After hearing Pierre's words, everyone started to make a noise, and the room suddenly became lively.

Mi Yuan felt a little embarrassed and quickly stood up.

"What happened at the welcome party is not important. I am very happy to play football with you all."

"I can't drink, so I can only drink with water. Thank you all for your help and care for me for so long."

After saying that, he picked up the water cup, gestured to everyone, took a sip, and was about to put the cup down.

Hoffman was not happy,"It's fine to drink water, but you took such a small sip, this is not okay."

"Yes, that won’t do!"

""Drink it all!"

The teammates cheered together. Mi Yuan was a little embarrassed and drank all the water in the cup directly.

Everyone was chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

The dinner was a traditional German-style Western meal, probably to cater to this ancient castle.

There was a dedicated waiter behind each person. Fortunately, Mi Yuan had received Western etiquette training when he was in The Hague, but today's dress was indeed

The cooking method of traditional German Western food usually requires strict control of heat and time to ensure the taste and nutritional content of the food.

When making traditional Western food, the ingredients are usually cut into small pieces, marinated with seasonings such as olive oil, salt and black pepper for a period of time, and then baked, boiled or fried.

This cooking method not only ensures the taste of the food, but also makes them healthier and more nutritious.

Its special spices and sauces are also a major feature of traditional German Western food.

It’s just the order of the meal, the time is really too long, and a meal actually took more than two hours.

Fortunately, we can still chat, otherwise Mi Yuan will eat a meal and eat himself crazy.

After the meal, Mats waved his hand,"Next, we will have free activities. Don’t forget the time to return to the team tomorrow."

The whole audience cheered, and after the cheers, they left one after another. Only the two Ma brothers and Pierre surrounded Mi Yuan with a smirk on their faces.

Mi Yuan suddenly felt his scalp tingling,"What are you going to do?"

"Of course I want to take you out to play!"

Pierre said seriously, pulling Mi Yuan towards the door without saying anything.

"I'm not even eighteen yet, where are you taking me?"

""Haha, it's okay, there are no paparazzi here, don't worry!"

Mark grinned and cooperated with Pierre to push Mi Yuan out.

Mi Yuan was dragged out of the door, and he had no choice but to follow obediently.

The four of them went to a bar and sat down in a booth in the corner.

As soon as they sat down, Pierre and Mark's eyes wandered around, looking for prey.

Mats whispered in his ear:"You can relax here until midnight with an adult.

We'll go back after playing for a while, so as not to spoil everyone's fun."

Mats said so, and Mi Yuan nodded.

He had never been to a bar before. The deafening electronic music here and the people twisting their bodies in the small dance floor, everything made him very curious.

The waiter quickly brought drinks and snacks, and the four of them danced to the rhythm of the music. Not to mention that occasionally listening to such music can really make people relax.

Just wanting to chat was a struggle. Mats was close, so the two of them could whisper in each other's ears, but to talk to Mark and Pierre opposite, they would have to shout at the top of their lungs.

Soon, Pierre found the target and left with a glass of wine.

Then Mark also left with a glass of wine.

Mats remained motionless, which made Mi Yuan a little curious

"Brother Ma, don't you want to go out and play for a while?"

"Do you want to go dancing? I can go dancing with you."

"No, I mean, don't you go and relax?"

Mats finally understood what Mi Yuan meant and raised his right hand. Mi Yuan then noticed the ring on his ring finger. He said apologetically,"I'm sorry for being rude!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter. After all, I don't wear it during training and competition. It's normal that you didn't notice it."

The two sat for a while, then left the castle and took a car back to the hotel.

In such occasions, if you are drunk, you will have auditory fatigue, especially since Mi Yuan neither drinks nor dances.

At first, it was just fresh, but after sitting for a while, I couldn't stand it.

Back at the hotel, Mats said earnestly

"There will be many more post-match summaries like this in the future. Although it may be a bit boring for you, it can bring everyone closer. I hope you won’t always avoid it."

Mi Yuan nodded and asked the question in his mind:"Why choose today, and in Ingol?"

"Haha, first of all, I want you to see it and not be scared by crazy female fans again. Second, who doesn’t know us in Dortmund?"

Mi Yuan was embarrassed at first, but then he was relieved.

Yes, he seemed to be too serious and was really scared today.

The two went back to their rooms, and Mi Yuan took a shower in the room.

The smell on his body was a bit strong, not sweat, but the mixed smell of tobacco and alcohol in entertainment occasions, which made him feel uncomfortable.

When Mark came back the next day, he found that Mark had panda eyes, and he tried to hold back his smile and asked

"Fight till dawn?"

"You kid, every time you use an adjective, it's so appropriate. Wait for me, let's go to the meeting place!"

Mark came back a little late, and there was not much time left before the meeting.

After rushing into the bathroom and changing into the uniform team uniform, the two went to the first floor to meet.

When they arrived at the hall, they saw their teammates yawning one by one. Without exception, they were like Mark, with dark circles under their eyes. Mi Yuan wanted to laugh.

Tuchel looked around with a serious face and said dissatisfiedly

"I think I have to change your name to the Panda Team in the future, as you all have such dark circles under your eyes.

You sneaked out to relax without calling me. If you do this again, I will give you a closed training camp next time."

After hearing Tuchel's words, everyone was stunned at first, and then looked at each other and laughed.

Only then did Mi Yuan realize that the BOSS was no exception.

The Dortmund Panda Team boarded the waiting bus and headed for the airport.

After finishing the trip to Ingolstadt, two hours later, Mi Yuan finally got on Karami's special car and went home.

There are two more games this month, both home games, which avoids traveling.

One is the second game of the Europa League against Otto, and the other is of course the third round of the Bundesliga.

At the end of the two rounds of games, Dortmund ranked first and second in the standings with Bayern with an advantage of eight goals in two games.

This is a perfect start for Dortmund, but I don't know if Dortmund can maintain this state in the next games.

The new issue of"Kicker" has a high evaluation of Mi Yuan, which is better than the original evaluation of him. Kagawa's evaluation is even higher.

Yonemoto doesn't read these, but Kagawa does.

He felt uncomfortable that Kagawa was not included in the roster for this trip to Ingolstadt.

Seeing the overwhelming praise for Yonemoto, he angrily threw all the newspapers and magazines to the ground to vent his emotions.

He thought of his unhappiness during his time at Manchester United. During Klopp's time, he was in the limelight.

But now, Tuchel either makes him sit on the bench or participate in some unimportant games.

He is very worried that he will be marginalized again, and he must show his strength.

He was smoking a cigar and drinking red wine, thinking with a gloomy face.

At this time, a woman with an oriental face and wearing a large white T-shirt came down from upstairs. Seeing the mess on the ground, she immediately ran over, knelt on the ground and started���

When he approached Kagawa, he was pulled up by Kagawa and pressed on the sofa.

Ten minutes later, Kagawa half-lay on the sofa and asked weakly

"Is there anything to eat, Nako?"

"I'll prepare it for you right away!"

Naizi adjusted her oversized T-shirt, twisted her waist, and walked towards the kitchen.

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