As soon as Ah Ning's words fell, there was a loud cracking sound from the feet of the four people.

Immediately afterward, the ground of the underground passage suddenly cracked, and a large amount of water from the dark river gushed out from the ground.

This passage was prepared for dredging the groundwater from the beginning, and the vicinity was only accessible in all directions, and at this moment it carried these dark river water gushing out of the ground, and the impact was extremely great.

The four of them were carried by these dark river waters, but there was no other route to choose, after all, this underground passage was quickly filled with river water, and it was difficult to survive without oxygen, and they could only watch themselves being swept away by the huge current.

At the speed of the river, it is unknown where they will be swept away, and whether they will be washed away.

Ye Ran wasn't very afraid, after all, he was now in the real number space, and he was not the five-year-old Ye Xiaoran in the imaginary number space.

He now has a system, a thousand machine umbrellas, and Vermilion Bird blood, and the ordinary monsters in this forbidden land can't help him.

It's just that he hasn't joined Sister Bao'er and Sister Black Glasses at this time, so is he going to be separated from the little brother again?

Also, if he remembers correctly, there should be a lot of corpse cockroaches in this underground river.

Of course, these corpse cockroaches did not dare to approach him, but when they thought that the river was full of corpse cockroaches and their excrement, and maybe there were those human head crockpots, Ye Ran instantly felt that his whole person was not good.

Just when Ye Ran was thinking about these things in a mess, he suddenly heard a sound of water in his ears.

Immediately afterward, they were swept into a huge passage.

The passage is still extremely dark, and with no flashlight to take out right now, it can be said that nothing can be seen.

Fortunately, Ye Ran had excellent hearing after being strengthened by the system for the second time, and he could vaguely hear the sound of something wandering not far away.

Sure enough, there was something in the river.

Ye Ran suddenly became vigilant, he reached out to get the Qianji umbrella, but as soon as his fingers touched behind him, he stopped.

A slippery, cold thing had swam over for now, clinging to his back and wrapping around his neck.

The thing seemed to feel Ye Ran's movements stop.

Suddenly, in his ear, there was a creepy chuckle.

Immediately afterwards, the thing was close to Ye Ran's ear, and he spit out the core "silkily", learning the tone of Panzi, his voice was very rough, and he also had a little smile:

"Master Ye?"

"...... Master Ye. "

Master Ye!"

It seemed to appreciate Ye Ran's current posture, and the core spit on his ear from time to time, with a fishy smell.

Ye Ran gritted his teeth.

He didn't immediately remove the parachute.

Instead, he pressed his finger on the tip of the umbrella of the Thousand Machines umbrella and punctured a scar on his finger.

While poking this scar.

The pheasant's neck seemed to be motionless when he was lying in the water and pretending to be dead, and he thought it was very interesting, so he learned the sound of the pan and called his name a few times.

Then he spit out the core, and his cold and slippery body came around him, and the whole body went along his neck, into his chest, and began to climb up slowly.

Ye Ran saw the opportunity.

Squeezed the finger that had just been cut on the umbrella of the thousand machine, and estimated that there was a lot of blood, so he pressed the body of the pheasant's neck.

The blood of the Vermilion Bird, the fire of the sun, can burn all the yin and poisonous things.

The moment he pressed it, the pheasant's neck convulsed violently as if it had been burned by something, and let out a sharp cry!

Ye Ran quickly dodged and went to get the umbrella with his backhand.

But there was one man who moved faster than him.

In the darkness, a cold glow of a black gold ancient knife lit up, and in the next second, the most fragile head of the pheasant's neck was split in half and hung down weakly.

However, the cold and slippery body was still wrapped around Ye Ran's body, and soon, the smell of blood on the pheasant's neck spread in the water.

The pheasant's neck is extremely huddled and extremely vindictive.

If one of the other pheasants is found dead in the neck, they will act together to take revenge.

I don't know how many there are in this darkness, it's just impossible to prevent it.

Ye Ran forcefully tore the pheasant's neck away from his body, and paddled twice in the water, trying to find out if there was anything like driftwood nearby, but suddenly touched a cold and slender hand.

The little brother reached over and stopped him from moving.

Ye Ran realized that the little brother didn't know when he had dived into the water, and it was directly below him.

In this way, the pheasant's neck could not attack him from the water.

But what about the little brother?

And he can't breathe in the water, he can't last long, and if he encounters any accidents, it is easy to have an accident.

Ye Ran was about to speak.

The little brother seemed to know what he wanted to do, his arm stretched out from under the water, and he raised a long finger to block Ye Ran's lips, signaling him not to speak.

Immediately after, the little brother's voice was a little blurry, with bubbles, coming from underwater.

"Count 321 and jump.


Ran wanted to ask again, only to feel a huge thrust from under him, and then his entire body was forced to completely float out of the water, and a strong force guided him to crash into a large cliff protruding in front



Ye Ran subconsciously closed his eyes, only to feel that after the whole person left the water, it seemed to have entered a very narrow entrance, which was very steep and narrow, and it was all the way down, and he couldn't stand up at all, so he kept rolling down towards the bottom of the entrance.

I don't know how long it took to roll, Ye Ran felt that the road in this entrance gradually became gentle, and the surroundings seemed to be a little wider, but it was still dark all around, and he couldn't see anything.


Ye Ran coughed, his fingers tried to touch the surroundings, to make sure that the surrounding space was enough, and was about to try to stand up.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Great, black blind man, come and see, there's a huge hot pot here.

"Let's just wait for Ye Wazi here, wait for Ye Wazi and them to come, just in time to eat a snake meat hot pot together!"

"...... Little sister, that's not a hot pot. The

black blind man's voice sounded a little helpless.

Ye Ran rubbed his forehead, he could be sure that the voice was not far away, it was very close to him.

It was the voice of Sister Bao'er and the black blind man.

What kind of hot pot is messy?

Ye Ran was a little skeptical that he was not dreaming.

He and his brother had gone underground early in the morning, and they didn't know where they had been washed away by the river.

How could it be such a coincidence, just happened to meet Sister Bao'er and the black blind man

? It can't be an illusion, right?

Ye Ran stood up with difficulty,

and the river was dripping down his clothes.

In the darkness, he tried to shout

, "Sister Bao'er?"

"Ye Wazi!" Sister Bao'er's voice suddenly raised by eight degrees, and she seemed to be very happy: "Black blind man, I heard Ye Wazi's voice!"

"It turns out that Ye Wazi

is also here." "

Ye Wazi, are you a person?"

"Come over quickly, my sister wants to invite you to eat hot pot." "

Eh...... Ye Wazi's voice, why did it come from the wall?".

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