

Pillars of blood shot out from the sky.

Those who rushed faster, their heads fell, and their bodies still maintained a forward posture.

The scene is extremely weird.

Just one skill, close to 20,000 villains within the coverage area, killed instantly.

The scene was eerily silent and silent.

Stunned, the villains outside the skill range were directly stunned on the spot.

One by one, their expressions were terrified, and they looked at the scarlet of the void incredulously.


this man is the devil.

Their city lord killed ten thousand people and won the title of ten thousand slaughterers.

But compared to this devil in front of him, it is not worth mentioning at all.

For a while, the villains felt fear.

Killing silently is even more terrifying than being hacked to death with a knife.

At the back of the crowd, the eight guards were stunned.

Having seen large-scale battlefield killings and experiencing countless lives and deaths, they are also like five thunders hitting the top at this time, which is extremely shocking.

It's too terrifying

, even if they have reached the seven-turn close to LV200 level, looking at the scene in front of them, their scalps are also numb.

"This... What is this skill? The

red-haired guard's eyes widened, and he touched his neck in fear.

At that moment, he had the feeling that his head was about to land.

Dignified, the

red-haired gaze that looked at Lin Ye was full of solemnity.

He didn't know if this skill could wipe him out, nor did he know where the limit of this skill was.

As soon as he thought of the scene where Lin Ye had just singled out, he was afraid for a while.

At this moment, the red-haired guard actually had the idea of retreating.

Watching more than 10,000 people die silently, he was afraid.

Similarly, the other guards were also greatly affected.

They were all stunned on the spot.

Next to Lin Ye

, Chen Junqi's throat rolled, and he kept swallowing saliva.

He slanted his gaze and glanced at Lin Ye with fear.

"I'm Nima,"

he couldn't find any words to describe the current shock.

It can only be said that it is terrifying.

He is a genius of the Special Operations Bureau, and he is also a top genius.

He reached seven turns at a young age

, and

with the profession of forbidden spell master that is unique among ten thousand, he mixed up the position of administrator in the rookie group.

Forbidden curse,

although Chen Junqi can also do such a large-scale killing.

However, as we all know, the more powerful the skill, the greater the consumption.

He couldn't do it as easily as Lin Ye.

And looking at Lin Ye's state, Nima is like a nobody.

More than 20,000 skeleton summons, and ten terrifying bone dragons.

Plus the unknown ant on the shoulder that is bigger than a fist.

With so many summoned objects at the same time, can the spiritual attributes withstand it?


Chen Junqi had been refreshed by Lin Ye's combat power.

"New... No, Night Brother, let's retreat next!

Chen Junqi whispered.

He had already seen Lin Ye's potential.

As long as you go back alive, you will definitely be vigorously cultivated by the state.

If it falls in such a place, it is definitely a huge loss for the country.

Therefore, Chen Junqi's first thought was to retreat.

No matter what, Lin Ye can't be allowed to fall here.

Nine turns, top professional.

No matter how against the sky Lin Ye was, he would definitely not be able to fight with the city lord in front of him.

"Night brother, I can hold that city lord for 1 minute, and after a minute I will enter a weak state."

"I'll count three, and we'll run away after activating the skill."

"You throw me on the back of the bone dragon, and we escape together."

Chen Junqi whispered, and at the same time took a step forward.

He was ready to launch his skills.


Lin Ye looked at him strangely.

"Well, you find a safe place to cool off."

"Wait for me to release a few skills, and first destroy the city lord."

Ignoring Chen Junqi, Lin Ye was ready to continue the action.

If you don't do two things, you will arrest Wan Tu today no matter what.

On the opposite side

of the void, the city lord Wan Tu stood in the void, and he who was in the top class of the nine turns was also shocked at this time.


at the top, you can see the limit of this skill at a glance.



Judging from the range of dead villains, the shrouded range of this skill may have reached more than 6,000 meters.

Moreover, within a certain level, this skill cannot do flash kills.

He and the eight protectors are all within 6,000 meters.

It can be guessed that more than seven turns can ignore the damage of this skill.


Wan Tu's face showed great anger.

More than 10,000 subordinates who were carefully cultivated were killed in an instant by this kid in front of him.

You know, everyone who died cost him a lot of resources.

"Keep a distance of 7,000 meters from that kid and don't get into his skill range."

Wan Tu suddenly spoke.


with an order, the villains burst back one after another.

Wan Tu didn't talk nonsense, he put away his contempt, and already regarded Lin Ye as an equal opponent.

The lion fights the rabbit, and gives it its all.

Before killing Lin Ye, he would not take it lightly.

With one step, Wan Tu shot directly towards Lin Ye.

Reaching the top, Wan Tu's agility attribute has reached an almost terrifying value.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he had already appeared in front of Lin Ye.

This speed made Lin Ye have no time to react.

"Skill, Fa Xiang Fist!"

Clenching a fist with one hand, a giant fist shadow appeared behind Wan Tu.


A frontal punch slammed down on Lin Ye.


So soon?"

Lin Ye's eyelids jumped, and he was directly blasted out of a thousand meters by a punch.

Like a cannonball, the ground was smashed out of a big hole.


Lin Ye was smashed into the air, and the bone dragon was also bombarded by the Fa Xiang Fist and fell apart instantly, slowly falling from the void.

"Nine turns, is this the strength of nine turns?"

Chen Junqi exclaimed, without any hesitation at the moment.

The agility was raised to the extreme, turning into a beam of light and bursting towards Lin Ye in the deep pit.

"Don't die, don't die."

"Newcomer, you should be able to carry it!"

Chen Junqi muttered with a solemn face.

Although he said so, in his heart, he never believed that Lin Ye could carry a skill attack from the top of the nine turns.

The bone dragons have already been blown apart, how can Lin Ye carry it.

Even so, Chen Junqi is hopeful.

Even if Lin Ye was already, he had to bring Lin Ye's body back.

"Little ant, in front of my nine-turn top stream, do you still want to escape?"

Chen Junqi is fast,

but Wan Tu is faster.

In the blink of an eye, Wan Tu appeared in front of Chen Junqi.

One punch killed the damn summoner, and this forbidden spell master he would not let go back alive.


A huge fist shadow fell from the sky.

Chen Junqi's face was like ashes.


His hands slammed suddenly, "Death will also kill you with a forbidden spell." With

an angry shout, the breath on Chen Junqi's body rolled wildly.

And at this moment

, "Nima, use the Dharma skill to Lao Tzu, and bully Lao Tzu without Dharma?"

A roar came from a deep pit in the ground.

"Not dead, not dead."

"Night brother, run away while you are now."

Chen Junqi's eyes lit up, and he planned to do a forbidden spell at the most critical time, and then run away.

"Little skeleton, hold that old boy."

"me to death!"


The air exploded, and a super super super giant skeleton with thunder and lightning wings on its back condensed in the void.

"Damn ants, you're not dead."

"Lao Tzu sent you..."


a muffled sound sounded behind Wan Tu.

Wan Tu's eyes bulged out, and he glanced down incredulously.

On the ground,

snapping ....

The two thousand skeleton warriors put away the Heavenly Saber and clapped their hands with an explosion.

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