A few days passed quickly.

The Stark family was still calm.

Leon clocked in every day to bask in the sun, waiting for the new year of college to start.

Tony did not go to work as usual. He got up every day, stuffed buttered bread in his mouth, and ran to the Middle East.

According to him, the inherently evil Ten Rings Gang will soon disappear from the world.

And since he talked with Rhodes, he has never been caught by the military.

As for Pepper, Pepper found Tony returning home with a battle armor full of bullet holes the evening before, and she was very angry.

But as usual, she still couldn't do anything about Tony. After being angry, she still worked diligently every day to shoulder the huge task of developing the Stark Group.

This is the daily life of the Stark family. Like the sea outside the mansion, there will be occasional waves, but most of the time it is calm as if there is no worry.

But for the world, the impact of Superman's appearance has begun to ferment, and undercurrents are surging from all sides.

"KNKV TV reported."

In the morning, Leon went to the space for morning exercise and came back after making breakfast. He saw the local TV media KNKV reporting the Superman news on TV.

"Superman has appeared in our world, and this seems to be beyond doubt."

The female host held the manuscript with a serious expression.

"Although he has not appeared again in the past few days, countless people are still proving his existence and praying for his reappearance."

"What he did that night completely changed our world."

After the voice fell, the news screen switched to a noisy press conference.

On the podium, there was only a middle-aged Afghan man with half white hair and beard.

Flashlights of all sizes kept lighting up below the stage, but his eyes were always looking at the camera with a bright look.

"It was Superman who saved our country and our people!"

He tried to make his voice louder, as if trying to make his words more deafening.

"I had the pleasure of photographing him that night, he was fighting for us!"

"He is the superman, the support of all things! He has no origin and no destination, and nothing can be his enemy!"

"He is our God, our Savior! The Father is in him, and he and the Father are one!"

At the same time, someone behind the middle-aged man brought a thick screen, which lit up and began to play the scene of Superman facing the missile.

""Look at him! How great he is! He drives away all the wolves, and we are all his lambs!!" the man shouted to the camera.

The scene finally ended here, and the view jumped back to the KNKV news broadcast room.

The female host sat upright:"The man in the picture is Abdullah, an Afghan war reporter. He once filmed the first appearance of Superman, and at the press conference, he shouted and declared that Superman is the reincarnation of the Holy Spirit of God."

"During this period, countless people came to the camera and told their own stories about Superman's entry into reality."

The scene jumped again.

A little girl faced the interview with the reporter and said confidently:"That night, two bad guys wanted to break in, and it was Superman who suddenly appeared and stopped them!"

The girl's father also said:"Superman said that the Ten Rings Gang would soon be far away from us, and he did it! Not only that, now even the Eagle Party……"

The rest of the story was not released, and the news screen jumped to another person.

""He fell from the sky! Like a shooting star! I didn't make a wish, but he killed the terrorist who wanted to force my sister!" A boy described it with his hands and feet dancing. There were many such scenes.

There was a short clip of the Afghan guards saluting Superman's photo; there was a picture of everyone in a dilapidated village crying and shouting"Superman" in front of a rice field; and...

After playing the relevant materials for five minutes, the live broadcast screen was cut back to the studio again.

"As more and more people confirm the existence of Superman, we have to start thinking about what impact he will have on our society!"

"Is he like Superman in the comics, righteous and selfless, like a god on earth?"

"Or is he just a parody in uniform, using the title of Superman to satisfy his own vanity??"

"According to our reporter, yesterday a large number of our returning soldiers were forced to give up their assistance to the local residents under the oppression of Superman."

"We don't know whether he is a dictator or a hypocrite wearing a mask, and we cannot make a correct judgment immediately."

"Next, let's listen to sociologist Francis Windham's analysis……"

Leon propped his chin up, watching with interest the scholar who had just appeared and analyzed Superman eloquently. He analyzed from comics to reality, from clothing to childhood, and spoke with a sense of truth. The final conclusion was that Superman was a paranoid man who loved to drink milk.

The analysis process was even more full of quotations from classics, and Leon almost believed it himself.

"Are you reading these boring reports again? Haven't you seen enough in so many days?" Tony came down from upstairs.

"Either it is full of praise or it is completely extreme and disparaging. What’s so good about these opinions?"

"Especially these TV stations, they have received political funds and want to portray you as a complete villain."

"It's stuff like this, why do you always read it with such gusto?"

He threw a roll of newspaper on the table and sat down next to Leon.

"And look at what these people wrote, all about Superman, have they never read comics? They are so excited when a Superman appears!"

Leon glanced down.

The newspaper read"A mysterious mecha man appeared in the Middle East again, a poor imitation of Superman!"

So here lies the problem.

Tony worked very hard for several days and basically wiped out the Ten Rings in most of the Middle East.

However, almost all the media did not report on him.

Even if they did, they only mentioned him briefly and then immediately shifted the topic to Superman.

No wonder Tony was so resentful, he was not a person who liked to travel at night in fancy clothes.

"Maybe you can buy a newspaper and have them write reports for you."

"How about the title,"Iron Man Reappears, a Hero Protecting Civilians in the Middle East!"

Tony raised his eyebrows and said,"That's a good suggestion, but you know I'm not the kind of vain person. I'm just helping you, Leon.!"

"Come on, if you really want to help me, you might as well give some money to the media so that they can learn to tell the truth!" Leon said.

Tony got up and went to the dining table to get a piece of bread.

"I can do that if you want."

He said as he ate,"but do you really think it's necessary?"

"No need." Leon still supported his chin,"After I destroy Hydra and show my strength, the media will naturally speak for me."

"That's the truth!" Tony tapped the screen with his index finger in agreement.

"The media's tongue only praises those who can shut them up!"

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