"But I still don't understand how you managed to gain so many... loyal fans in just one night in Afghanistan?" Tony waved the bread in his hand.

"You mean believers?"

"Almost, especially the reporter who seems to have suffered a lot. He tells the media every day that you are the true Holy Spirit. He is a fanatic believer."

"You mean Abdullah... I don't know what's wrong with him, maybe this is the simple customs of the people there?"

"I thought you brainwashed him, you know, like Clark in Superman who can manipulate other people's memories." Tony waved his hands in the air.

"I would like to have this ability, it sounds exciting."Leon complained

"What a cool method! Can you tell me about it?"

"You'd better just want to listen, instead of already imagining the picture in your mind"

"Ahem...where was I just now? Oh yeah, that Abdullah, he said in the interview that you saved his life?"

"What happened is, he was in the Jericho missile blast zone, I saved him and asked him to help spread the video and pass on the message"

"So he is that guy!" Tony suddenly realized,"He appeared in the video you asked Jarvis to send me, no wonder he looked so familiar!"

Leon raised his head:"You seem to pay close attention to him?"

""Hmm!" Tony chewed the bread in his mouth,"He said that in order to thank you, he planned to use all the money to buy Warner stock, so I asked Pepper to acquire Warner."

"You know how to make a lot of money."Leon's mouth twitched.

"Don't say that. The whole world is paying attention to Superman now. After acquiring Warner, Stark Group's stocks have risen."Tony finished his bread and started licking his fingers.

"I'm more curious about how you negotiated this acquisition. Now that people all over the world are paying attention to DC, there's no reason for them to sell the company."

Tony took a piece of paper and wiped his fingers:"Some... other chaebols and countries, you know, are putting pressure on their companies, so I took the opportunity to enter the market."

"How do you get in? If you don't even sell arms, how can you still get in?"

"But I'm selling this now!" Tony knocked on the Ark reactor on his chest,"New energy, everyone wants it."

Leon's eyes widened slightly:"Have you exposed your identity?"

Tony looked around, turned around twice, and raised his palm

"Almost. Rod let the cat out of the bag. Oh, that guy's mouth is like a public service area. He can't keep any secrets!"

Leon didn't believe it at all:"Come on, Rod is just humorous. How can he work in a confidential department if he is not tight-lipped?"

He guessed:"I think you are jealous of Superman's traffic, so you take the initiative to expose yourself to the outside world, and plan to attract all the attention to yourself!"

Tony stopped talking. He looked at the ceiling, pretended to be busy, patted his body, and turned around and left the next moment.

"I was helping you relieve stress. So many people are paying attention to you and misunderstanding you, so I have to stand up and set an example."

He waved his hand and said,"Okay, I'm leaving. Today is my last day in the Middle East. The Ten Commandments Gang will no longer exist."

"By the way!" Tony walked out the door and suddenly turned back,"I have a press conference tomorrow, remember to attend"

"……"Looking at Tony's back, Leon's super brain was sunk.

Half a minute later, the sound of the Iron Man armor igniting and taking off came from outside the house.

"Tony, is going to hold a press conference tomorrow to announce his identity as Iron Man?……"

Lyon looked at the Mark III disappearing into the horizon outside the window, and was speechless for a long time.

He had thought about it many times.

The appearance of Iron Man, as the beginning of a major event in Marvel movies, is likely to be an absolute time point.

In other words, it is very likely that Tony will say"I am Iron Man" no matter what.

For this reason, Lyon has also guessed many reasons that may lead Tony to admit his identity as Iron Man.

But the only reason he could not think of was that he revealed his identity because he wanted to"earn traffic".

"This is... this world is fucking crazy." Leon couldn't help but curse.

"Forget it, Tony won't die anyway, so forget about him, the sun is more important."

Leon patted his butt and stood up, ripped open his shirt, instantly transformed into Superman, and flew into space.



Nick Fury has dark circles under his eyes - although he is black all over.

But at this moment, his eye bags look particularly dark and large, like two pieces of black coal hanging on an ink bottle.

"Is this your investigation report?" He put down the document in his hand and looked up to ask Coulson in front of him.

"The information in it is not as much as what was exposed on TV. At least they interviewed all the local people!"

Coulson lowered his head and said,"I'm sorry, Director, Superman has not appeared since that day, and we can't find any clues."

"However, the video played on TV actually contains a lot of information!"

Speaking, Coulson took out a tablet and handed it to Nick Fury.

Nick Fury's eyelids twitched when he saw his subordinate's familiar action.

Then he saw Coulson light up the screen and start playing a video that he had watched hundreds of times in the past few days.

The video content is divided into three parts.

The first part is the footage taken by the Afghan reporter Abdullah, showing Superman resisting the vehicle-mounted missile and the Jericho missile.

The second part is Abdullah's words to Eagle on behalf of Superman.

——All foreign troops, leave the border immediately and abandon the invasion!

The third part is the reporter's private goods.

He spent a whole hour promoting Superman's greatness, spreading Superman's faith, and trying his best to link Superman with Allah.

Although he didn't know how many hundredth time he had watched this video, Nick Fury still watched it patiently.

Because the first part of the video is the strongest performance of Superman in the battle in which he has demonstrated his strength so far.

And it happened that this time, no official satellite could record it completely.

The only relatively comprehensive information is the video released by this reporter, which is of great significance to the study of Superman's strength.

After the video ended, Nick Fury looked at Coulson:"What conclusion did you draw from it?"

"Director, it is obvious that Superman's strength - at least his defense and speed - exceeds all creatures and even weapons on Earth."

Coulson carefully considered his words:"Whether he is the Superman in the comics or not, based on the power he has shown, our best option is to make friends with him and stabilize his emotions."

"Um……"Nick Fury nodded.

He stroked the pager in his hand and said,"So, do you think he is an extreme and rebellious person? Do we need to suppress him?""

"Suppression?" Coulson was stunned,"Excuse me, Director, we don't seem to have such means."

Nick Fury looked at his pager:"I mean, if there is, do you think it is necessary to carry out?"

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