After leaving Yiran Courtyard, Manager Luo stood under a crabapple tree, took out a purse from his arms and said, My uncle is very satisfied with my sister's current situation. I know that in order to teach her, you not only worked hard, but also made great achievements. I brought the money to make so many delicious food. The uncle said, I have already troubled you a lot, so I can’t let you spend any more money. Since the money is my thanks to you, the money you will spend on your sister in the future will also come from here. Also, I see that your land has been purchased, so we should build the house as soon as possible. Starting tomorrow, I will ask our tenants to send a few more people to help clean up the forest.

Chen Afu was a little funny. When he built his own house, Manager Luo was more anxious than them.

She said politely, I just made some snacks and braised food, and it didn't cost much.

Manager Luo said seductively, In the future, I will often visit your house to play, and the expenses will be high. For example, your new house needs to be better repaired, and not only do you need to buy more exquisite household appliances, but you also need to have flowers in the garden. Grass is good. It’s best to build a pavilion. When the sun is strong, you can play in the pavilion.”

Chen Afu thought, this is not building a house for himself, but like building a house for a little girl.

However, it can be considered mutually beneficial.

According to Chu Lingxuan, the little girl's relatives cannot always accompany her. They hope that they can accompany the little girl when they are away. Calculated this way, I spent far more time with her than all her relatives. The little girl grew up with fine clothes and fine food. No matter what she ate, used or played with, she wanted the best. She has to go to her home frequently, and it does cost some money.

She thanked her with a smile and took the purse. Then he said, Uncle Luo, I want to change my rest time. I want to rest on the fifth and tenth days. The tenth day is the day when Master Chu takes a rest, and I want to spend more time with my father.

Manager Luo nodded and said hello.

As soon as Chen Afu said goodbye to Manager Luo, she saw Master Chen coming, followed by a little nun holding a potted flower.

Manager Luo quickly went up and bowed. Chen Afu also clasped his hands together and said, Abbot Liaochen.

Liao Chen looked at Chen Afu, laughed, clasped his hands together and said, Amitabha, Almsgiver Chen happens to be here, and the poor nun is asking for something.

Chen Afu was stunned, what would she ask of him?

Liao Chen said, The poor nun took the braised meat made by Donor Chen to see Master Wuzhi that day. The master liked it very much and asked if it was possible, could Donor Chen often make such braised food for him to eat. Her face looked a little bit. After becoming famous, there are almost no monks like Master Wu Zhi who are greedy and directly care about other people's food. Then he quickly explained, The master who told donor Chen's fortune that donor Chen's mother mentioned before is him.

Chen Afu knew that Mrs. Wang had always said that an old monk from Lingyin Temple told her fortune, saying that she was blessed and that her dementia would be cured. After I traveled through time, many things went smoothly because of this fate.

It turns out that the old monk’s Dharma name is Wu Zhi.

Not only is Wang always grateful to him and never forgets him, but Chen Afu is also grateful to him.

However, to beg for food like this without even seeing him in person is unique, let alone a monk or a person in the secular world.

She smiled and said, I am honored that Master Wu Zhi likes the food I made. I also thank him for giving me such a good fortune, so that my family has never given up on my treatment. Okay, I will give it often he does.

Liao Chen smiled and said, Then the poor nun will thank Alchemist Chen on behalf of Master Wu Zhi. If it is ready, send it to Tangyuan and ask Luo Xiao to send someone to Lingyin Temple. He pointed to the little nun's hand again. The potted flower said, Master Wu Zhi also said that this pot of orchid is dying, and he wants to ask Donor Chen to help cure it, and said that Donor Chen can definitely cure it.

Master Wu Zhi is really an old master, he must have figured out that she has Yan Chenxiang. In other words, my nose is as good as Miss Chu's. I can tell that the smell of the bowl of braised pork is made with water soaked in agarwood residue.

Chen Afu looked at the pot of flowers. The stems were a little dry and the leaves had curled up, looking like they were about to die.

She wondered, But I have never treated Hua'er. What if I can't cure it?

Liao Chen smiled and said, Master Wu Zhi said that if Donor Chen really can't cure it, it's fate and he won't force it.

Chen Afu took the flowerpot, said goodbye and left.

Master Liaochen heard that her son was back and was in Yiran Courtyard, so she hurried in.

Chu Lingxuan was sitting in the west room eating noodles. He was about to go out on business, so he rushed back to see his daughter today and arrived at Tangyuan after noon.

As soon as he came back, he listened to Manager Luo talk about the past few days and knew that Master Chen's method of raising children, although strange, was extremely effective. In just a few days, my daughter has changed, and she is very happy.

He couldn't wait to see his daughter and see her progress, so he went directly to Yiran Courtyard without bothering to eat. As soon as I entered the yard, I heard a melodious singing coming from the small window. The song was different from any song he had heard before. It was melodious, beautiful, and extremely distant. He seemed to have returned to his childhood, with his mother murmuring beside his bed...

Later, Yan'er's voice also came out, and the singing ah and ah brought him back to his thoughts. He laughed. Yan'er's uneven voice did not destroy the beauty of the song. On the contrary, it made him feel that they worked together seamlessly.

He walked into the living room and looked at the small door of the bedroom, hoping that the singing would go on...

Manager Luo had already ordered Mrs. Zhou, the cook, to serve a bowl of shredded mushroom and chicken noodles to the uncle. Mrs. Zhou had finished cooking, but when she served it, she heard that the uncle was discussing something in the West Room. After Chen Afu left, the girl brought the noodles in.

When Chu Lingxuan saw his mother coming, he quickly put down the bowl, went over to help her sit down, and said, Mom, come here now, have you eaten the fasting meal?

Liao Chen still uses secular names with his son, granddaughter and old friends in Tangyuan. Some people say that her heart is not broken, so she is not. She has nothing to do with that family anymore, and she can trust her son, but she can't worry about poor Yan'er anyway.

She took Chu Lingxuan's hand and said, Xuan'er, mother went to Lingyin Temple to ask Master Wu Zhi to tell Yan'er's fortune.

What did the master say? Chu Lingxuan asked eagerly. Master Wu Zhi was the most famous eminent monk in the Dashun Dynasty. Many princes and nobles asked for orders from him, but he did not even meet them.

Liao Chen said, Master said that if Yan'er's horoscope is not correct, she will die young.

Chu Lingxuan was startled and looked at Chen with great sadness, Yan'er...

Liao Chen quickly said, Xuan'er, don't be anxious. The master also said that because of the sudden change in the weather in March this spring, many people had their fate changed. By chance, Yan'er's fate was also changed. The master said, If Yan'er survives the age of four, she will be able to turn her face around and turn the corner. Yan'er, she has passed her fourth birthday. After saying this, Liao Chen cried with joy again.

Chu Lingxuan was overjoyed after hearing this...

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