
The fat man reacted the fastest in this scene, and the whole person rushed out like a cannonball, rushed to Caiyun's side in three steps and two steps, and picked up Caiyun who had fainted on the ground.

"What's the matter?" Sister

Bao'er was also stunned, she first put her finger under Caiyun's nose and probed it, and then said with a sigh of relief:

"She didn't have anything to do, she was probably scared."

"What do you see?" Xiao

Caiyun is not such a timid girl!

She grew up on the edge of the forbidden land, and the folk customs are relatively strong, and when she encounters poisonous snakes on the road, she dares to reach out to catch them to soak in wine, and she also knows a little marksmanship, which is said to have been taught by her grandfather when she was a child.

The fat man looked back and forth in the woods, and suddenly thought of something and looked up.


the fat man's big face turned white in the hazy moonlight, and he muttered

: "Fuck, how can there be so many heads?"

After speaking, the fat man jumped up, picked up the pistol and scolded viciously:

"Your mother, I will fight with you!"

Ye Ran instinctively felt that it was unrealistic.

He looked up and saw that the trees were densely packed with countless human heads-shaped objects, suspended high above their heads.

There is no wind on the lake at this time.

These "heads" shook slightly.

Out of thin air gives people an eerie feeling.

If you don't look closely, it's like you're floating in the air.

Those who watched this scene felt a chill down their backs.

Countless viewers in the live broadcast room clicked "open barrage".

Choose to use barrage body protection!!


"",I thought this forbidden place was relatively peaceful.,Full of local happiness...... Excuse me, it turns out that I was misled by the atmosphere of the previous two days. "

I was so scared that I plunged into the bed, hugged my girlfriend and cried, after crying for five minutes, I suddenly remembered that I didn't have a girlfriend, and I suddenly cried louder......

" "Barrage body protection!!Barrage keep safe

!!""Barrage: Don't take Lao Tzu in the way, Lao Tzu is also afraid!"

You must know that it is the middle of the night at this time!

The audience in the live broadcast room was terrified.

Ye Ran, on the other hand, was very calm, and stretched out his finger to point at the head of the tree and smiled.

After watching too many horror scenes in the last forbidden place, he was a little numb.

Of course, mainly because he has magic pupils and can have night vision.

At this moment, he looked at the lake, and it was no different from what he saw during the day, and at a glance he saw the "human heads" that the fat man said.

"It's not a head.

Ye Ran said very calmly: "Fatty, don't shoot, you take a closer look...... I don't want to set fire to the mountain yet. "

If you don't do it, you'll have to sit in prison!"

"It's not a human head?" The

fat man looked at Ye Ran and the little brother who were relatively calm, and was stunned for a moment, and the hand holding the gun did not relax.

Instead, he carefully placed the clouds on the ground, then picked up a flashlight and shone it carefully.

"Damn. The

fat man froze, his eyes straightened: "It's really not!" "

Damn, what are these hornets doing, scaring the fat man, isn't it? The fat man is not a vegetarian, and he crashed your nest with one shot." The

fat man picked up the pistol, thought for a moment and put it down.

He said to himself: "No, I hit the beehive, and all these hornets ran out, and I didn't sting them into bread." "

What brothers?"

Ye Ran corrected his rhetoric, "You should have stabbed yourself into bread." "

These hornets will not come close to him and the little brother, because of the suppression of the Vermilion Bird blood in his body, these hornets are panicking at this time and flying everywhere.

However, because the visibility is too low at night, and the hornets cannot be seen clearly, only the huge honeycomb can be seen, which gives people the feeling that the human head is suspended in the air.

But the honeycomb made of this thing really looks like a human head.

Ye Ran sighed in his heart.


As soon as she heard the name, Sister Bao'er's eyes lit up.

She walked under the honeycomb, looked up and sniffed it carefully, and said to herself

, "Well, it really smells sweet." Ye

Ran shook his head and said,

"Sister Bao'er, don't you mess around." The hornets here don't know what kind of honey they pick yet.

"And wasps do not have the Xi of storing food, which is very different from domestic bees, and they are generally eaten on the spot." "

Hornets also eat insects and plants, in short, they eat whatever they catch, and they are not very clean.


Sister Bao'er nodded dumbly, reluctantly glanced at the hornet's nest, and said,

"Sister ate it when she was in the mountains, and it tasted very good." Ye

Ran: "......" "

It's not early, let's set up a tent by the lake first, and then go to the lake tomorrow." "

Although he has night vision, the others don't.

And I don't know how deep this lake is.

Originally, this crescent-shaped lake was neither so deep nor so big according to the descriptions of Panma and Caiyun, but it has been raining continuously in Banai recently, so it is difficult to say.

Ye Ran and the little brother began to set up tents by the lake.

The fat man was still holding Caiyun and calling Caiyun's name there.

Ye Ran glanced at him and said

, "Don't scream, Caiyun is fine." She may also be tired, so you can let her rest a little longer. The

fat man showed a grief-stricken expression, and cried and said:

"Caiyun is the driving force for the fat man to work hard in the forbidden land! If Caiyun is gone, the fat man doesn't want to live."

"Bah, how can I say such unlucky words? Caiyun will definitely not be gone, and we can all get out of the forbidden land safely. The

fat man said, and slapped himself twice.

Ye Ran looked at him, and he also felt a little emotional, it seems that the fat man really likes Caiyun.

Let's hope they can come together safely.

"Where's Sister Bao'er?"

the tent was set up.

Ye Ran was about to ask Sister Bao'er to sleep in a tent with Caiyun at night and take care of Caiyun.

only to find that Sister Bao'er, who was still squatting by the lake and fishing just now, was gone.

I was stunned.

"Ye Wazi, sister is here. Sister

Bao'er's voice came from the woods, and then Sister Bao'er jumped down from the tree like a monkey, still holding a piece of cake in her hand.

Ye Ran looked away with a look that he couldn't look at directly.

Sister Bao'er really went to dig out

the hornet's nest!!, and also took out all the hornet's nests on the tree.

At this moment, like eating a biscuit, he broke a piece of hornet's nest, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and spit out the beeswax.

Sister Bao'er said, "It's delicious! It's a little sweet." "

What's delicious?" The

fat man was far away, and he couldn't see what Sister Bao'er was holding in her hand, and he was hungry in the middle of the night, so he came over curiously.

In the next second, a group of black pressed things rushed down from the trees.

The fat man let out a miserable shout!

", you Feng Bao'er, you're not a human being, are you!" "Why don't you

eat beehives, Lao Tzu will be stung...... Master Ye, help!"

The fat man was carrying thousands of hornets behind him.

wanted to cry without tears and ran in the direction of Ye Ran.

Ye Ran was helpless, raised his palm to gather a fire, and was about to walk towards the fat man.

Suddenly, the little brother next to him coughed.

The little brother said, "You seem to care about fat people very much." Ye

Ran: ???

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