An hour later, Xia Yu came out of the toilet holding her stomach.

He won't be greedy next time.

People, you shouldn't take chances.

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Think about it carefully, what kind of person can you be if you can fuck an employee of a store to the toilet?

He actually believed that he would not be the one with diarrhea.

I've been running back and forth to the bathroom now and can't get out.

It hurts to think about it.

After coming back to her senses, Xia Yu looked at the live broadcast room. Boss Lin was closing the stall! ! !

What did he miss!

In the picture, Lin Zhou was packing the things from the stall into a tricycle. He was surrounded by diners who were reluctant to leave, and they were all talking to Lin Zhou reluctantly.

"Boss Lin, I found a problem!"

Lin Zhou looked at the talking diners and responded with a smile: "Huh? What's the problem?"

When the diners saw Lin Zhou responding to him, they immediately started describing it with joy.

"Look, Boss Lin has been setting up his stall in one place every week since he changed cities. The cities span a lot, from south to north, and a lot of time is wasted on the road. There is also preparation time left for setting up the stall. There’s not much time left!”

“This week we only set up stalls for two days.”

"It's not like when I was in Jiangdong before, stalls were set up seven days a week. The food was so delicious!"

The diners only thought of this problem after calculating that the stalls were only open on Saturday and Sunday this week.

The cost of Boss Lin's national tour is to shorten the time of setting up stalls.

Then he really hopes that Boss Lin will stay in one place and set up a stall, even if he changes to a different location, so that the scope of everyone's search will be smaller.

The surrounding diners suddenly became enlightened when they heard this.

It seems so!

Everyone never thought about this in the past. They only searched for Boss Lin’s location on the entire Internet. It wasn’t until someone reminded them that they remembered it. It seemed like this was the case!

Then their eyes fell on Lin Zhou.

"Boss Lin, why don't you stay in one place and set up a stall, so that we can eat more."

"How are you talking? Boss Lin needs your opinion when doing things?"

"Boss Lin, please leave them alone. You can set up a stall wherever you want, and sell as much as you want. Just don't give up setting up a stall!"

The diners were bustling, talking to each other about everything.

Lin Zhou smiled helplessly and did not respond.

Then the stalls were packed up and it was time to say goodbye.

The police who had been maintaining order at the scene looked at the excited fans and surrounded them, evacuating the crowd so that Lin Zhou could walk out.

Lin Zhou was sitting on a tricycle, and before it even started, he was pushed forward by a group of people.

Lin Zhou was so frightened that he quickly controlled his direction.

"Oh, no, no, no, I just drive slower. You don't need to push me. It's too hard."

Lin Zhou had never experienced this before, and everyone was stunned.

"Boss Lin, it's okay. There are a lot of people here. Don't touch anyone. We'll just send you out."

The traffic police escorted Lin Zhou out.

Everyone at the scene was here for Lin Zhou.

I know that Lin Zhou is closing the stall, but I don’t know if I can see him next time.

Everyone wanted to move forward and take a look at Boss Lin.

When this crowd gets crowded, accidents tend to happen.

Lin Zhou walked this section of the road for an hour before he came out.

It wasn’t until we got to the main road that there were no fans blocking the way.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

Lin Zhou always kept a low profile wherever he set up stalls.

I didn’t expect that no matter how low-key I was, I would be discovered for various reasons.

Then there will be crowding.

Cause trouble to others every time.

Even though the traffic police didn't say anything, Lin Zhou still felt like he was causing trouble.

So he separated from the crowd and immediately apologized with an apologetic look on his face.

When police and traffic police take off this layer of identity, they are still human beings.

People have appetites.

If they weren't holding public office, they would probably be part of the queue.

If they had known that Boss Lin was coming to Lishi, they would have made plans in advance and at least freed up today.

Don’t envy others now.

It's a pity that they didn't get to drink the milk tea made by Boss Lin, so they closed the stall!

"Wherever you go, no trouble. If Boss Lin comes to our city to set up a stall, we will welcome him with both hands. We will definitely make you feel at home."

Lin Zhou smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, the two sides had a friendly exchange.

Lin Zhou quickly ran away on his tricycle.

The traffic policeman who stayed on the spot looked at Boss Lin's tricycle and asked doubtfully: "It's so fast? Has Boss Lin's tricycle been modified?"

The colleague on the side glanced at him.

"No, can't you see that the entire car is specially customized?"

The traffic police carefully recalled the feeling when he faced the tricycle just now. The material seemed to be different from ordinary iron, and it was very well made.

"Stop chatting and evacuate the crowd quickly. There are too many people. Has the leader sent more people?"


Damn it, I didn’t get any prompting when I was chatting with Boss Lin just now!

When Lin Zhou returned home, Butler Sun and others couldn't help laughing when they looked at his messy hairstyle and crumpled clothes.

It's not good to be too popular sometimes.

Look how this has been squeezed.

Lin Zhou smiled helplessly, and then left the tricycle to the aunts to clean it up.

The mission reward has arrived.

He had to go and see.

"I'll take a shower first, and prepare some food. I'll come down to eat later."

Lin Zhou set up the stall in the morning.

It was already afternoon when he got home.

I haven't had lunch yet.

Milk tea has a high sugar content. I drank a cup in the morning, but I wasn't hungry at noon.

Back in the room, Lin Zhou took a shower as usual, and then opened the reward.

[This week's task reward: Danger avoidance! ]


Lin Zhou looked at the glittering big words on this week's task reward and was dumbfounded.

The meaning of this reward can be seen from the literal meaning.

Click on the introduction, it's even more awesome.

Danger avoidance, as the name suggests, all dangers will avoid him after he has it.

To put it simply, even if he gets into a car accident, he will be fine.


No wonder this reward appeared with golden light.

This is the most powerful one among all the task rewards he has ever done.

Think about it, after he has the system, he first has the skills to support himself.

Then he has no shortage of money.

Later, his health got better and better, and all his illnesses disappeared.

He had been in such good health for so long that he didn't feel uncomfortable.

Now he didn't even have to worry about danger.

All dangers would avoid him.

From this point of view, he seemed to have the capital to set up a stall.

No need to worry about health, danger, and money.

Life is so easy!

Lin Zhou couldn't help but smile.

When he went downstairs to eat.

While eating, Lin Zhou suddenly remembered something.

Although the system rewards are not ambiguous at all.

But sometimes the tasks are really tricky.

This time he was given such a big reward.

He suddenly had a bad feeling about the tasks next week!

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