The name feels a bit ordinary!

Think about those milk teas that sell well, all of which have outrageous names. Lin Zhou thinks that the name of this milk tea needs to be thought about again.

This is the first time to do this kind of research and development of new flavors.

Lin Zhou is immersed in the joy of combining milk tea.

System tasks come with test functions.


Each combination of milk tea, if it is not a new flavor, it does not count.

He made several kinds, and only caramel banana milk tea was considered a new product.

So Lin Zhou continued to try.

In the end, milk tea did not try to come up with a new product, but he made a juice.

He has a golden tongue. After squeezing a variety of fruits into juice, he relied on his taste to pour the juices that were appropriately combined together. Different flavors and different proportions finally formed a compound juice that tasted very refreshing and delicious.

I just don't know what to name it.

It's a bit of a headache.

After drinking a belly full of milk tea, a group of people didn't eat lunch, and drank milk tea all the time.

Now, when I burp, my mouth is full of milk.

Everyone is a little bit unable to drink.

"I drank too much sweet tea. I want to eat something spicy tonight."

As a big eater, Xiao Li drinks the most milk tea. Now he is already sick of it. All he can think about is spicy and salty things.

"Let's have some hot pot? It's comfortable to eat hot pot in the winter."

Lin Zhou also felt a little uncomfortable, so he decided to end the tasting today.

In the evening, a group of people gathered in the villa to eat hot pot.

The next day, Huang Zhenghao had already sent the prepared accommodation to Lin Zhou's mobile phone.

A group of people also packed up and prepared to move.

Then on the third day, Lin Zhou was still researching milk tea.

There are too many flavors of milk tea on the market. If you want to be innovative and delicious, you really have to try it over and over again.

This is the first time that Lin Zhou has experienced the difficulty of research and development.

Many milk tea combinations have appeared on the market.

There are too many milk tea brands, and these milk tea shops will release new products every quarter.

There are too many flavors.

Unable to find inspiration, Lin Zhou started ordering milk tea takeout, hoping to find inspiration in some strange milk tea.

Seeing that one of the shops had ice cream toppings, it gave him an idea.

He asked Butler Sun to buy an ice cream machine.

Then he boiled milk with tea leaves to make ice cream.

Then he combined them into ice cream milk tea.

At the same time, he felt that pearls were not suitable for this milk tea, so he started to study new toppings.

Butler Sun and others were all moved by Lin Zhou's diligent study of cooking.

"I can't say it. The boss is so rich and still works so hard. Really, I cry to death. People who are richer and more talented than you work harder than you. How can others live!"

There is no way to refute this.

It will only make people who see it ignite a strong desire to struggle.


During the few days when Lin Zhou was in seclusion studying milk tea.

Old diners all over the Internet were studying where Lin Zhou would set up a stall in the new week.

Lin Zhou set up stalls in more and more cities.

All the cities are on the guess list of old diners.

It is too difficult to find him manually.

Then the netizens on the Internet started to unite and organized a Lin Boss Food Fan Club.

It is used to collect information and find Lin Boss.

Now it is not just a gathering place for fans in one city or one place.

This website exists just to find Lin Boss.

It was co-founded by the famous big fans of Lin Boss in various regions.

It is to find Lin Boss as quickly as possible when he sets up stalls across the country.

So there is a union of big fans in various cities.

Jiangdong people also contributed their own mini program for finding Lin Boss.

You can use it if you are a fan of Lin Boss.

When registering, just select your city.

At first, there was only a map of Jiangdong, but now the mini program directly uses the national map.

It is convenient for people in other cities to find Lin Boss, and then punctuate, or get Lin Boss's location on the mini program.

In order to find Lin Boss, the diners really do everything.

When they find that they can't find Lin Boss in a place, they start to spontaneously form a group.

They start to cast a net to find him.

But there is still no news about Lin Boss.

This disappointed everyone.

I guess they didn't expect that Boss Lin would stay at home this week to study milk tea.

From Monday to Friday, Lin Zhou spent five days to develop five new flavors of milk tea.

Compared with the first day when he developed two flavors directly, he tried them over and over again in the following days.

The villa members who had been drinking milk tea for five days in a row were all very happy when they saw Lin Zhou finally announced that he could open a stall.

Whose good person drank milk tea for five days in a row, and drank it from morning to night, that would really make him vomit.

And milk tea is sweet, and it's so greasy when you drink too much.

Even if the milk tea made by Lin Zhou is not so sweet, it's still the same when you drink too much.

So when everyone saw Lin Zhou riding a tricycle to open a stall on Saturday morning, they were relieved.

"If it's not possible at noon, let's go out to eat. I want to change the taste now."

After seeing Lin Zhou off, Xiao Li and others began to mutter about going out for a snack.

Butler Sun and others had no objection.

In five days, they drank too much milk tea and they all got fat.

Now I am really afraid of milk tea.

"Okay, I want to eat Sichuan cuisine."

"Okay, let's change to something heavier."

"No, I have to ask the boss if he will come back for lunch first, and then we can talk about it later."

Butler Sun remained calm.

I ignored what Xiao Li and the others said.

I went back to the house to clean up the kitchen first, and then sent a message to Lin Zhou.

"Have you started setting up the stall, sir? Are you coming back for lunch?"

Butler Sun was considerate and did not send a message to Lin Zhou on the way, fearing that he would be distracted.

I always waited until the time was almost right before sending a message.

Lin Zhou also happened to ride a tricycle to the task location of the system.

Looking at the slightly empty construction site and the only supermarket nearby, Lin Zhou's mouth twitched.

Wow, this Victory Supermarket is next to the construction site.

Especially the empty site is relatively remote, and there is only this supermarket nearby.

It seems that all the others have been demolished.

There are people on the construction site.

But they are all workers working.

I'm afraid that his milk tea, which costs dozens or hundreds of dollars, will not be easy to sell.

The cost of tea and milk is too high. If you want it to taste good, you can only spend a lot of money.

With his money-loving personality, it is impossible for him to make a loss.

Setting up a stall is setting up a stall, and the task reward is the task reward.

He has always made a clear distinction.

So the cost is high, and the price is also high.

If it is a place like the commercial circle of a big city, it probably doesn’t matter if it is a little expensive as long as the taste is good.

But it is a bit difficult to sell the price when setting up a stall next to a construction site in a small fourth-tier city.

Especially when there is a supermarket right in front of it.

It is better to buy a few yuan a bottle of beverage than to spend tens or hundreds of dollars on milk tea.

It may be more cost-effective for them.

Lin Zhou was just thinking about how to open up the business.

He saw a worker covered in dirt walking out of the construction site and walking towards the supermarket where he was.


(Five chapters have been written, from last night to now, hehe, please use love to generate electricity!)

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