"Luo Yuhua" doesn't look cramped, it's generous.

After speaking, he didn't wait for Ye Ran to stretch out his hand to shake hands with him, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled extremely gently.

Then he reached out and lifted it towards his face.

"Pull ......"

An extremely subtle voice rang out.

It is the sound of some kind of soft, sticky gum tearing off the skin.

Accompanied by this singular sound.

Although Luo Yuhua's movements were gentle, they were extremely skillful, tearing off a mask as thin as a cicada's wings from his face.

Under the mask, there is a soft and beautiful male face with slightly raised eyes, but it is not feminine, but there is a kind of gentle and charming male face.


have to say that the appearance of the "Luo Yuhua" wearing the mask is actually somewhat close, but obviously the one under the mask is more in line with his own temperament.

In his gestures, there is a unique male charm.

It doesn't look vulgar and girly, nor does it have any sense of fat powder.

In addition, he was wearing a pink shirt and suspender pants, which made him extremely flattering and looked clean and gentle.

On the contrary, there is an illusion of the best beautiful boy who walked down in the comics.

However, that is only an illusion.

Xie Yuhua's gestures revealed a fierce murderous aura.

The combination of many traits does not seem abrupt in him at all, but is particularly eye-catching.

"Master Ye, I came to see you as you are...... This is also my sincerity.

"Hey, why don't you speak

?" Xie Yuhua raised his eyes, looked around, and said with a smile:

"Why, you were all scared silly by Hua'erye?"

accompanied his voice.

Xie Yuhua's bones also made a peculiar sound, with a subtle "click" sound, as if the bones and links in the body were growing rapidly and picking them up again.

It's just a few minutes.

Xie Yuhua grew 20 centimeters taller.

From a beautiful girl who looks delicate and exquisite.

Sister Bao'er was so frightened that the melon seeds in her hand fell.

It's my mother's birthday!

Why did you become a man?

The bamboo shoots in the mountains have been taken away by this baby.

Not only Sister Bao'er was stunned.

took a small bench, and the black blind man sitting on the side couldn't help but raise his hand and helped the huge sunglasses on his face, revealing a regretful look.

The black blind man turned his head, the corners of his mouth were still a lazy smile, only slightly deepened, and he said to the panzi beside him:

"I have to say, Hua'er Ye's body looks really fragrant."

Panzi crushed the cigarette butts under his feet, he was a little addicted to cigarettes at this time

, and said angrily: "What, you like it?"

The black blind man immediately sat up straight unnaturally, and patted Panzi on the shoulder with a "snap":

"Look at what you said."

"I call it appreciation, appreciation of beauty. Do you understand?"

he said, without raising his head,

"Oh, man." "

Black glasses:" ......

" Xie Yuhua's ears moved slightly in the direction of the black glasses, but the smile on her face remained unchanged, she took out a brown paper envelope from her pocket and said to Ye Ran:

"Master Ye, I believe you already know, I am from Jiumen."

"However, the Nine Gates are not as simple as you see. The forces of all parties are intricate, and the major families also have their own purposes......" "

I can only say that there are some things that I can't completely put aside my identity to do. And this matter can't be known to Jude Tong's people, let alone shown in the live broadcast.

"I can only temporarily change my appearance, and use the bone shrinking technique to change my physical appearance, and I can only approach you after confirming that the surroundings are safe.

Xie Yuhua handed the envelope to Ye Ran and the little brother with both hands, and said

, "I came to Banai this time, the first is to represent the Nine Gates and ensure your safety under the lake. Second, on behalf of

the Huo family, I invite you to participate in an auction ......on behalf of the Huo family. "

Huo family?

Ye Ran raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at the little brother.

This Xie Yuhua is the head of the Xie family.

On behalf of the Huo family,

this is a bit far away.

Xie Yuhua is such a shrewd character, you can see at a glance what Ye Ran is thinking.

