Fortunate Life of the Rural Beauty

Chapter 132 Bonus plus living expenses

Chen Afu returned home holding the dying orchid.

The yard was quiet. Dabao was sitting under the eaves reading a book. Zhui Feng and Wang Cai crawled under his feet and dozed off. When he saw Chen Afu coming back, he put down his book and stepped forward to greet her, asking, Mother, how is sister Yan'er doing?

Because he was worried about Chu Hanyan, he didn't take a lunch break after dinner and kept sitting here waiting for his mother.

Chen Afu smiled and said, Sister Yan is fine. She has already finished her meal and gone to bed. He then asked, Why didn't you take a lunch break? Go and take a nap quickly. Children don't get enough sleep to grow taller.

Dabao pointed to the flowers again and asked, Why did you bring home a pot of dying flowers?

Chen Afu said, This is a pot of orchid. Let me see if I can keep it alive.

The two mothers went directly to the new hospital. Dabao went back to the east room to sleep. Chen Afu asked his followers Zhuifeng and Wangcai to go to the east room too, while she went to the west room alone. Qiqi and Huihui didn't know where Youye had gone. She closed the doors and windows and moved the flowers into the space to see if the aura here could heal the flowers. If that doesn't work, try swallow dung again.

Seeing that Jin Yanzi was still busy with his big tail raised, he said, Jinbao, Master Wu Zhi asked me to raise this flower for him. You must not eat it as a vegetable.

Golden Swallow had no time to spare, so he flicked his long tail to show that he understood.

After leaving the space, Chen Afu remembered the purse that Manager Luo had given her. She took it out and found a banknote of five hundred taels of silver inside.

Such a large performance award is not only an affirmation of one's work, but also an advance for the little girl's living expenses in the future.

Chen Afu pursed his lips and smiled. He used half of the money to build a house and buy furniture to build a beautiful home. In the future, the little girl will often go to her home so that she can grow up in a beautiful environment. The little girl will also buy her own clothes in the future, so she must find a way to make her more beautiful. Also, make some things that kindergarten children in the previous life liked to play with...

She put the banknotes away and began to draw several Hello Kitties of different shapes on the paper, including Hello Kitty dolls, Hello Kitty bags, and Hello Kitty cotton slippers, embroidered with Hello Kitty. Small cotton nightgown. Cotton slippers and cotton nightgowns are styles from the past life. Not only do they look good, but they also keep you from getting cold at night in winter. In order to make the cotton nightgown less bulky, small diamond-shaped squares were sewn on the nightgown.

However, he couldn’t be called Hello Kitty because the name was too strange. Instead, he was changed to Lucky Cat. Although a bit old-fashioned, it caters to the pursuit of people in this era.

After Wang and Gao finished making the two sets of clothes, they asked them to make these things. Make two copies, one for the embroidery shop and one for Miss Chu.

Now Gao will spend at least two hours every day in the second room to help Wang with needlework. She does simple sewing, starching, ironing, etc., while Wang does embroidery, buttoning, and sewing of the most important parts of clothes. System etc.

Later, I will talk to Shopkeeper Luo about whether the embroidery workshop can give me some jewelry to make at home. This can also be considered as finding a long-term job for Wang and Gao.

During dinner in the evening, Chen Afu told Chen Ming about Master Chu's reward of money. She didn't say the specific amount, and she couldn't tell them too clearly about her financial situation, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get the forty taels of gold and so many good things in the space.

He also said that Manager Luo hoped that their family would build a house quickly and well, and that the tenants of the Chu family would come to help clear the bushes tomorrow.

Dad will also hire some people to clean up tomorrow. It's not good to use people from Tangyuan. Don't be afraid of spending money. Your daughter is rich now. Chen Afu said boldly.

Then, he gave Chen Ming five taels of silver and asked him to go to the town to exchange it for copper coins as wages for the people who cleaned and repaired the house. Their wages should be higher because they do not provide midday meals.

In the evening, Chen Afu no longer needed to help Wang, so he, Alu and Dabao read and wrote with Chen Ming.

Painting can be said to be self-taught, but reading and writing must be learned. Even if you have the ability to have a photographic memory, you still have to forget everything.

The next day, Chen Afu got up early to make steamed cakes for the children. Ever since he became a kindergarten teacher, Chen Afu has been as busy as a spinning top. He gets up early every day and stays late at night, unable to even sleep.

She is now extremely looking forward to the new house being repaired soon. Then she will get an earth oven, which will make many good snacks and save much trouble.

When she opened the door, a gust of cold wind flew in with snowflakes.

Yeah, it's snowing. This is the first snow this year.

Chen Afu was a little happy. She had been living in the south in her previous life, where it seldom snowed. Even if it does rain, it will mostly be rain and light snow, not that heavy.

She came to the yard, spread her hands, and caught the snowflakes. She felt the snowflakes float into her palms and melt into water droplets.

Are you stupid again? What should you do if you're cold? Come in quickly. A voice came. It was Mrs. Wang who came over with firewood.

Nowadays, all the dim sum making is done in the new yard. Wang boils brown rice in a pot in the old yard, and then comes here to make dim sum.

Nowadays, my family is busy and I have more money, so I use money to buy firewood.

Wang watched Chen Afu put the batter mixed with eggs, sugar and some seasonings into the tea bowl, and then put the tea bowl into the pot to steam. After steaming, take it out and it turns into a light yellow bubble snack, which is lovely to look at. Take a bite, it's sweet, soft, fragrant, and delicious.

Chen Afu smiled and said, It would taste better if there was milk.

Wang said, This is already very delicious. I don't know how your head grew so long that you can even think of these tricks.

After finishing the first pot, start the second pot. While Mrs. Wang was there to look at the porridge, Chen Afu sent a cake into the space. Jin Yanzi didn't know which apartment she was sleeping in. She put the cake on a leaf and hurried out.

Chen Afu went to Tangyuan and handed a food box to Manager Luo. Manager Luo smiled and took it, and then watched her carry another food box to the inner courtyard. He was no longer as embarrassed as before.

Chen Afu consciously did not rest on the fifth day of this month, but waited until the tenth day to rest.

On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, Chen Ming and Wang knew that the young nobleman was coming to their home tomorrow. They were so nervous that they cleaned the two yards and the house. Wang, who had not been out for many days, went out and went to town to buy food with Chen Ming.

At the same time, I need to buy some school supplies for Alu. On the 11th, Alu will officially go to a private school in Shangshui Village to study.

On the 10th, Chen Afu got up early. First, I went to the space and looked at the pot of orchids. They were much better than before. The stems were turning green and the leaves had stretched. But it's not too strong yet and needs to be raised for a few more days.

Chen Afu was still a little happy that he had found another way to make money.

A voice came from above her head, Fu Ma, you are allowed to put this potted flower in because it is a rare species and putting it here will not insult the agarwood. Don't even think about bringing in other crooked flowers and cracked grasses.

Chen Afu was short of breath for a while. How does it know its own thoughts? This little thing is very semen when he is semen.

He ignored it and stepped out of the space.

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