Above the void, with the appearance of the city lord Wan Tu, everyone stopped attacking.

Even Lin Ye's bone dragon felt Lin Ye's thoughts, and did not launch thunder for the time being.

"Little brother, what do you think of my city?"

Wan Tu walked to the front and spoke with a proud face.

"There are 30,000 evildoers and countless women, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the lord of this city is an emperor of one side."

"In this chaotic era when the whole people change jobs, you can have a place and enjoy full glory and wealth."

"Are you impressed?"

"Long live the city lord!"

"Long live the city lord!"

After Wan Tu finished speaking, the 30,000 villains behind him spoke in unison.


Wan Tu laughed, very fascinated by this feeling of being above ten thousand people.

However, if you want to maintain such a state, you must have sufficient strength guarantee.

His ambitions are not enough.

Nine turns, dominating in the secret realm, is not his ultimate goal.

When he saw Lin Ye's ten bone dragons, Wan Tu had already gathered his heart.

With these ten bone dragons joining his command, his combat power can definitely be raised to another level.

Therefore, Wan Tu personally came forward and chatted with Lin Ye here.

If not, according to his character, I am afraid that he would have already started to kill.

"Little brother, see it, this is the pursuit of men."

"As long as you nod, you are the second-in-command of this city."

"Follow me, become bigger and stronger, and create brilliance again!"

Wan Tu is endless, and he directly solicits when he opens his mouth.

Without waiting for Lin Ye to answer, Wan Tu continued to speak.

"This city lord rarely gives people the opportunity to choose in his life."

"You're one of them."

"How about it, do you want to harden the steel with the 30,000 villains behind me and eventually be hanged, or submit to me and share the glory and wealth?"

Wan Tu's smile bloomed, and he patiently waited for Lin Ye to answer.

The combat power of the ten bone dragons, he really cared.

"You are the city lord?"

Lin Ye asked.

"[Sin City] City Lord, Ten Thousand Slaughter!"

"I believe that no one dares to joke about this name."

Wan Tu spoke with a proud face.


Lin Ye nodded, since his identity had been verified, it was time to get down to business.

"Xia Guo Special Warfare Bureau soldier, Lin Ye."

"Mission, arrest the city lord of [Sin City]."

"Those who can catch alive will not be killed."

"So, are you going to obediently follow me yourself, or will you waste you and take it away?"

Lin Ye asked, not taking Wan Tu into his eyes at all.

"If you can catch him alive, he won't kill him?"

"Hahaha, little doll, do you want to laugh at the city lord to death?"

Listening to Lin Ye's words, Wan Tu burst out laughing.

It was the funniest joke he had ever heard.

"Hahaha, this stupid doll, and a special operations bureau fighter? Laugh at Lao Tzu!

"Lord City Lord, abolish this guy who doesn't know how to be evil, look at his fine skin and tender meat, just in time for me to bring it back to play for a few days."

"Laughing dead, this doll with no hair, I'm afraid he doesn't know who to talk to!"

"Sir, give the order, our 30,000 villains, without your hands, we will break the bones of these bone dragons."

"That warrior of what bureau, hahaha, quickly kneel down and accept the acceptance of the adults, otherwise you will definitely regret coming to this world."

Behind Wan Tu, one by one the villains laughed loudly.

Everyone is carrying their heads and messing around, and they will not be frightened by the bone dragon at all.

"Little doll, you want to arrest me?"

Wan Tu grinned, his face full of hideousness.

"Ask the subordinates behind me, they agree or not!"

"Here, catch one and try it!"

Spreading his hands, Wan Tu looked at Lin Ye mockingly.

This kind of young and vigorous doll, with his sharp spirit, beaten half dead to stay by his side as a puppet, is also okay.

"Kill, hahaha, my lord, let's go on!"

"My great knife, hunger and thirst."

"Little doll, you are a summoner, ten thousand people drag your summons, I can kill you alone."

