As soon as the phone call was hung up, Mi Yuan finally couldn't hold it in anymore and laughed like a pig.

"Mi Yuan, what are you laughing at?"

"Haha, don't worry, let me laugh for a while!"

Mi Yuan laughed for a while, and finally calmed down, and began to tell Li Yang about the interesting things in his life with Karami.

"In addition to tableware, our kitchen also has a scale, an electronic scale and a timer."

"If I eat 200 grams of beef in one meal, even 201 grams, he will use a knife to cut off 1 gram."

"So when Karami sees the commonly used quantifiers such as"a little" and"a proper amount", he will definitely go crazy."

After listening to Mi Yuan's story, Li Yang also laughed, and when he thought about his own explanation just now, he laughed even harder.

"The Germans are truly rigorous, even to the point of being rigid!"

"It was actually quite good. During my time abroad, I was fortunate to have Karami take care of me. He was not only my assistant, but he also accompanied me in training and helped me prepare the right nutritious meals. His rigorous attitude was very helpful to my growth."

"Yes, I came here to study, just to learn the advanced technology here, but I went astray and thought about making money."

"Oh? What's your major?"


"Well, the physics here are indeed good, but what does this have to do with advanced technology?"

"It matters a lot. You need to know a lot about physics when playing football. You must be familiar with banana ball!"

"Of course, Beckham is one of the representatives. His free kick amazed the whole world."

Li Yang snapped his fingers excitedly, sat on the bed and began to explain to Mi Yuan.

"The banana shot is also a metaphor for the curve ball, which comes from the physics phenomenon - the Magnus effect"

"Assume that in the absence of wind, the football moves in a straight line at a certain speed. At this time, the airflow will only create resistance to the ball.

If you try to"make miracles happen with great force" and shoot in a straight line, unless you aim very accurately, it is likely to hit the wall or miss the goal.

If you want to hit a curve ball like Beckham, in addition to practice, you also need to have some calculations."

"First of all, we need to make the football spin, which you may be familiar with.

At the moment of kicking the ball, the foot will form an angle with the football, and the friction will cause the football to spin.

In this way, the football will rotate while flying in the air, and the football will also drive the surrounding airflow to rotate while rotating. On one side of the ball, the airflow generated by the rotation is in the same direction as the relative airflow in flight, and the airflow speed increases; on the other side, the airflow generated by the rotation is in the opposite direction to the relative airflow in flight, and the airflow speed decreases.

The different speeds of the airflow on both sides relative to the ball will form a pressure difference. The lower the airflow speed, the higher the pressure; the higher the airflow speed, the lower the pressure.

At this time, the high-pressure area will generate a lateral force toward the low-pressure area.

The rotating football will be affected by the lateral force during flight, and will have a significant deflection, thus forming an arc. This is the formation of a horse arc ball."

"Beckham's Bayesian curve was practiced for eighteen years. After each training, he would practice 1,000 times to achieve a 95% success rate!"

Looking at Li Yang talking excitedly, Mi Yuan seemed to understand, but he was very clear about Beckham's deeds.

Not only Beckham, but also Pele kicking mango, Messi's ball sense, and Ronaldo's strength were not practiced in a day.

This is why he will still train hard even if he has a system. No famous star has gained fame without hard work.

In front of people, they are stars that millions of people are paying attention to, but only they themselves know the hardships they have paid in private.

Just because he has better conditions and shortcuts does not mean that he does not need to work hard.

However, the physics principle that Li Yang talked about made him very interested.

"Let me elaborate. I still don't quite understand what you heard just now. I'm a little confused about what the air pressure and flow rate are."

"Wait a minute, I'll draw it for you and explain it in detail."

Li Yang ran out, borrowed a pen and paper from the nurse, and came back to explain it in detail to Mi Yuan.

When Karami came over with breakfast, he was stunned when he saw this scene.

When he saw the various lines and data marked on the paper, he was even more stunned.

"What are you researching?"

"Haha, from a scientific perspective, I will analyze the shooting skills for Mi Yuan."

Li Yang then noticed Karami coming, and quickly packed up his things, pulled over the small table, and let Mi Yuan have breakfast.

When Mi Yuan took the soup handed over by Karami, he was stunned for a moment.

Not to mention that it was not rich in milky white, and it was not clear, there was not only a layer of oil floating on it, but also foam, which was the blood foam when blanching. It also smelled sour like vinegar and fishy like pork. Mi Yuan's Adam's apple rolled up and down, and when he looked up and saw Karami's face showing off his treasure, he really couldn't bear to hurt him.

But if he was asked to drink this, he really couldn't drink it.

"Karami, you actually started learning how to make soup. That’s not easy. You will definitely become a great chef in the future!"

"Really? But forget about being a chef. Come and try what I made!"

Mi Yuan licked his lips, but still couldn't eat.

"Karami, in our Daxia, the chef eats first, this is etiquette, you should have this bowl first."

Mi Yuan handed the bowl to Karami after he finished speaking, and the latter had no choice but to take it, watching Mi Yuan grab the sandwich and chew it, and tasted the bone soup directly.

After taking this bite, Karami's expression was wonderful, he wanted to vomit but was embarrassed to vomit, but it was too spicy to swallow it.

After struggling for a long time, he rushed into the bathroom with the bowl of soup in his mouth. Li Yang had been covering his head and not watching. Mi Yuan quickly stuffed the sandwich into his mouth and lay down.

After Karami rinsed his mouth and came out of the bathroom, he started to clean up the battlefield without saying a word.

Mi Yuan wanted to comfort her, but he really didn't know how to comfort her, so he simply didn't say anything.

Fortunately, the doctor and the nurse came in at this time to check Mi Yuan's injuries.

Karami recovered and stood at the head of the bed, watching the doctor open Mi Yuan's wound little by little.

When the last piece of gauze was removed, everyone at the scene was dumbfounded.

The redness and swelling had disappeared, the wound was no longer bleeding, and even some superficial wounds had begun to scab.

"Oh my god!"John finally recovered from his shock.

Mi Yuan saw their shocked expressions and immediately stretched his head to take a look. He recovered a lot, but it would take some time to recover.

"What's wrong, doctor? Isn't he feeling much better?"

"Mi, have you taken any special medicine?"

"No! I have always been able to recover well, and I think I will be able to start training again in a few days."

"No no no, you can't train, you can't get out of bed, don't you know the extent of your injury??"

"My injury? Is it serious?"

John looked a little embarrassed, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Karami spoke up at this time,"Mi, yesterday's diagnosis report was suspected cruciate ligament rupture and meniscus injury!"

"Suspected? It's probably because the swelling hadn't subsided and we couldn't see clearly! Why don't we check it again in two days and see the situation?"

Mi Yuan had to find a reasonable excuse so as not to arouse their suspicion.

If they really wanted to study it, they could say that he recovered quickly. Anyway, there were so many unsolved mysteries and they couldn't do anything.

John carefully checked his knee again. There were still obvious symptoms in the knee joint. He didn't continue to dwell on Mi Yuan's explanation.

After re-bandaging it, they left.

Karami followed him out directly. He had to know Mi Yuan's situation. It was all too incredible.

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