Yes or no

? How can you say this?

Ye Ran's expression moved slightly, and he quickly thought of some possibility.

Sure enough, Xie Yuhua continued:

"The old lady has always protected her short, loved her daughter, and can be said to be very familiar with her daughter's life Xi.

"Even if you haven't seen it for decades...... As a mother, I will never forget.

"Judging from some of the descriptions in the notes, this Huo Ling, some Xi and Mrs. Huo's daughter are completely different, and can even be said to be the opposite.

"A person will have a completely huge change in personality because he goes out to see some unusual things, but the details of life Xi can never be easily changed."

After careful verification in the ward, Mrs. Huo thought that her daughter was most likely not the Huo Ling who was fed the red pill in the submarine tomb.

"On the contrary, when the real Huo Ling was working as an archaeological team in Banai Ancient Building, he had already been killed and dropped!"

Ye Ran nodded slightly, being able to reason so far is enough to show that this Mrs. Huo is by no means an ordinary person.

Under the huge pressure of the pain of losing a daughter, you can still peel off the cocoon little by little, and count it to the Banai Ancient Building to ......

And in terms of time, they hadn't entered the Zhangjia Ancient Building at that time.

This old lady has already counted this far.

It's really unusual.

But the reason why they came up.

This Mrs. Huo must have wanted to fulfill a wish through them.

Probably knowing Mrs. Huo's appeal, Ye Ran didn't say anything.

He can understand the mood of being a mother.

Not ...... though

Ye Ran thought of something that made people's backs chill in the blink of an eye.

Creepy things.

If it is described in Wen Jin's notes, then Huo Ling's line of action back then is completely consistent with Wen Jin.

In other words, as good sisters, the two first went to Zhangjia Gulou to do the archaeological team, and later went to the submarine tomb.

That's ......

If Huo Ling was a member of the archaeological team that was killed, he was replaced by someone unknowingly.

What about

Wen Jin? The Wen Jin that he saw later in the West Queen Mother Palace, in the meteorite, is it real or fake?

If that Wen Jin is real.

The two acted in unison, could it be that only

Huo Ling dropped the bag after being killed? As a good sister, after Huo Ling was disguised and dropped the bag, didn't Wen Jin notice it at all?

If it was a fake ......

Could it be that the real Wen Jin had already died in the Banai Ancient Building

? But she knew everything about Wen Jin's previous affairs, so what could she say?

Ye Ran only felt that the whole thing seemed to be carefully woven into a big net, and all of them were in the net, and it was difficult to distinguish the true from the fake.

And Wen Jin is now in the meteorite jade.

It is impossible for them to go back and ask again, and even if they ask, it is impossible for Yi Wenjin to hide his character from him, and it is impossible to tell the truth.

Ye Ran sighed.

He said, "Okay, I see."

"Mrs. Huo's affairs, I will try to help her as much as possible. "

This can be regarded as getting a promise from Ye Ran.

Xie Yuhua breathed a sigh of relief.

showed a faint smile and said,

"Mrs. Huo has collected a lot of information in secret these days.

"I am afraid that my understanding of Zhangjia Ancient Building is much deeper than ours.

"However, there is one thing that is missing at the moment, and that thing ...... According to the news that the old lady received, three days later, the Xinyue Hotel will be auctioned.

"That's why it's easier to invite the four of you to the auction first, and when the auction is over, you can get that kind of thing and then enter the forbidden land.

Seeing that Ye Ran and the little brother were in agreement, he nodded slightly.

Xie Yuhua also breathed a sigh of relief, this time his task of entering the forbidden land was completed.

He took a sip from the glass of water on the table, turned his head to look at

the fat man, and asked, "Well, as for the fat man...... His current physical condition, is it inconvenient to go to the auction house?"

In fact, Mrs. Huo also gave three invitations.

Xiaohua temporarily added her own invitation.

After all, even if he doesn't have an invitation, as the heir of the Xie family, he can still enter the auction house if he wants to find a way.

Ye Ran also glanced in the direction of the fat man, and thought about it in his heart.

Isn't there three more days?

In two days, the fat man should be able to wake up.

Ye Ran was about to speak.

In full view.

Suddenly, the fat man, who was lying upright on the bed with his eyes closed, bounced up directly from the bed with a "bang".

The fat man's face was pale, and he didn't even open his eyes, and he shouted out with one mouth:

"I can!

"You don't want to leave the fat man on the road by yourself, I have no problem with the fat man, it's just a little %¥#¥@%......

" The fat man said and spoke, his tongue began to grow bigger, his voice was also floating, and he lay back with a "bang".

Ye Ran

: "......" Xie Yuhua: "......"

good guy.

These are the last words of death.


man, this is too good, right?"

Ye Ran reacted and explained to Sister Bao'er.

At this time, the medical staff also prepared infusion potions and hung them on the fat man.

The fat man snorted and drank some water, ate a little chocolate, and beef jerky.

There was something in the stomach, and the person finally recovered.

Leaning against the wall, he was helped up by Ye Ran, and he said weakly:

", fat man, I'm ...... As soon as I lay down, I saw heaven and thought I couldn't do it.

"But guess who

I saw in heaven?" "I actually saw the clouds, don't you see the ghosts!!! I can die, but the clouds can't!"

So the fat man woke up again.

Ye Ran used the flame in his palm to warm a glass of milk, handed it

to the fat man, and said, "You won't wake up quickly when you heard Xiaohua say that you won't take you to the auction house?"

The fat man slammed the bed board.

He recovered quickly, and at this moment he seemed full of energy, and said with a radiant look:

"Then where can I be

!" "Fat man, am I such a vegetable person?"

"I woke up a long time ago!" "

I also heard that the little brother and Ye Xiaoye were alone in the room, chirping, I don't know what they were eating, the food was delicious."

"I don't know what to eat?

"I'm hungry!

"If it weren't for the lack of strength and the fact that I couldn't open my eyes, I would have been sitting here talking to you. The

fat man finished with great interest.

Only then did I find that the expressions of the people in the room were not quite right!

Xie Yuhua and the black blind man looked meaningfully in the direction of Ye Ran and the little brother, coughed lightly, and lowered their heads and stopped talking.

And Sister Bao'er was envious.

It turns out that the fat man is the one who can listen to the corners the most!

As for Ye Xiaoye


...... The fat man was frightened and shifted his gaze to Ye Ran's face.

Ye Ran slowly hooked the corners of his mouth.

showed an extremely "kind" look towards the fat man.

Then he picked up the milk in his hand and handed it over.

Ye Ran's voice suddenly became very gentle.

He raised his hand and gently patted the fat man on the shoulder.

With a concerned smile on his face, he said,

"Da Lang, get up and drink the medicine." Fatty

: "???".

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