"Aren't you going to arrest the city lord? Don't be stunned, please do it. "

The villains are shouting.

Lin Ye looked expressionlessly at the 30,000 villains behind Wan Tu.

They are all scum who do a lot of evil, eat people and do not spit out bones, and it doesn't matter if they are all killed.

"Why, did you see that there are many masters in this city and regret it?"

"Don't you think you're fighting alone, isn't it..." Wan Tu's

eyes narrowed, and his gaze turned to the boulder below the void.

"Ants, don't get out yet?"


Chen Junqi shrugged, stepped out from behind the boulder, and stood beside Lin Ye.

Since it has been discovered, he has no way.

"Newcomer, I am a soldier of the Special Operations Bureau, surnamed Chen."

"Once I make a move later, you'll run for your life."

"Don't look back, I'll cover you."

Chen Junqi spoke to Lin Ye with a solemn face.

"What are you doing? Grab a mission?

"Lie down, brother, I took this task first. That garbage city lord, I will personally arrest him.

Lin Ye looked at Chen Junqi with hostility.


, Chen Junqi sighed, "Newcomer, I came to save you, what a task!"

"Do you know the strength of this city lord?"

"Have you learned about [Sin City]?"

Chen Junqi was talking, still planning how to escape.

"No need,"

"I'm invincible!"

Lin Ye said lightly, and his gaze turned to Wan Tu.

"If you don't obey, I can only do it myself!"

"At your own risk."


Feeling Lin Ye's thoughts, the bone dragon's mouth once again condensed thunder.

"Toast and don't eat and punish wine, the city lord will let you see the power of many people today."

"Prepare for battle!"

With an order, the 30,000 villains behind him all showed a strong fighting intent, and one by one they couldn't wait to rush forward immediately.

"Where are the Skeleton Warriors?"

Lin Yezhongji shouted, and at the same time released all the skeleton warriors from the summoning space.

Buzzing ~

The atmosphere fluctuates strongly, and 22363 skeleton warriors appear out of thin air.

At 54 meters tall, the city wall is only as high as a skeleton knee.

As far as the eye can see, it is white and exudes unparalleled momentum.


Seeing more than 20,000 skeleton warriors, all the villains shrank their pupils.

Sweating in the back of the spine.

The visual impact of this skeleton does not have to be worse than the bone dragon.

The point is that these skeleton warriors look quite ruthless.

"I'm going, newcomer. You..."

Chen Junqi gasped and looked at the skeleton on the ground incredulously.

Even Wan Evil himself showed a trace of solemnity.

Soon, though, he burst out laughing.

This power, he is going to decide!


"Scrap that doll for me, don't kill it, hahaha!"

Wan Tu roared,

"Kill kill kill!"

The roar of the evil man behind him sounded, and they all killed towards Lin Ye.

Lin Ye flipped his wrist, and the [Heaven-Opening Saber] appeared in his hand.

Multiple doppelgangers!

As soon as his mind moved, the [Heaven-Opening Saber] numbered ten thousand, and it appeared directly in the hands of the skeleton warrior.

Holding the Heavenly Saber in his hand, the skeleton warrior let out a strange cry, and he was about to rush forward with his mouth rattling.

"Wait until I'll clear the field for you first."

Lin Ye grinned, and the Heaven-Opening Knife crossed his neck.


This action of his startled Chen Junqi.

"Alas, I will die if my head is cut off!"

"Xiao Hei, you come."

Lin Ye put away the Heaven-Opening Saber and looked embarrassed.

Twitter, twitter.

The little ant made an excited sound, and the sickle was placed on its neck and swiped it suddenly.

Laugh at!

An action fell, and the void rushed towards Lin Ye's villain in the front, and suddenly his head flew up, and blood entered the pillar.

Whoops, whoops!

Within 6,200 meters, 1.5 million professionals were killed in an instant.

In the void, people's heads flew all over the sky, and they were scarlet.


, this moment,

deathly silence.

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