"The people who participated in the forbidden place this time have all been introduced.

Bingbing's voice came:

"Next, our program team will distribute the prepared materials, as well as live broadcast equipment and life-saving bracelets.

"The live broadcast room of each contestant will be opened around the world in 15 minutes, so please get ready. "

The live hall is very quiet.

Only the staff were handing out supplies and live balls one by one.

In fact, there are also many crooked nut players who participated in the forbidden land this time, but perhaps because of the experience of the previous forbidden land, no one dared to provoke them.

There are a few who ask for a group photo.

However, the little brother was very resistant to taking photos with strangers, so Ye Ran refused without thinking about it.

The staff here distributes the equipment.

Ye Ran turned his head and glanced in the direction of the black blind man, and found that the strange-looking girl was chatting with the black blind man, so he beckoned to Panzi.

Panzi walked over.

Ye Ran asked in a low voice, "This new teammate, you seem to be familiar with each other?"


Panzi scratched her hair and said, "Actually, I just met her for two days and haven't spoken much, but she is closer to the black blind man." "

This girl's name is Luo Yuhua, she has a very good personality, it is said that she has practiced judo since she was a child, and her skills are very good.

Saying that, Panzi lowered his voice: "She is a person from the Nine Gates, and Second Master Wu sent it to us, saying that it will be of great help to the forbidden land of the ancient building this time."

"Don't worry, Master Ye. She's her own person!"


didn't know Jiumen well.

Ye Ran was silent, glanced at Luo Yuhua's direction again, and did not speak again.

On the staff's side, the live ball and bracelet have been distributed.

Behind Ye Ran, Little Brother, and Sister Bao'er, a silver-gray ball was suspended again.

At the same time, the bracelet lit up.

At the moment when the live broadcast room was reopened.

Countless barrages frantically poured into the live broadcast room!



My sister Bao'er is beautiful and invincible!" "

My little master Ye is handsome in the world

!" "My little brother Qilin is cold-faced Hades!"


In just five minutes.

Ye Ran's team, the number of people watching the live broadcast has set a new record, reaching a terrifying number.

More than 800 million people watched at the same time!

There could have been even more.

But because the APP developed by the program team couldn't withstand the audience that poured in in an instant, it collapsed directly.

Many viewers were forced to withdraw from the live broadcast room, and only more than 300 million people remained in the live broadcast room.

Those viewers who were forced to quit looked at the black screen of their mobile phones and frantically called to protest against

the program team! Bingbing immediately used the walkie-talkie to communicate with the program team, asking the program team's technicians to make emergency repairs.

And the system that had been silent in Ye Ran's mind for several days was even more "ding" at this moment.

[Congratulations to the host for opening the door!]

[The system collects 55342 emotional points in the live broadcast room for you in just two minutes. [

Is it immediately used for lottery draws, or to upgrade skills, bloodline?

] More than 55,000

points! It seems that the re-launch of the broadcast will bring a lot of emotional impact to the audience!

Ye Ran thought for a while and asked

, "How many emotional points do you need to upgrade your skills?"

The system responded with another [ding] sound

, "Every time the system upgrades, it provides a skill upgrade."

"The first upgrade of the skill only requires 50,000 emotion points. "

Fifty thousand, it's not a small number!

And the system is currently level two, and he can only upgrade one skill.

Ye Ran thought for a while and said,

"Then upgrade the Demon Pupil Technique." "

For now, the paper figure technique can explore the way, or fuse the Vermilion Bird Source Fire to fight monsters, Kuixing kicks and fights when it is strong, and other skills are still more practical.

The demon pupil technique can only be used on people, and it doesn't hurt much, and it's really more chicken when it comes to the forbidden land.

Host request received. The Demon Pupil is being upgraded...... The upgrade has been successful. 【

Demon Pupil Technique upgraded to: Magic Pupil Technique!】【

Magic Pupil Technique】【Magic Pupil Ability: First, increase the host's vision range, the host can observe the distance from a distance, and observe the subtleties, just like a microscope. (This ability can be switched on and off freely.) In

the dark, the host's vision will no longer be greatly reduced.

According to the monster's ability, the host will inflict a hypnotic effect on it for an unequal period of time, and attach a soul burn effect!] Soul burn! Isn't

this real damage?

Ye Ran looked at the skill carefully and was very satisfied.

After this demon pupil technique became a magic pupil technique, the ability increased a little bit.

50,000 emotional points, it's worth it.

"Ye Wazi?"

At this moment, he was gently patted on the shoulder.

Sister Bao'er looked out the window with sparkling eyes and said to him,

"Let's get off the plane." This

time they were not affected by the storm, they took the plane of the program team, and they arrived near the 100,000 mountains in a few hours.

After getting off the plane, the program team arranged for them to get into different cars and drive towards a legendary county town called Banai.

I have to say, this place doesn't feel like a forbidden place at all.

It's not so much a forbidden place, it's more like a place to visit the mountains and rivers, and the scenery in these 100,000 mountains is not ordinarily good.

The green mountains and green waters, all kinds of wildflowers blooming on the roadside, and large sunflowers, it looks like a peaceful countryside, birds and flowers.

It's okay to say they're a tour group.

I don't feel the breath of the forbidden land at all.

The other runners in the car also laughed and laughed.

There are even those who lean out of the car window and pose for the live ball.

"Click" and "click", Sister Bao'er picked up her mobile phone, took several photos one after another, and before the signal disappeared, she swiped the screen again.

Banai, it's finally here.

It's a small county town in the middle of nowhere, less than 10 kilometers away from the forbidden land.

The scenery is also extremely beautiful, and the residents of the county town all live in ancient buildings on stilts, which looks unique.

But there are very few people, and the weather in the county is bad, gray, and a little depressing.

Ye Ran's car was parked in front of a somewhat dilapidated stilted ancient building.

This is the place where the program team has set up for them.

In front of the ancient building stood a man who was not tall, wearing hand-sewn clothes, wearing a blue wrapped hat, holding a child's hand, looking wooden.

The man waved at them and said in a strange Mandarin

, "Guest, here!" "

I've been waiting for you for a long time, and it's finally here." "

By the way, the price should be said in advance. If you stay in a hotel, it costs 3,000 yuan a day.

"You guys, how many days do you want to stay?"


Three thousand yuan!

Ye Ran's eyes darkened.

What kind of black shop did the program team arrange for them!

Although he is very rich.

But I still feel that my flesh hurts, three thousand yuan a night, and it is not necessarily so expensive for him to stay in a six-star hotel!"


middle-aged man with a short beard and a seemingly honest man took the three of them to the stilted building for a tour.

Then he sat down and said,

"My name is Wang Gui." "

This stilted building was left by my father, and no one lives in it.

"So, it hasn't opened for many years.

"We have to use these 3,000 yuan for many years, so it's a bit expensive.

Ye Ran: "......

" can you still say the word "slaughterer" so tactfully?

Having said that, but looking at his expression, it is estimated that the entire county has already discussed it privately, and every one of them is so expensive.

After all, if you want to enter the forbidden land, you must live.

Ye Ran didn't say anything, took out a thick stack of cash, and said,

"Let's book tonight first, three people." "

Okay, sign the contract.

Wang Gui threw out a piece of paper that was very rough and motioned for Ye Ran to sign.

Ye Ran took the paper over and just wrote his name.

Wang Gui suddenly stood up with a "rub".

His face changed greatly, and he shouted in a lost voice:

"Your name is Ye Ran?!" "

I have a courier for you here." "


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