Li Yang in Berlin was smoking a cigarette, looking depressed. All the videos he had recorded in Dortmund were uploaded to the small broken station. After the Bundesliga started, he uploaded the video of Mi Yuan's goal after the game.

The number of views was not bad, but because PP Video bought the network broadcasting rights of the Bundesliga, the video he uploaded was no longer the only one.

For similar videos about Xiaomi, if you just search for the word"Mi", you will see more than a dozen pages of related videos.

If he wants to continue to eat this meal, he must reorganize his thoughts.

As Mi Yuan's popularity in China is getting more and more popular, what everyone needs most is his situation in Germany, not his performance in the game.

At this time, he was struggling to write a plan to track and report on Mi Yuan for a long time and at close range.

Although he signed a contract with Mi Yuan's agency and had exclusive reporting rights, he had to write a plan, otherwise he could not disturb Mi Yuan's training and life.

This is why he is distressed now. He needs a new gimmick to retain his fans and traffic.

Daxia Zhang Kangyang is also having a headache. Many people have come to him recently, and many of them are businesses that advertise on PP Video.

The broadcast of the Bundesliga, especially the Dortmund game, has really good data, so more people are looking for them to insert advertisements.

But these people have other intentions, they all come with hidden tasks.

They have only one purpose, hoping to have the opportunity to let Mi Yuan endorse.

He also communicated with Strus about this matter, and got only one answer,"Don't consider it for now, Mi Yuan needs time to grow." What made him most worried was that a big shot found him and wanted Mi Yuan's contact information.

He evaded the need to contact him and gave it to them after getting it.

He remembered Mi Yuan's words, he couldn't afford to offend these people.

He was struggling at this time, whether to ask Mi Yuan.

In the end, he made up his mind and picked up the phone to make a call.

Mi Yuan didn't know this, his mind was only on training.

For the time being, he didn't have any idea of becoming famous. Although he played in the Bundesliga, he knew that he still lacked a lot.

After seeing the colorful world, he was a little yearning, but it was not as important as playing football.

After Mi Yuan and Karami finished their morning training, they just entered the living room and heard their mobile phone ringing.

He ran over quickly and just picked up the phone, but it was hung up.

When he saw it, it turned out to be Da Xia's number. After thinking about it, he knew who it was.

He was too lazy to reply. If there was really an emergency, he would definitely call again.

When he finished taking a shower, he found an unread WeChat message. He clicked it and saw that it was indeed Zhang Kangyang.

Steven: They want your contact information. I want to ask you, do you give it to them?

Mi Yuan's heart suddenly skipped a beat. They found me so soon.

He sat on the sofa and was in a daze.

This matter will have to be faced sooner or later, and there is no way to avoid it.

If he refuses directly, he will face domestic criticism. He is not in the country, so he is not worried.

But if it affects here, will it affect his career?

Originally, he wanted to ask Captain Li, but then he thought that it would not be good to involve Captain Li in such a matter.

He would never join, but how to refuse is definitely a difficult problem.

At this moment, Karami knocked on his door, interrupting his thoughts.

Mi Yuan got up to open the door. Karami immediately noticed something was wrong and asked:

"Mi, what's wrong with you?"

Mi Yuan looked at him and asked tentatively:"If my friend doesn't want to join the national team, is there any way to refuse?"

Karami was stunned, and then reacted instantly.

What friend? It was obviously himself.

Karami patted his shoulder and said,"Don't think about it for now, it's time to eat."

Mi Yuan then realized that Karami was asking him to eat.

He followed Karami downstairs and ate mechanically without saying a word.

When he finally finished eating, Karami poured him a glass of water and said,

"I don't understand your social habits, but here, no one can force you to do something you don't want to do."

"Sometimes things are simple, but the more you think about them, the more complicated they become."

"If you don't like something, you can just refuse it. If your friend has a club, the club can also refuse it, and even his agent should help him solve these problems."

Kalami's words woke Mi Yuan up. Yes, go your own way and let others talk. Why are you entangled here?

I have a club and an agent. Why should I worry about it? I can just concentrate on doing my own thing.

"Thank you, Karami, I know what to do now."

Putting down his bag, Mi Yuan rushed upstairs, picked up the phone and called Struth.

"Oh! Dear Mi, why did you call me?"

"Uncle Walker, I'm in some trouble and would like to ask for your advice. Are you available now?"

""Child, tell me. I am here to help you solve your problems."

Mi Yuan did not hide anything and told Struth the truth.

After he finished speaking, he quietly waited for Struth's reply.

After a dozen seconds of silence, Struth asked:

""Son, are you sure you want to refuse? This is to represent the country in the competition, which should be an honor that everyone aspires to."

Mi Yuan had long guessed that Strus would ask him this.

But he couldn't tell the family scandal, so he replied firmly.

"Yes, I just want to stay in the club and play well."

"My child, you will face a lot of pressure from public opinion if you do this. Will you insist on doing this?"

"Yes, Uncle Walker, I insist!"

"Since you are so determined, I respect your choice. Let me handle this matter."

"You can ask Steven to give them my phone number, and don't worry about the rest, just focus on the game."

"Thank you, Uncle Walker!"

"One of the things I can do to earn your commission is to solve all your problems."

The two chatted for a while, and Strus recognized his performance in the game, hoping that he would not be proud and keep up the form.

Xiaomi of course accepted it humbly, and even if Strus didn't say anything, he would try his best to do it.

After hanging up the phone, Mi Yuan replied to Zhang Kangyang. After solving this matter, Mi Yuan also lay down on the bed and took a nap.

In fact, only Mi Yuan was unwilling to talk about the family scandal, which did not mean that Strus did not know.

Others may not know about Krauchen's experience in Daxia in 2005, but he knows it very well.

He went to The Hague in person to see with his own eyes what kind of soul the Daxia players that Sven liked had and whether they were worthy of his efforts.

After meeting them, he admired this young man who insisted on his dream and trained hard, which led to the following events.

Before receiving Mi Yuan's call, he had already received a text message from Karami.

The reason why he asked those questions was very simple, he wanted to confirm Mi Yuan's attitude.

He didn't want Mi Yuan to respond to the call in his heart, he knew too well how many talented Daxia players had fallen early for the so-called honor.

He was a little worried before that Mi Yuan would do the same.

With him around, this matter was nothing and was very easy to solve.

Mi Yuan didn't pay any attention to the subsequent developments. After the vacation, he entered the state of preparation for the war again.

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