"Yeah...it's true."

"But how should I put it? Actually, I just learn and think faster, but my creativity is not necessarily better than yours."

Leon thought about it and was worried that Tony would be shocked, so he analyzed his own abilities.

"Iron Armor is a collection of the most comprehensive and top-level knowledge you have mastered. Each step is the most advanced application of relevant knowledge."

"Plus, you guided me step by step last night."

"So I can master this knowledge quickly."

"What I have done is to copy your knowledge exactly as it is."

Leon nodded his head:"The learning and processing capabilities are as powerful as a supercomputer. This is the super brain."

"But when it comes to innovation, I still have to rely on my own talent."

"And super brains also have limitations in comics"

"In some DC works, it is set that most of Superman's super brain computing power will be used to restrain his own power."

"But I haven't encountered this problem yet."

Leon made a small gesture with his index finger and thumb:"The proportion of my brain power used to limit my superpowers is very small."

"So wait, Tony, in three days, I will use your knowledge plus my innovation to defeat you!"

Tony, who had slumped in his chair, felt a little better after hearing the explanation. Hearing this, he stood up again with a look of dissatisfaction:"Don't joke, kid, have you ever seen a plagiarist who can surpass the original author? There is no way my masterpiece can lose!"

"Then we'll see, the wisdom of mortals." Leon left a provocative sentence and went upstairs.

In the parking garage, Tony's eyes were once again filled with fighting spirit.

He would never admit defeat in his own field, especially to Leon, his hateful brother!

However, before Tony could return to the workbench again,

Leon's figure suddenly reappeared behind him.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot one thing, Tony, you are in too bad a condition, you can't continue working, take a break first."

After the voice fell, Tony felt his neck numb and lost consciousness instantly.

Cheating! This kid is using tricks!

Before Tony fell asleep, he used his last consciousness to curse Leon in his heart, saying that if you can't afford it, don't play.

"Look at this baby sleeping like a baby." Leon commented, picked up Tony and threw him into the bedroom.

"Master Lyon, this may be a bit unfair, and Mr. Stark will not accept it."Jarvis kindly reminded

"It's best if he doesn't accept it. I'm worried that he will suffer a mental blow after being defeated by me and will never recover."Leon walked into Tony's laboratory.

"You seem very confident."Jarvis asked in a declarative tone.

"Of course there is."Leon turned on the power supplies one by one in front of Tony's workbench."After all, the most important thing for the armor in the early stage is to improve its functions, and the requirements for technological progress are not high."

"And I happen to have several transformation plans in my mind that can be realized without using more advanced technology."

Just kidding, let alone the dozens of iron armors developed by Tony in the movies.

Even the armors in the comics, he had known about them in his previous life.

The research and development ideas of those armors were fantasy in his previous life.

But in this world, it is a road that has been treaded by other Tonys.

He only needs to develop along these lines to stay one step ahead of his brother.

Poor Tony, he will have to live in Leon's shadow from now on.

Leon happily moved Dai Dai and Benny up from the garage and started his own manufacturing

"Okay, Daidai, put away the Ark reactor that Tony made on the table.……"

"Master Lyon!" Jarvis suddenly interrupted at this time.

"What's wrong?"

"Miss Pepper is here. She's looking for you."

"Not right now, tell her I'll be out in three days."

"But she's already down."

"Hmm? Then tell her Tony is in the bedroom!"

"Sorry, maybe you could consider telling Miss Pepper the news in person."

Jarvis finished speaking, and Pepper went downstairs and appeared outside the transparent partition door of the laboratory.

She saw Leon, who was smiling awkwardly and greeting her, and patted the partition glass angrily, entered the code on the door and walked in.

"Hi, Pepper, good morning." Leon spoke first.

Pepper looked at him with an air of accusation:"You didn't go to the company yesterday, Leon!"

Leon was busy learning how to make armor yesterday and had forgotten about it.

He smiled and said,"But Joe Bush went there. Old Joe is hard-working and can definitely share the work with you."

"But that's not a reason for you to hide at home!"

Pepper looked at Leon's messy hair after a sleepless night and couldn't help but tidy it up.

"What were you doing last night? Why are your hair and clothes so... Oh my God, did you follow Tony's example and call those cover girls and ask them to come to your house?……"

Pepper's eyes turned dangerous.

Leon was like her child. If Tony taught him bad things, she would scold Tony until he was ashamed today!

""No, no, no!" Leon interrupted hurriedly,"What do you mean again? I have never done that before and I will never do that kind of thing in the future, Pepper, don't worry!"

"I am in this state now and it is all Tony's fault!"

He tried to distance himself from the matter:"I came down yesterday and asked him to come back to the company to show up, but he dragged me to make a battle armor."

He rolled his eyes and snatched the oldest Ark Reactor from Daidai's hand.

"Look, Tony has prepared a gift for you."

"Gift?" Pepper became curious and shifted her attention to the Ark reactor."This is the gift from Tony's chest.……"

"That's right, that's it!"

Lyon added,"This little gadget is an arc generator, a brand new cold nuclear reaction energy source, representing the future of mankind."

"These days Tony has been doing research related to this little thing."

"That was the next step he planned for Stark Corporation - to bring better benefits to the world!"

"And this Ark Reactor in my hand is a gift from Tony to you."

Leon said,"This is the life-saving device he built in the cave of the terrorist organization. It is also the world's first Ark Reactor."

"After he replaced this little thing, he originally intended to give it to you."

"But you also know that with his personality, he can't say anything straightforward in a hundred years."


Leon handed the Ark Reactor to Pepper:"You know the meaning of this gift, right?"

Pepper didn't take it or say anything.

Because she was so moved.

The meaning of this gift was too great and too romantic.

Pepper covered her mouth with her hands and couldn't speak for a while.

"Did he really give it to me?"Pepper carefully took the Ark reactor. Happiness came too unexpectedly, and she was at a loss.

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