Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 480 The Grassroots

Chu Hua smiled and said, If my sister looks like her father, it will be terrible. It will be difficult to get married.

He said making everyone laugh.

Mrs. Chu San smiled and said, You can't say that. The second aunt of the Xie family looks just like the Duke of the country. She has found a good young man.

Chu Hua's second aunt is darker in appearance and has slightly tougher features, but she has a bold personality and is sociable. She also married into the Annan Marquis Mansion and is very loved by her parents-in-law and husband.

Chu Hua teased the little Yu'er in his arms and said, Your little Yu'er is even more handsome. When she grows up, she will become the most beautiful woman in the capital.

Mrs. Chu San was happy, as if someone had praised her daughter. He smiled and said, That's not the case. Xiao Yu'er's father and mother are both handsome, and I hope they will have another daughter for me to raise.

Everyone was chatting and laughing for a while, and Mrs. Li came with the female relatives of the second wife. Chu Zhen had already got engaged at the end of last year, and her descendant was Mr. Liu, the fourth son of Qinjin's uncle's family, who worked as an errand in the Wucheng Military and Horse Department.

Mrs. Li was not satisfied with this marriage. She felt that Uncle Qinjin's family was not prominent in the capital, and the Fourth Young Master Liu was not the heir apparent. He was just an eighth-rank official in the Wucheng Army and Horses Division, and was not worthy of being in the Yong'an Marquis Palace. Daughter.

But Mrs. Chu San was quite satisfied. She felt that the younger generation was smart and capable and had a decent family background, so life would be easier in the future. Moreover, the Liu family is attracted to Chu Zhen because she was trained by Mrs. Chu San. She feels that she must have a good relationship with Mrs. Chu. In the future, her children will have a better future if they have Mrs. Chu and his wife to rely on. If it weren't for this, given Mr. Chu's lack of talent and the Li family's bad reputation in the capital, Chu Zhen would never have been interested in him.

Therefore, Mrs. Chu San directly decided on this marriage after discussing with the old Marquis and the Second Master. Mrs. Li was so angry that she cried and fussed for several days, but the matter was not disturbed.

Today, Chu Zhen is more honest and polite than before, but she is still very afraid of the third lady.

Seeing Chu Zhen like this, Chen Afu thought of Chen Yuqing again. Chen Yuqing's parents and herself are a hundred times stronger than Chu Zhen's parents and herself, but because of Mrs. Zhao and Chen Yuhui, they still haven't found a desirable in-laws.

Chen Afu whispered to Chu Hua, Sister, what happened to the thing I asked you to do before?

In Chu Hua's husband's family, there is a cousin of the right age who has not yet been engaged, namely Xie Fifth Master Xie Feng. Although Xie Feng was born in a family of military commanders, he likes to study. He is eighteen years old this year. He was selected as a scholar two years ago and will take the examination this autumn.

The Xie family has not been separated yet. The fifth master Xie is the eldest son of the third master Xie, who is a second-grade military attaché. Apart from the name of the Xie Family Protector's Mansion, Chen Yuqing's marriage to Xie Feng would not be considered a high-achievement. Although Chen Shiying was a fourth-grade prefect, he was a civilian official, and his power and status were no less than those of a second-grade military attache. What's more, he still has a bright future, and once the Xie Mansion is separated, the Third House will be just a side branch of the Protector's Mansion.

Chen Afu fell in love with the Xie family mainly because of their upright family tradition. According to Chu Hua, Xie Wuye is diligent and not pedantic.

If it were true, Chen Afu wouldn't dare to think about it. But now that the market of his own family has improved, Chen Shiying of the Chu family will also improve.

Chu Hua had been in contact with Chen Yuqing several times, and after hearing some information from Chen Afu, he still liked that girl very much.

She whispered, I mentioned it to my grandmother two days ago, and she still likes her better. She said that Mrs. Chen is virtuous, polite, and has a good reputation. If she follows Mrs. Chen, she will definitely be a good person. It's just the third uncle and the third aunt. There is still some hesitation, saying that the Chen family has a bad reputation...

Chen Afu was very disappointed. The Chen family's reputation had been ruined by those two women.

Not long after, the old Marquis and the men from the Chu family came, and even the Marquis of Chu came.

Lord Chu was very happy when he saw Chu Hua coming. Seeing that his daughter was pouting and unwilling to pay attention to him, he waved to Brother Heng and said, Heng'er, come to grandpa.

Although Chu Hua later learned some of the inside story, he knew that he couldn't blame his father for many things. But thinking of his mother's suffering, she was reluctant to pay attention to him. However, I still told Brother Heng in private that he should get closer to his grandfather.

Brother Heng ran over happily, climbed onto Lord Chu's lap and sat down.

Brother Yu and Brother Ming were not happy when they saw that their grandfather was occupied by their cousin. They all staggered and ran over, shouting, Master, our master. Then, the two of them pulled Brother Heng down with all their strength.

Brother Heng was unhappy. He grabbed his grandfather's clothes with both hands and kicked his two little cousins. The two brothers didn't want to suffer any loss and started beating their cousin again. While beating him, he yelled, Hit you, beat you, grab grandpa. His mouth opened wide, and another string of silver threads flowed down.

The Marquis of Chu, who had been unpopular for many years, saw that he was so popular. He laughed so much that the beard on his chin trembled, and persuaded him to fight, Don't fight, don't fight, he is your cousin.

Chen Afu stood up and pulled the two brothers back and said angrily, My cousin is a guest and cannot fight.

The two brothers shouted unconvinced, Hit him, beat him, beat him.

The old Marquis laughed and said, Okay, okay, brothers fight, father and son go into battle.

While eating, Mrs. Li finally found a chance to talk to Chen Afu. He laughed loudly and said, Xuan'er-in-law, when you went to the palace, two guests came to the house who wanted to see you. They said they came to pick up Yan'er to play at home.

Mrs. Chu San said solemnly, That family is not welcome in our house, so they are not considered guests.

Chen Afu understood that the only person who wanted to see him and pick up Yan'er was Yan'er's maternal family, the Ma family. She had also thought about what she would do if the Ma family came to pick up Yan'er.

From the bottom of her heart, she didn't want Yan'er to get close to the Ma family. It's not that she is selfish and wants to dominate the little girl, but that she also hates the Ma family's coldness and ruthlessness. He had so hatefully regarded Ma as an abandoned son, and then allowed Rong Zhao to torture Yan'er. Now that the second prince and Rong Zhao have lost power, and they want to get close to Yan'er, there is no such thing as a good thing.

She looked at the confused little girl and thought to herself that the little girl's life experience should be explained clearly to her. When the little girl grows up and is in the capital, there will always be some words that reach her ears.

Chen Afu was very heartbroken. When they came to the capital, these children had to face so many unhappy and forced things.

Seeing Mrs. Li looking at him with playful eyes, and then looking at Miss Chu with pity, Chen Afu became short of breath. Said, Oh, that one is coming, I know.

I didn’t tell the little girl to go, and I didn’t tell the little girl not to go.

Mrs. Li was a little disappointed and lowered her head to eat again.

After the meal, each of the grandsons of Marquis Chu hugged and kissed them. He glanced at Xiao Yu'er a few more times and touched her little face. Then he said to Chen Afu, If someone comes to pick up Yan'er, don't let Yan'er go with her. Then he snorted coldly, That family didn't care about Yan'er's mother and daughter's life and death, and now they want to stick to it. I hate it the most. This kind of wallflower... After talking about it, there is still a bit of anger.

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