He could only smile helplessly:

"The Xie family and the Huo family have always been good friends. This forbidden land, the descendants of the Huo family, Huo Xiuxiu was originally going to come. But the old lady of the Huo family suddenly had something abnormal, and she had to take care of Xiuxiu at home, so she asked me to come alone.

"You will know the specific situation after opening the envelope. Xie

Yuhua's kung fu of speaking.

Ye Ran had already opened the envelope.

In this envelope, there are four dark red invitations with gilded plates, heavy, and hollow shapes, which are extremely textured.

It's an invitation to the auction house!

When Ye Ran saw this invitation, he had already guessed the matter in his heart.

However, he was silent on the surface, just handed the invitation to the little brother and asked the little brother to take a look, turned his head and said to Xie Yuhua:

"It's not that I said, the old lady of the Huo family is sick, and it is a little too timely." "

It just so happened that they came out of the forbidden land to recuperate the fat man and the little brother.

The auction officially began exactly three days later.

It happened that the old lady of the Huo family fell ill at this time and invited them to participate in the auction in City A.

What a coincidence.


this, the expression on Xie Yuhua's face suddenly changed somewhat.

After he and Ye Ran looked at each other for a moment, they laughed slowly.

Shaking his head, he sighed, and smiled helplessly:

"Sure enough, it's Master Ye."

"I can't hide anything from you.

"You're right, the old lady's illness is indeed strange...... But never intentionally.

"In fact, the old lady has been sick for many days. If it weren't for the fact that her body hadn't been well and she wasn't fit to go out, she would be in the forbidden land by now, just like Jude Oak.

Xie Yuhua sighed and said

, "Since you have asked for the two masters, you might as well say something."

"Master Ye, do you still remember when you were in the last forbidden place, the West Queen Mother Palace...... The Wenjin notebook you saw?"

Ye Ran bowed slightly.

Of course he remembers.

Xie Yuhua paused, and then continued:

"At that time, the live broadcast light was not good, and the camera of the live broadcast ball flashed on it, I believe many people didn't watch it carefully.

"But among these many people, there must not be one person, that is, the old lady of the Huo family.

Wen Jin wrote in her notes that she was in a tomb under the sea at the time, and her friend named Huo Ling was fed a red pill. Later

, her friend turned into a monster and was imprisoned in a nursing home.

And she was not willing to go on like this, so she quietly escaped, looking everywhere for ways to stop the mutation of her body.

Xie Yuhua said:

"Although I don't know if she has found it, the daughter of the old lady of the Huo family, who has been missing for decades......

is called Huo Ling."

"So before you left the forbidden land, the old lady took the first step, investigated the sanatorium in Wen Jin's notes, and took people there. "

In the sanatorium, the old lady saw a long-haired monster, commonly known as the forbidden woman.

According to the notes left in the sanatorium, as well as traces of life, daily necessities, etc., the old lady was almost sure of one thing, that is, this forbidden woman is called Huo Ling. "

Age, habits Xi life, traces of life, etc...... Exactly the same as her daughter, who has been missing for decades. That

is to say.

Mrs. Huo's daughter was Wen Jin's best friend back then, and she was fed medicine in the submarine tomb and became a forbidden woman? Sister Bao'er's

eyes widened when she heard this, so she made a bloody gossip

! Sister loves to listen, talk more!

At this moment, Xiaohua's voice changed.

"But, it's not that simple. Mrs

. Huo suddenly saw that she had become a forbidden woman's daughter, and because she didn't have enough people, she was almost killed by the forbidden woman, but fortunately, she escaped with her notes.

When all thoughts were lost, her body couldn't bear it anymore and was pushed into the ICU.

"After waking up, she repeatedly looked at the notebook that was discarded in the sanatorium in the hospital, and gradually discovered an amazing thing......" "

The forbidden woman in the sanatorium is Huo Ling, but it's not Huo Ling!"

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