The little brother said this.

What do you mean he cares about fat people?

Isn't this the fat man taking the initiative to run towards him?

Ye Ran was stunned for a moment, turned his head and subconsciously glanced in the direction of the fat man.

He wanted to defend himself a little bit.

But look at the fat man's bewitching posture running towards him, as well as the fat that beats on his body, the big fat face that is a little distorted, and the thick pores.

Ye Ran felt that he should understand the little brother's thoughts.

The fat man must be so ugly that the little brother will

also feel spicy.

So before the fat man ran in front of him, Ye Ran nodded decisively at the little brother and said,

"Don't worry, little brother, I understand what you mean."

After speaking, Ye Ran withdrew the Vermilion Bird Fire that had just ignited in his palm.

"What do you mean, Master Ye?"

the fat man was stupid.

He ran to Ye Xiaoye's side with great effort, just to borrow Ye Xiaoye's fire that looked very good.

Why did Ye Xiaoye withdraw the fire when he saw him!

Looking at the fat man's look of disbelief.

Ye Ran also felt very embarrassed, so he nodded at him guiltily and said,

"That's embarrassing, the main thing is that you are ugly to me."

"So you see what you can do to get this ...... Well, let's fix this hornet, sorry. "


Ye Ran didn't wait for the fat man to continue to go crazy.

He opened the tent he had just built with his little brother and sat in calmly.

Because it was too dark in the tent, it wasn't interesting to watch.

Ye Ran even rekindled a faint fire in his palm, and used the scorching temperature to make a pot of tea for him and his little brother.

Audience in the live broadcast room: "......" "Real Movable Home Multi-function Natural Gas

!" "The fat man never dreamed that he was about to be stung to death by

a wasp outside the tent, and Ye Xiaoye was drinking ......tea in the tent" "Fat man: I may not be human, but you are a real dog!!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was about to laugh crazy!!


and outside the tent, the fat man had been caught up by a wasp.

He screamed in pain!

"Master Ye, you don't take care of yourself anymore, do you?"

"Special fat man, I died before I got out of school, and today I will be confessed in this forbidden land because of this group of hornets!" "

Caiyun, my little Caiyun, you are good in this life, find someone to marry." Fat man, I am purely unladylike when I meet my teammates, so I can only come to you again in the next life......"

The fat man's voice crying wolf howl is extremely penetrating.

Scared all the birds in the woods away!

Ye Ran listened to the sound outside the tent, and the fat man had just cried two or three sentences.

Suddenly, there was a loud "poof" sound from the lake, followed by the sound of splashing water.

"Gollum...... Fat man, I ...... Grunt...... "The

fat man coughed in the lake, and spit out a few more words indistinctly, and then there was no sound.

After a few seconds of silence.

There was a "bang", and the tent curtain was lifted.

The little brother carried the black gold ancient knife on his back, walked in silently, and sat beside him without saying a word.

"What's wrong with

the fat man?" Ye Ran raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise: "Why did he fall into

the water?" He wasn't very worried about the fat man, the fat man was very good in water, and besides, he was fat and fat, but he was very flexible, and this wasp would only make him suffer a little, and he would definitely not want his life.

The little brother said "um".

He looked at Ye Ran, was silent for a moment, moved his lips again, and said,

"I kicked it." "

Ye Ran: ???

little brother kicked the fat man into the lake??

What kind of grudge

? The fat man has a little bit of a cheap mouth and looks a little ugly along the way, but it won't make the little brother so annoying, right?"

To Shang Ye Ran's puzzled eyes, the little brother briefly explained again.

That's just as well.

When the fat man falls into the water, the hornet will naturally not chase him.


There is a big tomb under the water of this lake.

It's hard to say if there are any monsters.

In case something happens, isn't this more dangerous than a wasp?

Ye Ran's heart turned a thousand times, but on the surface, he was very calm, handed over the small teapot full of tea in his palm, and said,

"Little brother, drink some tea." "

This is the black tea I bought in the village. The tea is not very good, but black tea can help you sleep. "

Originally, the forbidden land should be streamlined with supplies, and as little as possible should be brought without it.

But Ye Ran thought that the little brother didn't sleep very well at night, he was always very vigilant, and occasionally had nightmares.

In the end, I bought some black tea and a very small purple sand teapot and brought it with me.

The little brother still had no expression on his face, but he seemed a little surprised.

He stared at the purple sand teapot in Ye Ran's hand for a while before retracting his gaze and taking it.

Drink all the black tea inside.

Ye Ran: "Isn't ...... hot?

This is just boiled!

Why don't you burn your mouth and purr your skin?"

Ye Ran

asked: "...... Do you still drink it?"

I always feel that something is wrong with my little brother.

The little brother let out a low "um" and handed him the teapot again.

Ye Ran: "......"

Before he could speak, he heard a sound of fluttering water from the shore.

Listening to the sound, it should be the fat man who climbed up.

But the fat man's howling voice was gone, and the silence was a little too much.

It shouldn't be.

It's not like the character of a fat man.

According to the character of a fat man, he was tricked by him, and he was kicked down by the little brother, why didn't he lose his temper for half an hour

? If he didn't make a lot of noise, he wouldn't call him a fat man!

Why didn't he say a word at this time?

Could it be that something is wrong?

Ye Ran was a little surprised, he was not very worried about the fat man, so he got up, opened the tent door and walked out.

Only then did I find a huge, swarthy figure squatting by the lake, motionless.

Isn't this the fat man who was just kicked down by the little brother?

It's just that the fat man's back is a little weird at this moment.

Squatting by the lake, with his back to the direction of the tent, his head bowed, from the perspective of the fat man's back, it was as if he had suddenly lost his neck and human head.

It's more like a statue with a strange shape.

In addition, it was night, and the moonlight was extremely dark.

This scene looks a little scary in the eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room.

But Ye Ran has night vision, he doesn't think it's weird, it's just that the fat man's reaction is too wrong.

This stupid boy.

Won't it really drown your brain!

Ye Ran's heart moved, and he walked in the direction of the fat man.

The fat man's figure remained motionless, and it wasn't until Ye Ran walked behind him that he turned around with a little shortness of breath, and shouted in a pale voice:

"Master Ye, your steps are light." "

There's something in this lake, it's not normal!"

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