Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 505 My goodness, are people so direct nowadays?

Butler Sun saw that Lin Zhou had a good appetite and moved his noodles and vegetables.

He felt safe immediately.

Hearing Xiao Li's words, he understood that he was worried that he would not be able to use his skills.

He immediately took over the conversation and comforted him.

Mr. is a big man, how can he pay attention to the emotions of employees carefully, so he has to do this job.

"Mr. is strong, but you can't ask him to do hard work. Aren't these jobs for you? Otherwise, why would you do it, right?"

That makes sense!

Hearing what Butler Sun said, Xiao Li immediately smiled.

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"Yes, yes, yes, that's right!"

Lin Zhou ate seriously and listened to their chat.

He kept smiling on his face.

This kind of day when you come home and have someone to talk to is also quite lively.

After eating 70% full, Lin Zhou put down his chopsticks.

"Okay, I'm done eating. I'm going back to sleep. The chickens will be delivered in the early morning. Just soak them in water and let the blood soak out before drying them."

"By the way, buy another oven. One is not enough."

Butler Sun nodded.

Let Lin Zhou rest assured.

There are five people working in the villa now. There are enough people to arrange shifts. There is no problem with this workload.

It was already past 7 o'clock when Lin Zhou woke up.

He got up to have breakfast and started to marinate the cleaned whole chicken.

The bones of each chicken that are not easy to roast must be broken with the back of a knife, such as the wing bones, leg bones, and neck bones.

When knocking, the strength must be controlled well. It can't be too light. If you can't knock it all at once, it will damage the chicken skin.

Too much strength will also damage the chicken skin.

So you have to use clever strength.

Lin Zhou was afraid that Butler Sun wouldn't be able to handle it well, so he did it himself.

There are also a lot of chickens today, 120.

Lin Zhou felt that if he wanted to complete the task, it would take too much time to bake twenty in one oven with the system, and it would take two hours for one oven.

It would be better to prepare an extra oven, as it is not impossible to bake.

So Xiao Li came in handy and was fortunate to follow Lin Zhou and set off together. When they arrived at the entrance of the Ice and Snow World, he was sent away by Lin Zhou as soon as he took down the oven.

Xiao Li was just about to ask Lin Zhou to stay and set up a stall together.

He watched Lin Zhou set up a stall every day, and he never got tired of it. He was very curious about setting up a stall and wanted to try it. What magic does setting up a stall have that can attract the boss to indulge in such a big boss.

But before he opened his mouth, he was sent away by the boss.

Alas! What a pity.

"Then boss, I'm leaving. When you get off work, send me a message in advance and I'll come to pick you up."

I brought an extra oven today, and the tricycle couldn't fit it, so I still needed Xiao Li to help.

Lin Zhou nodded, sent Xiao Li away and started to set up the stall.

I had no experience yesterday, so Lin Zhou wrapped himself very tightly today.

He wore a hat on his head, a mask on his face, protective glasses, gloves and a series of other things.

He didn't want to experience the embarrassment of yesterday's experience again today.

In order to prevent being blackened, he wore all black.

He was wrapped up so tightly that no one could recognize him.

Because the beggar chicken stall was popular yesterday, someone found Lin Zhou's stall as soon as it was put out today.

And the Harbin Cultural and Tourism Bureau also saw this popular video.

They also took corresponding measures.

A heating shed was built on the roadside overnight.

It's not the fault of Harbin Ice and Fire, just like when Baihe was popular, one is more popular than the other.

They really entertain tourists from other places very attentively.

It is said that carpets are laid in subway stations and other places with high traffic, just to prevent tourists from slipping.

And... a series of operations.

This wave of Harbin Ice and Fire is very popular.

Tourists are attracted one after another.

The location of Lin Zhou's stall is right at the entrance of the popular Ice and Snow World.

Tourists are constantly coming and going.

As soon as Lin Zhou came, some tourists noticed him.

But I'm not sure if he's the owner of the popular beggar chicken stall.

The main thing is that Lin Zhou looks very handsome, all in black, with cool goggles, superior height, and a perfectly proportioned body.

Even without seeing his face, he looks like a handsome guy.

He's completely different from the beggar chicken man who was popular on the Internet yesterday.

He looks like two different age groups.

Being handsome is sometimes really a feeling.

Lin Zhou looks very handsome.

Until he put on an apron.

Suddenly, the atmosphere of a handsome guy weakened a bit, and he looked like a stall owner.

Lin Zhou skillfully lit the fire and lit up both ovens.

The oven bought by housekeeper Sun didn't have a systematic black technology, so it could only bake eight to ten at a time. Lin Zhou was not sure.

While giving the marinated whole chicken the final massage, he took a lotus leaf to wrap it up, a layer of lotus leaf, a layer of pig net fat, and then applied mud.

Lin Zhou's mud was very solid, wrapping the chicken, airtight, like a kiln.

It completely locks in the moisture and freshness of the chicken, preserving the flavor of the beggar chicken to the greatest extent.

That's why the baked mud is difficult to break.

The method and material of making mud are different.

The tourists around didn't dare to confirm that this handsome guy was the popular beggar chicken uncle on the Internet until they saw the familiar mud balls.

There were tourists who were waiting for beggar chicken and walked over immediately.

"Boss, are you the boss who set up a stall here to sell beggar chicken yesterday?"

The tourist almost blurted out "grandpa", but the image of the boss in front of him was completely different from the blackened grandpa in the video, so he directly used the correct title of "grandpa".

Lin Zhou nodded.

The tourist breathed a sigh of relief, "I think the boss looks different from the one in the online video, and I thought I recognized the wrong person."

Lin Zhou's mouth twitched when he heard this.

Good guy, are people so direct now?

"Because it's not roasted yet."

The tourist's expression immediately became embarrassed when he heard Lin Zhou's explanation.

So embarrassing!

The boss just opened the stall, and the beggar chicken was still wrapped in mud. It hasn't started roasting yet, so of course it hasn't been smoked black.

"Is that so, hahahaha, boss, give me one."

Lin Zhou felt the embarrassment of the tourist.

He raised his mouth with a smile, and then put the wrapped beggar chickens into the oven one by one.

Then he found that he had color difference when wearing goggles.

He couldn't distinguish the heat very well.

Lin Zhou was silent for a while, but still took off his goggles.

Lin Zhou couldn't laugh anymore.

He was fully armed and prepared, but he still didn't prepare well!

"Here is your number. Come and get the beggar's chicken in two hours."

The tourists watched Lin Zhou put the beggar's chicken into the oven.

"Okay, okay, just in time for lunch."

Lin Zhou listened to the diner and looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock. When the first batch of beggar's chicken came out of the oven, it would be about eleven forty. It was indeed lunch time, so he nodded and responded to him.

The diner saw that he was very busy, took the number plate and said something and went to play.

Lin Zhou worked for a while, roasted two batches of beggar's chicken, and then started to do nothing.


(Chapter 2)

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