Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 506: Holy crap! It’s like an epiphany!

On the other hand, after returning home, Xiangshan began to search online to see if there was anything new in Harbin recently, or if there were any new delicacies.

Then the first thing he saw was a video of beggar chicken.

The moment he saw the video, Xiangshan sat up straight.

Beggar chicken?

A roadside stall that only appeared yesterday.

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And it tastes good.

The boss looks very strange.

Is it Boss Lin?

Xiangshan felt that the DNA of Boss Lin in his body had moved.

Carefully zoomed in on the video to find clues.

Then it was too dark, and the symptoms of the appearance could not be found at all, and it was impossible to tell whether it was Boss Lin.

So Xiangshan sent the video to the class group.

After the experience of grabbing food last week, the friendship between their classmates in the class has greatly improved.

The spirit of unity and cooperation has made everyone's relationship much better.

Even if there is nothing to do, people in the group will chat.

In the new week, when Boss Lin's position was not exposed, the most talked about issue was whether Boss Lin would go to set up a stall.

Xiangshan sent the video of the beggar chicken to the group, and a group of people immediately exploded.

"Fuck, I saw this video too."

"Xiangshan, you are in Harbin, go and see if it is Boss Lin, if it is confirmed to be Boss Lin, let's go."

"I don't think he is Boss Lin, this boss looks quite old."

"Based on my experience, as long as the roadside stalls that are popular on the Internet are all found to be Boss Lin in the end."

"I think this is very likely!"

Xiangshan: "I think it is possible too. If it is confirmed that it is Boss Lin, it means that my speculation is true, and Boss Lin will indeed go to Harbin to set up a stall."

As soon as Xiangshan said this, everyone remembered what happened before.

Xiangshan had predicted in the group that Boss Lin would go to Harbin to set up a stall.

He also tricked his roommate to Harbin.

Unexpectedly, Boss Lin actually came to set up a stall near their school, which led to everyone not believing Xiangshan's speculation.

Now Harbin suddenly became popular with a roadside stall selling beggar chicken, which made everyone panic.

Mainly because they thought of Boss Lin when they saw the roadside stall.

Now Xiangshan finally stood up.

Everyone in the group was excited @Xiangshan asked him to go and have a look.

Someone even asked Xiangshan to open a group video to check the scene.

"Wait, Xiangshan, I see that no one on the Internet thinks that the stall owner is Boss Lin. After you see clearly whether it is Boss Lin, don't make it public. Tickets to Harbin are not easy to grab. Wait until we grab the tickets first."

Recently, Harbin's Ice and Snow World has become popular, and it is very difficult to grab air tickets and tickets.

So the worries of the classmates in the group are still very necessary.

"You are so anxious. We don't know if it's Boss Lin."

"The stall owner in the video was roasted too black, so we can't tell if it's Boss Lin."

"It's easy to tell. Boss Lin's cooking skills are awesome. Just try the beggar's chicken and you'll know if it's as good as the pig's trotter rice!"


It's a revelation!

Think about it carefully, that's right!

Boss Lin's popularity has never been due to his appearance.

He became famous because of his cooking skills.

Try the beggar's chicken and you'll know if it's as good as what people say online!

Xiangshan, who was given high hopes, packed up and went out.

His home is still a little far from the Ice and Snow World.

When he took a taxi to the Ice and Snow World.

As soon as he got off the car, he noticed Lin Zhou's side.

The long queue of people was really familiar.

It was so familiar that if he wasn't in Harbin, he would have felt like he was back to the time when he queued up for the pig's trotter rice last week.

This made him think that the possibility that the stall owner was Boss Lin increased a little.

Xiangshan went to the back of the line and started queuing.

There were a lot of people in front of him.

He counted more than 20 people.

Facing the food stall that looked like Boss Lin, he was particularly patient.

While queuing, he did not forget to report his itinerary in the class group.

He took a photo of the scene and sent it to the group.

"It feels like Boss Lin's stall."

The classmates in the group have been following Xiangshan's news.

Some people even gave Xiangshan special care.

As long as he sent a message, he would be reminded.

"It may not be, the owner of the beggar chicken stall has become popular on the Internet. There must be a lot of people coming to check in today. The Internet is like this now. Whatever is popular will be popular."

"So it's really hard to tell anything from the people in the queue."

"I didn't take a picture of the stall owner. Do you want to take a picture of the stall owner?"

Xiangshan: "I can't take a picture. The stall is surrounded by tourists."

"Then we can only wait and see."

The messages in the group were refreshed one after another.

Xiangshan then suddenly remembered that he hadn't told his roommate about this matter.

No hurry, no hurry, it hasn't been confirmed yet.

After confirming that it was Boss Lin, he sent the message.

Otherwise, it would not work.

Let those people not believe him, and wait for regret one by one!

Xiangshan was so excited.

He was so excited that his legs began to shake.

He was so excited when he thought that his prediction was confirmed.

What would his classmates and roommates think of him?

This would be so satisfying!

It was exciting just to think about it.

If he could predict this wave correctly, he would be the father of the dormitory in the future!

I couldn't help but fantasize about my future campus life.

Xiangshan never thought that this was not the possibility of Boss Lin.

Because he had already smelled the fragrance of beggar chicken at this moment.

At this time, in front of the stall, Lin Zhou's first batch of beggar chicken had been baked.

It was very lively.

A group of tourists probably saw the video of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix yesterday.

When they came to the scene today, they saw Lin Zhou smashing the beggar chicken with one punch, which was so refreshing that some people couldn't help but want to try it.

That's why it was so lively in front of Lin Zhou's stall.

Lin Zhou looked at the diners who were eager to try, and he was really helpless.

Even though he said it was very hot and hard, it was not easy to smash it.

These people still wanted to try it.

Lin Zhou could only helplessly remind: "The mud on the outer layer of the beggar chicken just out of the oven is very hot. You have to wear gloves to avoid getting burned. If you have to try it, you will bear the consequences at your own risk."

Lin Zhou sighed and put the beggar chicken just taken out of the oven in front of the stall for the diners who wanted to try to smash it themselves.

Anyway, this was also bought by the diners themselves.

If you really can't crack it, he will deal with it later.

Seeing someone trying.

The other interested people in the team couldn't help but want to try it.

If others can't crack it, wouldn't it be awesome if they can crack it?

There are so many people at the scene. If they succeed in pretending to be awesome, they might even become popular on the Internet.

So everyone's eyes were on the first diner who cracked the beggar's chicken.

"Come on, come on, brother, I'm rooting for you!"

"Another challenger has come. I didn't see the video yesterday. If I can't crack it, it will be embarrassing if someone takes a photo and posts it online!"

"It's so funny, smash it quickly, let me see what happens."

"Try it for me after you smash it~"


(Chapter 3)

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