Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 533 [Ding——This week's mission has been refreshed! ]

Lin Zhou had a bad feeling more and more.

Butler Sun watched Lin Zhou eating well, and suddenly stopped with a tangled look on his face, and began to be dazed.

This made Butler Sun doubt whether there was something wrong with the dish.

Why did he stop eating well?

"Sir, is there something wrong with the dish?"

The ingredients and fruits they ate in the villa were all airlifted from Mr.'s farm and orchard every day.

The people at Ziyuan Building saw Lin Zhou's private plane, hired a pilot specifically, and also booked a space at the airport. It would be a waste to leave it alone, so it would be better to run a trip every day to deliver the freshest ingredients and fruits to where Lin Zhou lived so that it would be of some use.

In theory, the ingredients sent from the farm were all organically cultivated by Xiaobai and his people, and they were fresher and healthier than the ingredients sold outside.

So the ingredients were fine, but his cooking skills were the problem?

When he was not busy in private, he would spend money to invite the state banquet chef to take private lessons, and each lesson cost tens of thousands. Although his skills had improved, they were still far behind Mr.'s skills.

It seems that he still needs to make up more lessons!

That is to say, the salary given by the teacher is high, otherwise the tuition fee would be a huge expense.

But as long as the teacher eats well, it's fine.

Butler Sun leaned closer and asked.

"Sir, is today's dish not to your taste?"

Looking at the boiled cabbage, Dongpo pork, stir-fried seasonal vegetables, and garlic vermicelli squid on the table.

They are all simple-looking dishes, but they take a lot of effort.

I don't know which dish is not to the teacher's taste.

It should be boiled cabbage. This dish is the most difficult. He has not learned it well enough. The broth is not as clear as the teacher's.

"No, I'm thinking about something."

Lin Zhou came back to his senses and saw Uncle Sun looking at him with concern, and smiled gently.

"The dish is good, your cooking skills have improved. There is a problem with the proportion of ingredients in the soup base of boiled cabbage. Next time I make the broth, I will teach you."

Lin Zhou knew that Butler Sun wanted him to eat well, so he studied cooking so hard.

Following him for so long, he could always feel Uncle Sun's care.

And the aunts and others have been taking care of the family in the back.

The way Lin Zhou can thank them is to increase his salary.

Anyway, he is not short of money.

It is worth spending the money if he can be taken care of comfortably.

"Okay, sir."

Seeing Lin Zhou continue to eat.

Uncle Sun went to the kitchen to prepare fruit.

Lin Zhou usually likes to eat some fruit after dinner, so he has to prepare it.


On the other side, in front of Shengli Supermarket.

After Boss Lin left, the diners on the scene had to leave even if they were reluctant.

Local diners went back to their homes and looked for their mothers.

Then the old diners from other places, who rarely went out, lined up in a hurry to buy milk tea, and had not yet had a good look around Lishi.

Some people took a taxi on the roadside to go to the city or scenic spots.

Some people went back to the hotel to rest directly.

The venue, which was originally crowded with people, gradually became empty.

The workers who were watching also went back to work contentedly.

Under the guidance of Jiang Ci, Mr. Li also entered the construction site and began to inspect.

While inspecting, he was still chatting with Boss Lin.

As a customer, Mr. Li not only drank his own cup of milk tea, but also the milk tea bought by Jiang Ci's men.

As long as the contract can be signed, a cup of milk tea is nothing.

So Mr. Li drank three cups by himself.

He couldn't even eat lunch, and now he was strolling around the construction site with his stomach in his hands.

He was wearing a safety helmet on his head.

"Hey, Boss Lin's cooking skills are really good. Not only is his cooking delicious, but he is also good at making milk tea. All kinds of unexpected combinations are surprisingly good when combined."

Mr. Li praised him endlessly.

Jiang Ci also nodded, but he had never eaten the food that Boss Lin had made before, so it was difficult to talk to him.

But this happened to open up a topic with Mr. Li.

"I have only drunk the milk tea made by Boss Lin, and I haven't eaten the ones before. What a pity!"

Jiang Ci said with a look of regret.

Mr. Li also felt a little regretful, "I have only eaten one or two, which is still less than those people from Jiangdong."

"There is no comparison. Jiangdong has a geographical advantage. Boss Lin's home is in Jiangdong."

"That's right."

"I don't know if I will be so lucky next week and meet Boss Lin directly."

The world is so big, Boss Lin sets up his stall in a different place every week.

Every week, there will be lucky people who meet Boss Lin.

This week it was them, and I don't know who it will be next week.

"I will pay more attention to the news online at that time, and notify Mr. Li immediately if there is any news."

Jiang Ci still knows how to say nice things.

Seeing that the contract has not been signed yet!

I have to coax him more.

Mr. Li really laughed happily when he heard this.

Then he walked around the construction site and returned to the company, and the contract was signed.

Jiang Ci was so happy.

I wanted to take good care of Boss Lin's business and thank him.

It's a pity that Boss Lin didn't give him this opportunity.


The end of the day.

Lin Zhou didn't go to bed at 12 o'clock, lying in bed, waiting for the new task to refresh.

To be honest, after calming down under such an awesome reward, his bad premonition became stronger and stronger.

He was very curious about the tasks for next week.

He even wanted to stay up all night waiting for the tasks to be refreshed.

The system didn't let Lin Zhoubai wait.

At 12 o'clock, a new day came.

The task reminder sound came immediately.

[Ding - This week's tasks have been refreshed! ]

[Task content: Go to Hespanta and sell 1,000 portions of stinky tofu within a week! ]

Lin Zhou was a little sleepy at first, but when he saw this obviously Western place name, he became alert.

He sat up from the bed and carefully checked the detailed location.

The mission location shown on the system map was indeed in a foreign country.

Now, his bad premonition really came true.

It is dangerous abroad, that is something many people know.

So they are afraid that he will be in danger, so they directly gave him danger avoidance, right?

This system is really considerate!

Lin Zhou sighed helplessly.

To be honest, he has not been to many places in China, and the mission location was directly sent to him abroad.

And it is stinky tofu.

To be honest, many people in China cannot accept the smell of this thing.

The evaluation is very polarized.

People who like to eat it praise it as a rare delicacy in heaven and earth.

People who don’t like to eat it stay away from it, and in serious cases, they feel sick when they smell it.

So he went all the way to sell stinky tofu abroad?

System, are you okay?

He was almost asleep, so he was just working hard.

Lin Zhou sent the task location to Huang Zhenghao and asked him to go to Hespanta to prepare a place to stay.

The task content did not specify the market, but he needed to sell 1,000 stinky tofu within a week. In China, it was not difficult.

It was hard to say abroad.

Lin Zhou had a headache.

Huang Zhenghao, who received the news in the middle of the night, was the same.

Although he had a hunch that the boss liked to set up stalls everywhere and would go abroad sooner or later, he did not expect that this day would come so suddenly and without any warning!

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