The internet celebrity blogger from Eguo ordered a bowl of mutton vermicelli soup.

He came late, and there were no family photos at this time, only ordinary mutton and mutton offal.

There were only dozens of popular lamb chops, which were long gone.


In fact, he didn't come too late, he came at four or five o'clock, although he got a number, but the seat was at the back, and the good parts of the meat were gone.

But compared with those who couldn't eat, he was still very happy.

He first pointed the camera at the vermicelli soup in the bowl, and then carefully showed the vermicelli soup. During the shooting, the delicious taste of the mutton soup kept drilling into his nose.

Then it was time to secrete saliva crazily.

He couldn't wait to finish shooting, he picked up the chopsticks and directly picked up a chopstick of vermicelli and sucked it into his mouth.

Compared with some other foreigners who are not proficient in using chopsticks, he, an internet celebrity blogger who has been in Eguo and China, is quite proficient in using chopsticks.

Pick it up, slurp it, and put it into his mouth.

The next second, he stood up in shock.

"Oh, what is this!"

After the smooth vermicelli slid into his mouth, it was delicious with the mutton soup, and the ultimate freshness burst in his mouth. The firm taste of mutton while chewing was fresh and fragrant. The combination of meat and vermicelli really went well.

The hot air brought by the hot taste slid from the mouth into the stomach all of a sudden. He could even clearly feel that the process of the hot air sliding down from the mouth warmed the whole body.

With the heavy snow outside, this artistic conception is really amazing.

Just imagine, sitting in a warm tent, holding a bowl of steaming mutton soup in your hand, slurping and eating, and admiring the heavy snow outside.

As soon as the heavy snow fell, the cold winter atmosphere came all of a sudden.

Even the vermicelli soup in your hand became more delicious than in other seasons.

After finishing a bowl of vermicelli soup, the blogger returned to the hotel with his camera in his hand and started editing the video immediately.

He knew that Boss Lin would only sell the same food for one week, and the location was not fixed.

So this video must be released as early as possible.

If it is released after Boss Lin sells vermicelli soup, as the Chinese say, it is like eating shit and not catching up with the heat.

Internet celebrity bloggers know how to catch up with the heat.

The video shot in the morning was edited and posted in the evening.

It happened to be dinner time after get off work, and many people were playing with their phones.

As soon as his video was released, some fans from China and Eguo saw it.

Chinese fans knew that Boss Lin was in Baihe Morning Market before, so they were not surprised to see such a video.

But Eguo fans were very surprised.

Many of them didn't know that Baihe Morning Market was so popular. It's not easy to go abroad, but there are a lot of food.

Looking at the video, there are more Eguo people than local people in the morning market, and you know that the taste must be good.

And the video shot by this blogger is also very interesting. In addition to the common food content, there are interviews.

The key point is to introduce Boss Lin's stall to everyone, and how delicious the vermicelli soup tastes.

Boss Lin's introduction is really attractive.

The E country people were not surprised and were deeply attracted.

What kind of food can make a group of people line up at three or four in the morning, and there is no one to eat on the spot, and they voluntarily buy live sheep and beef for the boss just to ask for a bowl of vermicelli soup.

These news deeply attracted the E country people.

But after all, it is a trip abroad, and many excited E country people directly start looking for tour groups in Bula... City across the Baihe River, wanting to go to the Baihe morning market across the river.

This kind of trip abroad that can go on the same day and return on the same day, the E country people are also very interested.

The next day, an E country tour group came to Baihe for a tour.

Because Boss Lin's vermicelli stall, which everyone is most interested in, requires queuing in the early morning.

The Eguo tour group, which knows how to make money, directly customized a two-day and one-night package for everyone. On the first morning, the group came to Baihe, first put the luggage at the hotel, then went around Baihe and other scenic spots, and returned to the hotel early, telling everyone to go to bed early, and then wake everyone up at two in the morning.

This time is really early.

The tour group is also very knowledgeable. Everyone came to see Boss Lin, so naturally they inquired about the good news in advance.

Knowing that there are many customers at the vermicelli stand.

In order to ensure that everyone can eat vermicelli soup smoothly, they are ready to take people to line up early.

Everyone also knows the situation by watching the video, and they are very cooperative.

At the reminder of the tour guide in the morning, everyone got up and washed and packed up, and then a group of people came to the morning market in a mighty manner.

At more than two o'clock, there were not many people in the morning market.

They successfully got the tickets.

Standing together and talking happily.

Suddenly there were so many foreign diners, and the old diners in the greenhouse were all surprised.

"How many people are there? They are all foreigners. The person in front is holding a small flag. Is it a tour group?"

"It seems so. They are all foreigners and they came together. If they are not a tour group, what else can they be?"

"Really, really, I counted, 48 people. Wow, how many bowls of vermicelli soup have they finished in one go!"

"Hurry up and send a message to let everyone come earlier. There are a group of foreign tourists today. If you come late, I'm afraid there will be nothing to eat!"

"Wow, I didn't expect these foreigners to come so early?"

"Why are there tour groups here?"

The diners who arrived earlier than the tour groups were worried about the diners behind them.

But at this point, not many people saw the message when it was posted online.

Except for those who are still staying up late.

"Fuck, who exposed the existence of Boss Lin? How did those Eguo people know about it?"

"It's normal, right? Didn't the news report it at the time? The Baihe Morning Market was popular because of the Eguo people. It's just that Boss Lin appeared later and diverted the attention of the home. There are so many Eguo people in the morning market, and Boss Lin's cooking skills are so good. Many people have tasted his food. Isn't it normal to spread it?"

This netizen's words reminded everyone.

That's right!

At that time, they didn't know that Boss Lin was setting up a stall in the Baihe Morning Market.

Or because there were too many Eguo diners in the Baihe Morning Market, a TV station reported it.

As a result, everyone watched the news and found out that the stall with the most stalls and the stall that attracted the Eguo people was actually Boss Lin.

Then the attention was always on Boss Lin.

Now when I react, I find that Boss Lin has become popular abroad, and there are already tour groups coming to the Baihe Morning Market to check in at Boss Lin's food stall.

What a big deal!

They don’t even have enough food to share in China, and now more foreign diners are coming to grab food, and they are coming in groups.

This is going to kill them!

In the crowd, the local man who was queuing for tourists saw the foreign tourists in this tour group coming, and quickly sent a message to his customers.

Let him come earlier, today’s number may be sold out before five o’clock.

Originally, the deal between them was that the local man would help the tourists queue up to buy a bowl of vermicelli soup and give a thousand tips.

But the tourists were very confused about whether to eat mutton vermicelli soup or beef vermicelli soup, and couldn’t choose.

So they asked the local man to queue first, and then called him, and if both of them bought it, he could eat both beef and mutton vermicelli soup.

So now the local man is anxiously sending messages to tourists.

(There is more later, typing in Douyin live broadcast.)

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