formulating an antidote. What they wanted to create was an unsolvable control agent.

Even compared to the life of the controlled person, they cared more about the fact that the agent could not be cracked.

Those chemicals were hidden in the cell fluid of Natasha's brain cells. If they were removed, it would mean the death of brain cells.

It also means that the brain is damaged and the controlled person is in danger of death.

Therefore, the fact that Leon created the inhibitor was a miracle in itself.

As for the one percentage point of mortality rate, it is completely harmless.

"It seems that the inhibitor has taken effect."

Leon took off his gloves, wiped them with disinfectant, and took the disinfectant cotton towel handed to him by Benben and wiped his hands clean.

He looked at Natasha, whose expression quickly calmed down, and silently prayed for her for a second.

"Jarvis, if she really hits that 1% chance of brain death, should it be considered lucky or unlucky?"

While waiting for the result, Leon suddenly had an idea.

"From a probability perspective, a one percent chance of stepping on something is considered very lucky."Jarvis answered seriously,"But from the result, if you go to the lowest probability of death, it is very unfortunate."

"Your view is really objective."

Leon complained,"But humans don't think like you. When disaster happens to themselves, even the smallest chance becomes a 100% nightmare, an absolute misfortune."

"So this is how humans think."Jarvis wrote it down,"I will try to think this way in the future, Master Lyon."

"That's not necessary. Mechanical thinking is your advantage. Many girls now like this type of thinking... Oh, Natasha is awake!"

Leon saw Natasha's silky eyelashes trembling slightly, and immediately walked to the tool table and got closer to observe.

Soon, Natasha opened her eyes, her amber pupils were dazed and her expression was distracted.

But Leon laughed instead:"The look of a fool, that's it! Miss Natasha, congratulations on the successful operation!"

The blank look on her face showed that Natasha's brain had been freed from the control of the chemical substances.

All her scattered consciousness gradually began to reunite.

However, it seemed that this integration process would take some time.!!

Unlike Leon's joy.

As soon as Natasha opened her eyes, she saw a face that was extremely close to her, looking left and right in front of her.

Her pupils shrank suddenly, and her body moved reflexively.

She used her feet to wrap around Leon's strong waist with her soft skills, and with her arms exerting force, her whole body rotated to his back with Leon as the axis, and used a naked choke!

This was a physical memory brought by more than ten years of agent training and combat experience.

After completing the naked choke, she immediately exerted force reflexively.

However, Leon, who should have been suffocated, had no reaction. Her arm was like stuck on a piece of diamond!

Natasha was stunned, and the next moment fragments of memories flooded into her mind.

Her expression became dull for a while, and her eyes lost focus.

It was not until Leon reached out and lifted Natasha up and put her on the workbench that she came back to her senses

"You… you saved me." Natasha looked at Leon in front of her with a complicated expression.

She put her hands on her sides and slowly lowered her head:"What did I do?……"

She thought she would be controlled by the Red Room for the rest of her life, but unexpectedly, she was saved by the target of the mission.

Now that she has regained consciousness, countless memories come to her mind. She is overwhelmed with emotions, regret and hatred, but more of anxiety.

"You look like you've recovered well." Leon said.

Natasha woke up after hearing that.

She sat on the workbench and suddenly felt a little helpless:"Thank you, thank you very much, no, I'm sorry, I just... did it unintentionally, it was subconscious, sorry, I shouldn't have done that, are you hurt?"

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