After Karami left, Mi Yuan's thirst for knowledge exploded, and he said to Li Yang

"I have nothing to do, so tell me how physics is used in football."

"Aren't you taking a break?"

"What are you doing? I feel like you've opened a door for me. Tell me more about it."

After hearing what Mi Yuan said, Li Yang did not hesitate and started the physics class.

Karami followed John into the office and asked impatiently after the door was closed.

"What is the current condition of Mi’s injury? Was yesterday’s examination a misdiagnosis?"

"Don't worry, I'm not sure yet, his recovery is really too fast.

When he said that he had a good recovery ability, I even thought of the mysterious Eastern warriors, they have such a magical recovery ability"

"What warrior, what happened to Mi’s injury?"

"Don't worry, isn't this a good thing?

If he can heal on his own, it will be much better than surgery. This will be more conducive to his recovery and allow him to return to the court earlier, right?"

Kalami finally calmed down. Yes, this is obviously good news. Why should I be anxious?

"What is the next treatment plan?"

"We will recheck him tomorrow. He still needs to rest during this period.

Karami nodded. A recheck was necessary. Then his expression turned cold and he said seriously.

"John, let me be frank with you. You and your nurse must keep your mouth shut about Mi's condition, especially when facing the media."

"Don't worry, this is our professional ethics. We will never disclose any patient information."

"Thank you. I'll go back first!"

"No, please wait a moment!"

When Karami returned to the ward with a bunch of Dortmund peripherals, he saw the two of them discussing wind speed and air convection, so he didn't interrupt them.

After putting down his things, he walked out of the room and called Struth to report.

"What did you say?"

Struth stood up excitedly from his chair. He was really shocked after listening to Karami's report.

"Yes, boss. I will report to you as soon as I can after the inspection tomorrow."

"OK, you handled this matter very well. You must keep it confidential. I will contact Aki right now."

"OK, boss! Also, I think we need to give Mi a bodyguard so he won't be harassed."

"OK, I'll make the arrangements."

Karami heaved a sigh of relief after finishing the call.

When they returned to the ward, the two had finished their studies and were chatting.

"Mi, John asked me to ask you to sign for him, he is your fan."

Mi Yuan looked aggrieved,"I am a wounded soldier, and you still want to exploit my labor!"

"You hurt your leg, not your hand."

"Who said my hand wasn't injured? My shoulder was injured."

When he showed his shoulder, I was stunned. The bruises and swelling from yesterday were nowhere to be found.

In the end, he had to accept his fate and signed his name obediently.

Karami left again to prepare lunch, and took away the jersey and peripherals signed by Mi Yuan.

Mi Yuan also lay down to rest. After all, he was still a patient and couldn't move around. He could only enter the training module to practice hard.

After this period of research, his training module not only has the game mode, but also can conduct individual training such as shooting, set pieces, dribbling, etc.

This time he wanted to enter the individual training to verify the new knowledge he had just learned.

But more importantly, he still had a prize to claim. He He was looking forward to what kind of reward the system would give him this time.

When he opened the inventory, he saw that one potion was missing, and he felt a little sad.

But since he had solved the biggest problem, he felt it was worth it.

After seeing the glittering treasure chest as a reward for the task, he clicked on it without hesitation. After the pearlescent light faded, there were three more items in the inventory.

Socks: disposable socks, the corresponding colors can be changed at will, which can protect the calves and prevent injuries from being stepped on by studs.

Shin guards: can withstand an impact of 3,000 Newtons and provide more effective protection.

Combat boots: in addition to their own protection, the style can be changed according to needs. These combat boots are lighter in weight, which improves the high touch feeling, Adjust the stability and grip of the studs according to the venue.

Seeing these rewards, Mi Yuan smiled in his heart, this is to add protection to the legs.

Mi Yuan is still very satisfied with this three-piece set.

After checking the rewards, he entered the training module.

As for taking another healing potion, he can only wait a week.

He can only take the primary healing potion once a week.

It is estimated that when the system gave him this reward, it considered not wanting him to recover too quickly.

Life in the hospital is boring. Fortunately, he has the company of Li Yang and Karami, but most of the time he still uses sleep to train in the system.

When he actively chooses to train, as long as he sets the training Just practice to a goal.

For example, if he wants to practice 1,000 curve balls, he can set a task goal, and he will wake up naturally after completing it.

On the third day of hospitalization, Mi Yuan underwent another full-body examination.

After John and Marcus discussed for an afternoon, they decided on conservative treatment.

But Mi Yuan still cannot leave the hospital and needs to be observed for at least a week.

Mi Yuan often forgets the existence of his mobile phone. When Karami brought his mobile phone, he remembered what he had overlooked. He knew that his injury must have been known in China a long time ago, so he quickly turned on the phone. Sure enough

, as soon as he turned on the phone, the prompt tone kept ringing, Captain Li, Yaoyao, Xiaoyu, Zhang Lei, Long Qi

All the people he knew sent him messages asking about his injury. If he didn't respond for a few days, they would keep sending messages. And they sent a long string of messages at a time. He could only spend more than an hour to reply to everyone.

Since it was afternoon in Daxia, everyone replied quickly. They were relieved to know that he was fine.

Long Qi also specially���Advice: Brat, don't play missing again, I want to be able to contact you at any time.

Yonemoto knew that his negligence made his friends and teachers worried, so of course he would agree obediently.

He had an easy life, but the outside world was in an uproar.

Dortmund's lawsuit and Hertha Berlin's protest caused the media supporting both sides to engage in a war of words.

The Football Association's trial was also deadlocked for a while, and the media were making all kinds of speculations every day.

It was not until Friday that the Football Association gave the final verdict.

Haraguchi's behavior was undoubtedly bad, and he was fined 100,000 euros and banned for half a year.

When Yonemoto knew the result, he just smiled.

His biggest trouble was solved, and everything else was just icing on the cake. He can consider how to take a good rest for a while and relax on the sea.

Although the imagination is beautiful, an accident happened again.

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