"Of course, but if it were him, he would definitely say——"

Leon said in a long voice:"Pepper, I have many habits, but the only thing I don't have is nostalgia, so you can deal with this thing, smash it or burn it, it's up to you."

""Puff~" Leon imitated so well that Pepper couldn't help laughing.

She looked at the Ark reactor in her hand and couldn't get enough of it.

"That's exactly what he would say." Pepper smiled,"Where is he now?"

Leon shrugged,"He's sleeping. He was doing research all night a few days ago, so I knocked him out."

"No sleep for days? Oh my god, Leon, you did the right thing, is he in the bedroom now?"

"Of course, you should go up and see him."

""Okay, okay, I'll go right away!" Pepper nodded repeatedly and left the laboratory with brisk and hurried steps.

Before leaving, she did not forget to look back:"Leon, you too, you have to pay attention to rest, okay!"

"I know, I know!" Leon smiled widely,"After I finish packing these little gadgets, I'll go to rest."

Pepper gave him an affirmative look,"That's the best!"

Leon breathed a sigh of relief as he watched Pepper disappear into the corridor.

"Huh... Solved!"

Jarvis said,"Master Lyon, is it really okay for you to do this? Mr. Stark did not……"

"What's the big deal? If I wasn't there, Tony would definitely give the Ark reactor to Pepper, and what he said would be similar to what I imitated."

Leon said nonchalantly:"Try to simulate it yourself, is it the same result?"

Jarvis paused for a few seconds:"Zizi... Based on Mr. Stark's past behavior pattern, the simulation result is 83% similar."

"Right, I just beautified the process."

Lyon spread his hands:"As for the result, Pepper got happiness, Tony got happiness, and I got free time, a win-win situation for all three!"

Jarvis said immediately:"Mr. Stark will be grateful to you when he knows."

Lyon raised his eyebrows:"He must be grateful! Okay, now that no one is disturbing us, let's officially start making the armor!"


When Tony woke up again, the world seemed a little strange.

Pepper became very gentle.

Jarvis always asked him how he felt today.

As for Leon, this treacherous boy, he didn't even let him enter the laboratory!

That was his own laboratory!

Humph, judging from Leon's secretive attitude, maybe he couldn't make the armor, and he was afraid of being embarrassed, so he refused to reveal anything!

After Tony found out that he had slept for a whole day, he guessed maliciously.

"Very good!" Tony walked into the underground garage angrily and began to assemble his armor.

"Even if I can't enter the laboratory, I will defeat Leon in the competition two days later, and then pour a cup of heated Coke into his mouth!"

"Now, Daidai, go push the bracket over here! Then Benben……"

Tony waited for a while and realized something was wrong:"DaDa? Where are you? And Benny?"

He looked around and found that none of his intelligent mechanical arms were there.

"I can't believe it! Leon didn't even leave me an arm, they all became his shape!"Tony was mad.

Finally, Tony ran back to the laboratory and asked Leon to take back his"little assistants".

After all, he didn't have super powers. If he wanted to assemble the armor, he had to rely on machinery.

Two days later.

It was another rare sunny day.

The west coast of Los Angeles.

The sunlight refracted on the sea surface merged with the waves, and every wave was a prism.

Looking out from the Stark mansion, the sea surface for thousands of miles was sparkling.

Sailboats and cruise ships traveled on the sea, which was a very peaceful scenery.

But even this tranquility could not reduce the gunpowder smell in Stark's mansion today.

In the cold-toned underground garage, the sunlight shone in obliquely from the entrance, dividing the space of hundreds of square meters into dark and bright halves.

Leon walked into the underground garage from outside. Under the sunlight, the ends of his hair seemed a little transparent, covered with a layer of golden light.

Tony sat at the innermost side of the garage. He wore a felt hat very appropriately, and the long brim covered his face

"I'm here."Leon said coldly

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Tony's eyes were hidden under the brim of his hat,"You are destined to lose, you shouldn't have come."

As Tony's voice fell, a burst of passionate and sharp music suddenly sounded, echoing in the garage, as if someone would pull out a gun and shoot at any time.

"WTF!?"Tony was startled—he actually jumped up from his chair.

Perhaps he felt that he had lost his momentum and had lost the first battle.

Tony took off his hat and threw it on the table, asking angrily:

"Jarvis, what the hell is this music!"

"Mr. Stark, this is the song"Ectreme Ways" that Master Leon asked me to play in advance. It is the theme song of the movie"The Bourne Supremacy" a few years ago."

Tony was speechless:"Leon, today we are competing in armor, not gunfighting. Do you want to shoot me if you lose the competition later?"

"What are you talking about, Tony?" Leon said he didn't understand,"I am using exciting music to tell you that you will lose today's competition!"

"Really? If bragging can make you a winner, then those underground rappers in the United States will be the kings of the world!" Tony insinuated.

Leon was unmoved:"He is bragging before even showing his armor. Who is the guilty one?"

"Then show me what you have built in the past two days!" Tony looked around deliberately.

"But why is there nothing here except you? Could it be that you can't build the armor at all, and you are just holding on and refusing to give in?"

Tony opened his hands:"Leon! Don't be like this, as a brother, I have always taught you to be honest. If you can't do something, just apologize and I will forgive you."

"Oh, don't worry, you will see it later."Leon smiled.

""Why not now?" Tony raised his chin.

Leon pointed at Tony and said,"Because according to international practice, ladies come first."

Tony's face darkened:"Boy, I don't remember teaching you that you can talk to a gentleman like this."

"Really?" Leon crossed his arms over his chest,"Which teacher told me ladies first when I was about to give a speech at my graduation ceremony?"

"That was almost a year ago!" Tony pinched the bridge of his nose.

"But you taught a young gentleman how to talk to another gentleman.

""Okay, fine. It's my fault, but you can't say such things again in the future. It's very rude." Tony was serious for a rare time.

Leon nodded:"Of course not, I will only say such things to you."

Tony simply turned around and stopped saying harsh words to this little bastard.

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