The figure in the sky stood silently for a long time.

The sea of fire all over the mountains below had been blown out by him, and the scattered flames were as sparse as the stars in the sky.

However, Leon followed the principles of forest fire prevention and checked again carefully, extinguishing all the remaining sparks one by one.

Then he looked down at the Ten Commandments base that had been razed to the ground, and looked around leisurely.

However, in the eyes of the middle-aged reporter, those actions were like the righteous superman, who made sure that he did not let go of any criminals.

"The damn Ten Commandments Gang did all kinds of evil, but now it's all right! Superman is here, we have hope! Superman is here, we will have peace!"At this moment, the middle-aged man felt that the figure in the air was as majestic as a god.

His body trembled unconsciously, and there was a sense of pleasure in revenge in his eyes, but more of it was expectation and hope.

"It must be like this, he is here to help us! To save us!"

"He is the messenger sent by Allah... No, he is Allah in the world, the reincarnation of God!"

He was so excited that he cried, his weak legs knelt on the ground, and he fell to his knees and cried bitterly.

"Everything is going to be alright! It's finally over!"

"Superman is here... Oh, Superman! I want to tell Superman that the Ten Rings still have many bases in this land!"

The middle-aged man thought of something, and he climbed and rolled on the tree trunk beside him to stand up, wanting to shout to Superman.

However, when he looked up, the ocean-like blue clothes and the cape fluttering like blood were right in front of him.

"Superman!"The middle-aged reporter was shocked. Superman stood in front of him without him knowing.

"Thank you for your compliment just now, but I am not God, I am just a person who sees injustice."

Superman said with a smile,"What's your name? You are very brave to risk your life to shoot near a terrorist organization. You are a hero worthy of admiration!"

"No, no, no! I am just an ordinary person, you are our hero!"

The middle-aged reporter was so excited by the praise that his face flushed:"My name is Hafizullah Abdullah, thank you for saving me just now! I, I, I……"

At such a close distance, he could finally see Superman's appearance clearly.

His deep black eyes were as charming as the beautiful night.

His face was carved with a knife and an axe, and every line was so tough and handsome.

This was simply a perfect man!

How could such a perfect man not be a god who came to the world to save all living beings?

Abdullah dared to guarantee that if he was a girl, he would dream about this Superman every night in his future life.

No, even if he was not a girl, he would still dream about him!

"Don't be nervous, Abdullah, I came to you hoping you could do me a favor."

Leon felt that there was something strange in the eyes of the reporter in front of him, which made his back tighten.

He hurriedly explained his intention:"You should have taken pictures of what I did in the Ten Rings Gang camp just now, right?"

"Yes, that's right!" Abdullah was a little flustered, and immediately held the camera in both hands and handed it over,"Please forgive me for taking pictures without permission, please take back the photos in it……"

"That's not what I meant!" Leon pushed the camera back,"I want you to go back and release these videos in front of the media!"

"In your own name, of course!"

"Just say that this is the picture you took secretly at the risk of your life, and tell other media for me - tell all foreign troops on this land to leave immediately and give up the invasion!"

Abdullah's eyes widened:"Are you going to declare war on the United States! ?"

"It's not a declaration of war, but a post-war declaration."Leon turned around, leaving a side profile.

He finally nodded to the reporter, his feet left the ground, and flew into the clouds.

"Goodbye, I will remember you, a brave hero!"

Abdullah stared at the figure disappearing in the night sky and made a prayer gesture unconsciously:"Superman is above! He is simply the perfect Holy Spirit, the savior of the world, he has a pair of... Wait, I, I seem to have forgotten what he looks like?"


"Jarvis, send all the battle footage to Tony."

On the other side, Leon didn't know how much of an impression he had left on the middle-aged reporter.

He was only thinking about Tony:"Also, if he hasn't gotten up yet, provide a wake-up call."

"Okay, Master Lyon, I will send the image data back to Los Angeles right away. Jarvis did as he was told.

"I believe Tony will like my gift."Leon determined his next target in the clouds.

"Before you act, check the local time for me, Jarvis."

"OK, it's 9:47 PM local time."

"Then work harder and try to finish all the Ten Rings Gang bases before 11 o'clock, and then go to the Eagle base."

"Master Lyon, are you going to attack the American base? Do I need to inform Mr. Stark in advance?"

"No need to tell him! As a taxpayer, I think it is my duty to refuse those rednecks from using my money to do bad things and to rectify the mess!"

"Besides, if I build up some reputation now, it will be more natural for me to stand up and destroy Hydra later!"

"You are so considerate."


On the other side of the ocean.


"Chief, I think you need to see this!" The half-bald middle-aged agent put a tablet in front of his boss, and the always kind expression on his face became very serious.

And that boss.

A bald, one-eyed black man sitting behind a white lacquered desk.

After hearing the voice, he slowly turned his chair and looked back.

He was looking at the scenery outside the window before, leaving only a cold back to his subordinates who came in, looking mysterious.

At this moment, the one-eyed black man called the chief nodded lightly with a cold expression:"Well, Coulson, what's the news?"

"The largest Ten Rings base in Afghanistan has been destroyed, Chief Fury!"

"Oh, who did it?" Nick Fury glanced down nonchalantly, and his mysterious expression suddenly collapsed.

"What the hell!?"

He stood up suddenly, eyes wide open, and watched the satellite image played on the tablet computer. A cool and arrogant man used a heat ray to easily deal with the grenades in the sky.

"What the hell is this?"

""Director, there's more to come!" Coulson clicked the screen to fast forward.

Soon the progress bar moved to the second half.

Nick Fury watched dully the scene of Leon withstanding the Jericho missile and calming the aftermath of the explosion without any injury.

His mind was filled with exclamation points and question marks.

When did such an awesome person appear on Earth? Why didn't he know?

"Who is this? Have you found out anything?

Nick Fury subconsciously wanted to take out the pager he used to contact Captain Marvel.

——Captain Marvel is his good friend, who has the power to travel through the universe and is now maintaining peace in the outer galaxy.

When he encounters a crisis that he cannot solve, he only needs to press the pager in his hand to call Captain Marvel for help.

And now the man in the video gave him a sense of crisis that made him want to press the pager urgently.

Coulson said with unprecedented seriousness:"This is Superman! Director."

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