Ye Ran frowned lightly and asked,

"Your county ...... Is it logistical? "

The road conditions here are not good, it is difficult to drive in, and there is not much population, so I am afraid that the express delivery may not be able to pass.

Sure enough, Wang Gui shook his head and said, "Not yet."

Ye Ran glanced at him with some distrust.

The villager looked simple, and when he came to the hotel, he slaughtered him.

It's not like you're still trying to cheat, is it?"

Wang Gui seemed to see that Ye Ran didn't trust him, scratched his head a little embarrassed, and said,

"We want to deceive, and I don't know your names."

"The accommodations arranged by your program team are all random. We have just drawn lots in the village committee. "

That's right.

Ye Ran remained silent, watched Wang Gui stand up in a panic, scolded the disobedient child a few more words, ran to a dusty cabinet, and pulled out an envelope-style courier.

"Guest, look at it. Is this for you?"

Ye Ran looked down and saw that the envelope was cut out of some kind of inferior kraft paper, and it was prickly to the touch, with no signature or address on it.

Just used a pen that seemed to be running out of water, and scribbled a few large words on the envelope.

"Recipient: Ye Ran, a contestant in the program group of "Forbidden Land Exploration",

who will send it to him?

Ye Ran took the envelope and did not rush to open it, but carefully looked up and down at the outer skin of the envelope to see if there were any other clues.

Sister Bao'er stretched out her head curiously and asked

, "Ye Wazi, you are so amazing."

Ye Ran shook his head helplessly, confirming that this was just an ordinary envelope, and then lightly swiped his finger on the sealed place, and the envelope was automatically opened.


An object fell out of it and landed on the ground.

Ye Ran picked it up and saw that it was a photo.

And it's a black-and-white photo, with very low pixels, as if it was taken in some panic, the shot is not clear, and there are traces of shaking.

It looks like a photo taken a long time ago, but the paper of the photo is very new, and it smells of new paper.

It should be a photo not long after it was washed out.

Ye Ran took the photo and looked at it a few times.

This photo looks like a ......

A wall?

And it's an old-looking wall, it's not blank, it seems to have a few pictures pasted on it.

Ye Ran took this photo closer, wanting to take a closer look at what was pasted on this wall.

But the photo is too mushy, where can I see it clearly.

I can only see a few faint photos, and there are some figures on them.

Who sent this photo

to him? Why did you only take pictures of this wall, and what does this wall mean?

Ye Ran was confused, turned his head to look at the little brother, he also had a silent look, looked at him silently, and did not speak.

The little brother doesn't seem to know where this photo is taken.

Or maybe I didn't remember it.

That's not to mention Sister Bao'er.

Ye Ran took the photo and looked at it for a while, but there were really no more clues, so he put it in his pocket and asked Wang Gui:

"How did you get this express?"

Sister Bao'er also nodded and said, "It's thi, it's thi." You old man, bullying Ye Wazi is an honest person? Just now you also said that if you don't have a courier brother, then there will be a courier?"

Sister Bao'er is from a courier company.

It's professional!"

this ...... I don't know that much.

Wang Gui grabbed his short hair and said

, "This is a month ago, my wife received it. "

A stranger in a raincoat and a hat found his wife and gave him a courier and five hundred dollars.

The man said that he would ask Wang Gui to give this letter to a person named Ye Ran, and when the man came back, he would give Wang Gui another 500 hardship fees.

Five hundred yuan is enough for a family to eat and drink for a month in this extremely remote small county.

Wang Gui is naturally very willing.

This is also why when he heard Ye Ran's name, he reacted so much, he knew that he could earn the remaining five hundred yuan.

"Forget it.

Ye Ran shook his head and didn't say anything more.

Since that person didn't have a signature, he just didn't want to reveal his identity, even if Wang Gui drew the appearance of that person, I'm afraid he wouldn't really be the one who sent this courier.

But what did the man mean by sending him this picture?

a month ago.

A month ago, the program team just announced the list of participants, and they haven't even entered the first forbidden place yet.

Why did the other party know about the existence of the second forbidden land? Why did the other party know

that he would definitely come out of the first forbidden place alive?

The man arrived a month in advance and left him a courier, a blurry photo.

What exactly do you want to explain

? Also, how did the other party know that they would live in Wang Gui's house

? This is something that the program team didn't know in advance, how did he do it?

Could it be ......

The other party has now entered the forbidden land

? Who is he?

Ye Ran pressed his temple, and if he goes backwards according to the timeline, the origin of this express delivery is simply terrifying!

Compared with the program group with a great background, there are still nine doors, and the calculations are much more far-reaching.

Ye Ran had a feeling that their coming to Banai Gulou this time was probably something that the other party expected.

Ye Ran sighed, a little annoyed.

This feeling that someone has been peeping and calculating behind the scenes is really hairy on the back, and it is very uncomfortable.

If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves and are you worried about them


? Is it the "it" that Wen Jin said?

The lightning outside the window, followed by the sound of muffled thunder, made people feel irritated to hear.

Ye Ran stood up and said, "Let's go, go up and put down the luggage first, and then let's find a map to look at and discuss tomorrow's itinerary." "

The 100,000 Great Mountain Forbidden Land is not the same as other forbidden lands.

Due to the large scope of the 100,000 Great Mountain Forbidden Land and the fact that there are many residents living around it, some residents with permits are allowed to enter the border area to legally hunt or pick plants and herbs.

It is said that the terrain is complicated, with nine bends and eighteen bends, and if you can find a map, it is good to plan the time.

The three of them went upstairs as they spoke.

Step on the stairs and make a "squeak" sound.

This stilted ancient building has not been lived in for a long time, except for the first floor was simply cleaned temporarily, the second and third floors, the ground is a thick layer of dust, and it can be seen that it has not been cleaned for at least five or six years.

And the further you go upstairs, the more strange it smells.

It's like the smell of rotten wood, mixed with some stench, it doesn't smell strong, but it always makes people feel uncomfortable.

The three of them pushed open the door of a room, all choking on the dust and coughing.

"What kind of stilted building is this, why is the cave clean that we haven't lived in?"

Sister Bao'er wore a cheongsam and carried a shovel, strode into the house, and whispered a complaint.

But there is no cave to live in here!"

Ye Ran hooked the corners of his mouth, he wanted to laugh a little, and was about to tease Sister Bao'er.

Suddenly, his gaze froze in front of him.

The footsteps also stopped.

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