Hearing Xiao Shiyi's name and seeing his extreme forbearance, Chen Afu felt uncomfortable in his heart. Within a few days of entering the palace, he seemed to have grown up several years. It turns out that although he is obedient and cunning, he is not very good at hiding his feelings or forbearing. The palace is indeed a place where people can grow up quickly.

Chen Afu smiled and pretended to be relaxed and said, Hey, His Highness Eleven looks even more majestic and handsome in these clothes.

Not only did Concubine Shan Xian like to hear this, Xiao Eleven also laughed sheepishly.

After seeing the ceremony, Brother Yu and Brother Ming both rushed up and hugged Xiao Shiyi's legs, shouting, Dian Dian, Dian Dian, think, think, think.

Xiao Eleven glanced at Chu Hanyan who was standing still, lowered his head and held the two brothers and smiled, I miss you too. After he sat down, he also pulled the two brothers to his legs one by one. .

At this time, two discordant voices emerged. One was, Smelly Dabao, Smelly Dabao, Smelly Dabao... It was Chu Lingzhi's voice.

One is, Dabao needs to pee, Dabao needs to pee, Dabao needs to pee. Although this voice is a bit childish, it still sounds like Xiao Shiyi's voice.

Everyone laughed when they saw two parrots, one big and one small, flapping their wings and screaming. Especially the sixth princess, she likes it very much.

Chen Afu and others sat down, and Concubine Shan Xian called Chu Hanyan over, hugged her and talked to Chen Afu. The Crown Princess asked someone to carry Xiao Yu'er over, and she took it over and couldn't stop praising her.

Concubine Shan Xian and the prince's women were very polite to Chen Afu, mother and son, which made Chen Afu feel relaxed. She told some interesting stories about Xiao Shiyi's time among the people, which made several women laugh. Concubine Shan Xian laughed and cried at the same time.

Seeing Concubine Shan Xian like this, Chen Afu was completely relieved for Xiao Shiyi. It can be seen that this mother is kind and loves her son very much.

In the future, if he and Xiao Eleven handle it properly, the two should be able to maintain a good lord-minister relationship.

After talking for a while, everyone got up and went to Cining Palace to pay their respects to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother is seventy-one years old, with a full head of hair and a healthy body.

Because of Xiao Shiyi and Mrs. Chu San, she liked Chen Afu and his son very much. She rewarded them with a gift for their mother-son meeting, took Chen Afu's hand and praised her for her beauty and the delicious snacks she made. She also left them and Concubine Shan Xian and others to have a noon meal at Cining Palace.

During the meal, the Queen Mother said to Concubine Shan Xian, You are so much younger than the Ai family, and you are still middle-aged. How can you be so stoic and have an older mentality than the Ai family? Now Xiao Jiu is the prince, and Xiao Shi Now that I have returned to you, you should cheer up and live a good life...Those past events are in the past, and people have to look forward.

After hearing the Queen Mother's pointed words, Concubine Shan Xian blushed and stood up with red circles under her eyes.

Seeing this, Xiao Eleven quickly stood up and bowed to the Queen Mother and said, Grandma, don't worry, Xiao Eleven will respect his mother and concubine, so that her mother and concubine can live happily every day.

The Queen Mother chuckled and said, What a good boy. He is filial and has a good personality. Then she smiled at Chen Afu and said, Little Eleven has a temperament like Hua Chang, lovable, sweet-tongued, and can coax people. If this child doesn't If he is sent out of the palace to be raised, his temperament will most likely be like Xiao Jiu, and he will act like an old man at a young age.

He also made everyone happy.

When Chen Afu and others returned to Zhuxuan, it was already late and several children fell asleep in the carriage.

They sent the children back to the house to sleep, and asked Zhui Feng and his family to go for a walk by the lake. The family stayed in the palace for a few days and were bored. Because they looked fierce and Xiao Eleven was not familiar with the palace, they kept them in Siyuan Palace and did not let them out to play.

Chen Afu sat alone on the kang in a daze. This trip to the palace was quite enjoyable, and those women gave me enough face. Of course she is very self-aware. This face is not only for supporting herself, who is eleven and eleven, but also mainly for the Chu family's dedication and sacrifice to His Royal Highness.

Since the Queen Mother said she likes to eat snacks made by herself, she will make some every now and then. Give some to the Queen Mother, and then give some to Concubine Shan Xian and the Crown Princess, so that Little Eleven can eat them all the time.

It seems that Xiao Eleven will go to the imperial study room to study tomorrow. Although the royal children are difficult to get along with, it is always better to have a familiar little Li Xuan.

Thinking of Xiao Li Xuan, and then thinking of those eyes that were originally clear but now somewhat sad, Chen Afu's heart ached again. The day before yesterday, on the night of the 19th, Princess Rui and Li Xuan came to Chu Mansion to play. Li Xuan seemed to dislike going to the palace to study.

The implication of Princess Tingrui's words was that those royal grandsons ostracized Li Xuan. Two of the royal grandsons privately called Li Xuan a fool, which made Li Xuan very sad. Needless to say, this must have something to do with King Rui's eldest son, Li Chao. Although Li Chao was a concubine, he grew up in front of Concubine Zhou De and hung out with the imperial grandchildren in the palace since he was a child. With Zhou Dezuo relying on him, he would definitely be ostracized and dissatisfied with his direct brother.

Princess Rui said with red eyes, Xuan'er didn't want to go to school in the palace, and even pretended to be sick. I thought, I won't go if he doesn't want to go, so I just said he was not in good health and asked a teacher to teach him in the palace. But my family The prince said that if he can't even handle a few children, how dare he hand over the entire palace to him in the future? Since others are still saying that he is stupid, then he has to show that he is not stupid...

Although Prince Rui said it well, it always hurts to let a child under six years old experience such unpleasantness. As I said in my previous life, if you want to grow, you always have to experience pain. As a child of the royal family, this is even more true.

With Xiao Shiyi's help in the future, Xiao Li Xuan's life should be easier, right?

Except for Xiao Shiyi, the other princes are all adults. Those who study in the imperial study now are all the emperor's grandsons. Xiao Shiyi's seniority was high, and he was the younger brother of the prince. At least on the surface, the emperor's grandson did not dare to bully him. Coupled with the fact that he is smart and cunning, as long as he is not involved in other people's dark schemes, his life will be much easier than that of simple little Li Xuan...

At the end of Shenshi, Chen Afu took the children to Anrong Hall again. The old Marquis wanted to see his grandson and great-grandson every day, so he proposed that now that his eldest son had returned, the family still had to get together every day, so he decided to go to Anrong Hall for dinner every night.

When they arrived at Anrong Hall, they saw Chu Hua coming with his son Heng Geer and his daughter Sister Yi. It was the first time for Chen Afu to see Sister Yi, and it was also the first time for Chu Hua to see Xiao Yuer, and they gave each other meeting gifts. Chen Afu picked up Sister Yi again, and Chu Hua picked up Xiao Yuer again.

Sister Yi is already half a year old. She is as cute as Xueyu. She also purses her lips and smiles at Chen Afu. Chen Afu kissed her twice, making Xiao Nizi laugh out loud. Chen Afu said, Oh, sister is so beautiful, she looks more like a sister-in-law.

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