Those white crumbs on the top of the pan's head.

He stretched out his hand and pulled it, and with a "bang", he tore off a dry film more than a meter long and white with scales from the top of his head.

This scene was like tearing a huge piece of dandruff off the top of the head, which was very funny and disgusting, but no one present could laugh at the sight of this long strip of things.

Because this thing is a complete snake molt!


" Seeing this snake molt, Panzi's face changed suddenly, and he shouted: "There is a pheasant neck in this underground palace, be careful!"

Ah Ning took a flashlight and shone it above everyone's heads, her cold face also changed, and she gasped: "

Oh my God, we're all covered in snakes! How many snakes do we have to do that?"

The underground passage was very dark and unusually quiet, and they didn't look overhead because they had just come in a hurry.

At this time, being pulled by the pan like this, there was a sudden sound of rattling above the heads of the four people, as if something was drilling around in a large number of plastic bags.

Under the light of Ah Ning's flashlight, Ye Ran clearly saw that there were several sewer wells above their heads, but they were all blocked.

And the snakes were pulled out of the narrow sewer wells as soon as they were pulled by the pans.

These sewer wells have long been filled with snakes.

And among these snakes, there seems to be something still living.

At this time, these things were awakened one after another, and they were covered in a large number of snakes, surging out of the narrow mouth of the shaft.

Ah Ning immediately exclaimed.

"Oh my God, these are...... Centipede!"

Seeing these arthropod creatures with huge bodies and wielding countless feet and limbs densely intertwined, wrapped in countless snakes and burrowing out of the well, the scalp of people watching this scene was numb and extremely disgusting.


Panzi didn't hold back, scolded his mother directly, and subconsciously threw the long snake in his hand far away, "This Tamad, how can there be such a thing in the passage

!" "What are you still stunned for? These centipedes are not to say that there are thousands, and if you don't run away, your life will be gone!"

Ah Ning snorted coldly, twisted her slender waist, and ran forward with her long legs.

She hadn't run a few steps before she stopped.

Quickly turned his head, his face was ugly: "There is no road ahead!" I

don't know when the passage in front of me was directly sealed by a big stone.

Now it's too late to go back the way you came.

Because the passage behind them is extremely narrow, it is estimated that before they can get out, they will be gnawed by these centipedes to the point that there are no bones left.

Looking at the dense crowd, like the tide, the black, bright and long centipedes crawled out of their heads.

It was also wrapped in strips of dander.

The audience in the live broadcast room directly vomited out the dinner they had just eaten.

", it's so disgusting, it's so terrifying, I instantly feel that what I just ate is not a mille-feuille, it's a snake moult. "

??? you're almost okay, why are you more disgusting than the live broadcast room? I haven't finished eating yet!!!"

"...... I'm different, I'm just going to eat. "

In other words, in fact, this kind of pure natural snake molt is now used for medicine, and it is boiled into traditional Chinese medicine with very good efficacy, and it is very, very valuable......

"Snake molt, bring it to you!"


Upstairs, you don't want to die? This is a snake molt on the neck of a pheasant, think about how terrifying that thing is, who can drink this?".

The audience in the live broadcast room said that although they were very worried about the safety of Ye Ran and the little brother, they really couldn't stand this scene.

Disgusting open the door for disgusting.

It's disgusting to go home!

And Ye Ran looked at these centipedes that were frantically surging towards them, and there was no fear on his face.

On the contrary, he also said thoughtfully.

"These centipedes seem to have molted snakes as nests, and these snake molts can also be used as their food, which is the best place for young centipedes to live. "

As for the adult centipedes in the forbidden land, ......

When they first entered the forbidden land, they had already seen the giant scorpions and giant centipedes gushing out of the statues of human-faced birds.

Adult centipedes are no match for them, let alone juveniles.

However, this place is too cramped, and it is difficult to use weapons.

Fortunately, he had just awakened the Suzaku bloodline.

Isn't this just the right time to experiment?

At this time, these densely entangled centipedes have already rushed to their feet.

It's just that when they met the little brother and Ye Ran, these centipedes seemed to be very interesting and directly bypassed.

Only the two of them were in a clean clearing under their feet.

Seeing this, Panzi's eyes widened, "Master Ye, how can you ......"

Panzi wanted to ask him, why did he start to lose insects?

Of course, it was because of the bloodline pressure of the ancient Vermilion Bird bloodline.

This kind of bloodline coercion, when encountering low-sanity bugs, often has unexpected miraculous effects.

Of course, Panzi and Ah Ning are also very good, this will be Panzi holding a military short knife in his hand, and Ah Ning is holding two short blades, and in a blink of an eye, he will cut a few centipedes that are used on them.

It's just that in the face of the dense army of centipedes, their speed still seems too slow.

Seeing that more and more centipedes were already surging at their feet, about to crawl on them.

"Incineration Technique!" Ye

Ran didn't explain much, but silently read it in his consciousness.

In the next second, he only felt that his fingers were hot for a while, and it seemed that blood was surging towards his fingertips.

With a "whew", a raging flame suddenly appeared on Ye Ran's fingertips, this flame was golden red all over, making it difficult for people to look directly, and it seemed to be different from ordinary flames.


accompanied Ye Ran with a soft drink.

In the next second, the flame burst directly from his fingers, and in the blink of an eye, it fell on the bodies of these centipedes on the ground.

The sound of "boom" is the sound of an object being ignited.

These centipedes were instantly ignited by the golden-red flame on Ye Ran's fingertips, and white smoke came out of the scalding, turning their bellies hideously and twisting into a ball.

Although this flame is not large, the damage is far greater than that of normal flames.

Ye Ran used the fire control technique a few more times.

Soon, thousands of centipedes on the ground, as well as those snake molts, had all been burned to charcoal.

The air was filled with the thick smell of burnt protein.


, Ye Ran was in a happy mood, and sure enough,

the fire incineration technique was really suitable for these annoying creatures in the forbidden land.

"Ahem, cough, cough......"

Panzi choked on the smoke and coughed twice, and his face was still rubbed with a little snake soot, which looked a little funny.

But he didn't care about so much, but his face was full of surprise, and he walked quickly to Ye Ran's side, looking at his fingers.

"Huo! Master Ye, how did you do this

?" "Why didn't I see you holding a lighter, and your fingers caught fire by themselves?"

"This ...... How did you do that

?" "Did you become a lighter?"


expression was shocked, and it was obvious that the scene just now was greatly beyond his imagination.

He asked as he stretched out his hand, curiously grabbing Ye Ran's fingers, and wanted to take a closer look.

Panzi's hand hadn't touched Ye Ran's fingers yet.


A large hand with slender fingers, distinct knuckles, and a very powerful hand suddenly appeared in the air.

grabbed his wrist.

"Shhh...... Zhang Qilin, what are you doing? I'm talking to Ye Xiaoye, not you. Talking to you and ignoring me, can't I still say a few words to Ye Xiaoye?"

Panzi was a little angry.

The little brother's slender fingers slowly let go of Panzi's wrist.

The little brother had no expression on his face, stared at him for a moment, moved his thin lips coldly, and didn't have time to speak.


Suddenly, the entire tunnel shook violently.

Then came the sound of the mechanism spinning.

Facing the eyes of the three of them, Ah Ning bit her lip in panic and took a step back:

"I, I just touched a bulge on the wall, tried to press it, and I didn't expect it to ......."

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