Jiang Ci came to the construction site today to inspect.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝙹𝙝đ™Ș.đ™Łđ™šđ™©

After walking around for a while, I felt a little thirsty, so I went to a nearby supermarket to buy a bottle of water.

When I walked closer, I saw a stall selling milk tea at the entrance of the supermarket.

In the middle of winter, if there are hot drinks, they will definitely taste better than soft drinks.

I just don’t know how the milk tea at this roadside stall tastes.

I guess the taste is average, maybe it's blended with milk tea powder.

But don’t have high hopes for roadside stalls.

It is rare for a roadside stall to come to this remote construction site.

Nothing to fault either.

Jiang Ci walked to Lin Zhou's stall.

Look at the sign above.

【burnt hot cake ginger taro】

【Sugar Love Raking Mother Mud】

【Banana, hairy duck, good】

【Duck warm on banana fruit】

【Milk Fragrance Ice Milk Coconut】

Then he chose one and said, "Boss, have a cup of hot rake ginger taro."

Judging from the name, it seems that it is just the hot ginger taro, and the duck on the banana looks like a hot drink.

I don’t know what the duck warm on the banana fruit is, but the hot ginger taro is better.

After Jiang Ci finished ordering, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to pay.

Then he met the boss's shocked eyes.


Jiang Ci didn't understand.

Lin Zhou didn't understand either.

How could this person pronounce the name that he struggled to come up with like this?

Think about the hair he lost these days trying to develop new products and thinking about the name of milk tea.

Really, he cried to death!

Wearing a mask, the guest couldn't see the collapse on Lin Zhou's face, and then looked at Lin Zhou with a questioning expression.

Lin Zhou swallowed a mouthful of old blood and said silently: "Read it from top to bottom."

Then the serious Jiang Ci fell silent.


Was it read from top to bottom?

The silence between the two made the atmosphere a bit awkward.

Just when Jiang Ci was about to say no, Lin Zhou spoke.

These milk teas were all experimented bit by bit through his hard work.

Finally collecting five items, he hurried out to set up a stall and test the results.

After finally getting a guest, of course I had to sell a glass and test the water.

"What would the guest want?"

When Lin Zhou asked, Jiang Ci couldn't say no.

Looking at these flavors, I suddenly felt that there is not much difference between reading them horizontally and vertically.

I can't even tell what it is.

"Have some caramelized banana milk."

Lin Zhou nodded, finally ready to make milk tea.

Otherwise, what are you doing here with the guests staring at each other?

"Want it cold or hot."

Lin Zhou took out a disposable cup, scooped a spoonful of caramel banana puree at the bottom, and then asked.

Jiang Ci: "It needs to be hot."

I don’t know if I was embarrassed by the atmosphere of ordering just now.

Jiang Ci had few conversations.

A perfect statement of what silence is golden.

After getting the answer, Lin Zhou opened the insulator, took out a large bucket of hot caramel milk tea, and poured it directly into the cup.

Then put the lid on and take a straw.

A cup of caramel banana milk is ready.

Jiang Ci smelled the sweet milky aroma of caramel milk tea and felt that it was okay.

He took the milk tea and asked directly: "How much is it?"


Lin Zhou reported the price, and Jiang Ci's hand holding the phone paused.


So expensive?

This price is more expensive than the milk tea in some milk tea shops.

For a moment, he regretted why he walked to the supermarket and turned around to buy milk tea.

How expensive!

Jiang Ci paid the money in silence, then turned around with the milk tea, took out the straw, and as if to vent his anger, poked it directly into the milk tea cup, and drank a big gulp.

The next second, his expression paused, this milk tea!

The milk tea in your mouth has a rich caramel sweetness, as well as the tea aroma and milk aroma of the milk tea, which blend very well.

The taste is silky and smooth. After tasting it, the milk aroma is particularly strong. The tea aroma is more fragrant than the tea he usually drinks. Is this because of the addition of essence?

If you take a sip carefully, you can still drink the mashed banana underneath.

The taste is very fresh and does not taste like milk tea with added flavors.

Very delicious!

Now he finally knew what this milk tea was.

To put it simply, it’s caramel banana milk tea.

Caramelized roasted bananas are crushed into puree and taste really good with milk tea.

He had never had this kind of taste before, and it brought a lot of freshness to Jiang Ci.

Suddenly I don’t feel that 38 is too expensive.

As long as the money is spent, it's fine.

Lin Zhou originally wanted to ask the first diner how the milk tea tasted.

Unexpectedly, this person was quite aloof and didn't speak much.

Lin Zhou didn't have the time to ask.

Although the price is a bit expensive, the cost of these milk teas is quite high.

The task does not specify how many cups to sell.

So Lin Zhou is not in a hurry. If he can sell it, he will sell it. If he can't, he will drink it himself.

I thought the first diner would just leave.

Then Lin Zhou saw this man finish a cup of milk tea in a few gulps.

After drinking to the end, you can still hear the sound of him sucking hard through the straw.

For Jiang Ci, drinking milk tea is no different from drinking soft drinks or drinking water.

They all serve to quench thirst.

He was very thirsty.

After a few big sips, I finished a cup of milk tea.

It tasted good but not enough. I shook the empty glass to make sure it was gone, then turned around and walked back.

Lin Zhou watched him finish the milk tea without taking two steps, then turned back and looked at him doubtfully.

"Boss, give me another drink..."

Jiang Ci looked at the names of these milk teas and didn't know what to order.

Thinking about the cup I ordered just now, the rest should be good too.

"Which ones are hot?"

Lin Zhou looked at his tangled look and looked at the sign.

This milk tea name was something he had been thinking about for a long time. He combined some of the popular milk tea names on the market to take the best of them, and finally carefully selected these five.

Is it really hard to choose?

"You can make it hot with ginger duck milk, taro paste or warm coconut."

"Then let's warm the coconut with taro paste."

Jiang Ci didn't quite understand what Jiang Mu Ya Ya was, but the taro paste is so warm and coconut sounds a little shameful, but it feels like milk tea.

After placing the order this time, Jiang Ci was mentally prepared and knew to ask about the price.

"The cost of this one is higher, 48."

Jiang Ci originally thought that 38 for a cup of milk tea was the limit, but the price of 48 was still a bit hard for him to accept.

So he looked at Lin Zhou curiously and asked, "Boss, is your milk tea made with fresh milk?"

At this price, it can’t be justified without using milk.

"Of course, fresh milk is ordered every day, and the tea used is also good tea. You should be able to drink it. The ingredients are all very fresh."

Of course it makes sense for the price to be so high.

"For example, this taro puree is freshly steamed with taro, added with beef and stirred into taro puree. The coconut milk is made by squeezing the coconut juice from the whole coconut meat and adding milk."

As Lin Zhou spoke, he took out the ingredients and displayed them.

Jiang Ci believed what his boss said.

Because this milk tea tastes pure and delicious, better than any milk tea he has ever drunk.

He is not a fool and cannot drink good things.

"Okay, have a drink."

(Let me tell you, the author is female, don’t be surprised. Generally, if you update, you will code words live on Douyin, like now. Everyone is welcome to come to the live broadcast room to play with me and exchange plots. Douyin account: sell egg burgers)

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