Leon saw every move of the terrorists clearly.

But he did not counterattack immediately, but stood still and waited.

Soon, a large number of explosive weapons such as grenades and rockets were launched.

Leon remained motionless, and just swept the heat ray to end the round.

He did not fly until the vehicle-mounted missile began to ignite.

"Jarvis, are there any satellites overhead right now?"

"Master Lyon, there is a US military satellite orbiting over Afghanistan.

Jarvis responded immediately and began to analyze

"As long as there is a small or medium-sized conflict, it will immediately monitor"

"And 700 meters away, there was a local reporter secretly filming"

"Reporter? A war correspondent?" Leon nodded, puffing out the golden S on his chest,"It seems that the audience is in place, how can Superman's first battle go unnoticed!"

He glanced around and immediately found the reporter.

The base of the terrorist organization is sandwiched between several small hills, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The man was lying in the bushes on the hillside of one of the hills.

He was wrapped tightly and his clothes were very local.

Looking at his exposed beard, which was half black and half white, he was obviously not young, and was a local middle-aged reporter.

Such people have experienced the peaceful period in Afghanistan, the most dangerous war after the country was invaded, and the most miserable displacement.

They often hate the Ten Commandments Gang more and are not afraid of sacrifice.

This is a group of people who only want to expose the atrocities of the terrorist organization with their own lives in exchange for peace in their country.

"Is that really... Superman?"The middle-aged reporter also saw the figure flying in the air in the distance.

The man had a bright red cape behind him, a tall figure, and a face as handsome as Superman in the movie. People didn't want to forget him, but they couldn't remember him when they thought about it.

No matter how you look at it, it's Superman himself!

Could it be that there is really a Superman in this world? Is he here to deal with the terrorist organization below?

The reporter thought it was absurd.

But the scene that he had just recorded in his device, Superman fighting against thousands of troops alone, was so real.

"It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not! If Superman can save this country, then I will use all my money for the rest of my life to support DC and Warner Bros!"

(DC Comics was acquired by Warner Bros. in the 20th century.)

The middle-aged reporter gritted his teeth, and suddenly saw a fire light up in the camp, and then a blazing flame sprayed, and six two or three meter long vehicle-mounted missiles flew into the air.

"That, that's a missile! Not good!"The reporter looked at Leon with bloodshot eyes,"Superman, get out of the way, get out of the way!"

However, Leon not only did not retreat, but went forward.

He accelerated in the air, holding a mobile phone in one hand and clenching a fist in front of the other hand, colliding with the missile like an arrow.


A missile exploded, and then the rest of the missiles exploded one after another.

The deafening explosion echoed among the hills, the smoke quickly spread, and the fire illuminated the branches of every tree. The strong wind from the explosion bent the surrounding trees one by one.

The middle-aged reporter's headscarf was blown away, revealing a head of dry yellow hair that was blown upside down.

He stared blankly at the smoke in the sky, his blue eyes were reflected red by the flames in the sky, and his heart was uneasy.

Under the direct bombardment of six missiles, no one could survive, and even leaving a complete body was a luxury.

But that was Superman. The bullets below just now couldn't hurt him, and he still took the initiative to receive the missile... What if?

As if responding to the expectations of the middle-aged reporter.

A gust of wind suddenly blew in the smoke

""Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The wind was fierce but not swift. It blew away the mushroom cloud that was about to rise in a few seconds, revealing an intact figure.

It was Superman!

The cape behind Superman was still fluttering, and he was not injured at all!

No, let alone hurt him, those missiles couldn't even stain him with a trace of gunpowder black!

"Allah! I knew it! I knew he could do it!"

The middle-aged reporter jumped up, his face flushed with excitement, and he jumped and punched excitedly, not caring about exposing his tracks.

He looked at Superman, and at this moment he seemed to see hope. He had been looking forward to it for so many days and nights, but he didn't expect the intervention of international organizations, but he expected a miracle to happen.

The terrorists in the camp were as excited as the middle-aged reporter at this time.

They also jumped up and down and shouted, but they shouted"Monster, that's a monster!"

After a while, gunshots rang out among the noisy terrorists, and another group of deserters or people who didn't want to be cannon fodder were shot dead.

Leon waited in the air for a while, showing an interested expression

"Oh? They finally brought out the Jericho missiles. They are planning to die together."

The Jericho missile has a wide range of firepower. After the explosion, the area within two kilometers will be covered by flames.

This group of terrorists wants to use the Jericho at such a close distance, just to drag Leon to die with them.

"That's great. I haven't seen the power of Tony's masterpiece yet. Now I can finally experience it for myself."

"Jarvis, don't forget to record this and send it to Tony, leaving a message asking him how he can sleep."

"Okay, Master Leon, I'm recording all the time."Jarvis is always so considerate.

After waiting for a few minutes, the Jericho missile was finally operated by the terrorists, pushed to the open ground, and successfully ignited.

Three Jericho missiles were launched at the same time, and the stock in the base was emptied at once.

The three missiles accelerated in the air and immediately disintegrated after approaching the target. Dozens of small missiles blocked all of Leon's retreat routes.

This was a coverage bombing without blind spots. Tony's invention was indeed top-notch.

"It is worthy of being Tony's latest work."Leon also praised it.

Suddenly he thought of something and glanced at the reporter on the hillside.

"But I have to leave for a while."

After saying that, Leon's figure instantly disappeared in the encirclement of missiles.

Time was running out.

He flashed beside the reporter, picked him up from the bushes, and then flew to another hill three kilometers away in the blink of an eye and put him down, and then returned to the center of the missiles in an instant.

"Don't worry, I'm back, it shouldn't be too late, right?"Lyon muttered to himself as he looked at the approaching missiles.

The Jericho missiles were extremely fast, and their strategic positioning was to bombard indiscriminately in the shortest possible time.

Almost as soon as Lyon returned to his original position, the missile group's concentrated fire was already on him.

However, Lyon did not want his carefully woven uniform to be blackened by missiles, so he punched quickly and continuously.

Countless fist shadows appeared at the same time in 360 degrees, as if Lyon had grown countless hands. In just a moment, all the missiles were detonated at the same time.


A more violent and violent explosion than before began.

The sound of tearing through the sky, the flames rising into the sky, and the smoke covering thousands of meters. The strong shock wave spread at the moment of the explosion, and the trees and mountains within the range first collapsed and were then engulfed by the explosion.

Three kilometers away, the reporter felt that he had changed places in a flash, and then he was knocked to the ground by the shock wave.

He rolled on the ground for a few times, staggered to his feet, dragging a mess of clothes, and stared blankly at the mushroom cloud in the distance that seemed to go straight to the sky.

The intense high temperature, even at such a distance, could be felt a little

"What kind of missile is that? How could it be so terrifying? The reporter repeated dumbly.

He still remembered the scene he had just seen, where the missile broke into dozens of small missiles in the air.

Such a missile was simply impossible to counter.

If it was used against the local defense forces, the tragic outcome would be unimaginable.

"And where is Superman? He just saved me!"

The reporter leaned against the tree weakly, looking at the mushroom cloud:"He knew I was hiding there, so he saved me, what a good man... Wait, could he have gone back to deal with the missiles again! ?"

The next second, a hurricane blew away the mushroom cloud, revealing Superman's figure, once again confirming the reporter's guess.

"My God, he is simply a god!" The reporter exclaimed as he looked at the still unharmed Superman.

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