Until a man from E State led a sheep to Lin Zhou.

He seemed to be afraid that Lin Zhou wouldn't understand him.

While talking, he made famous gestures.

"Boss Lin, I want to give this sheep to you. Can you make me a bowl of vermicelli soup?"

With the language proficiency, Lin Zhou can understand everything they say when facing foreign diners.

But when I heard this, I was still confused subconsciously.

Shangguan Xi happened to be next to him.

I think Boss Lin probably doesn't understand.

After all, he was needed to translate last week.

So he naturally looked to Lin Zhou to help translate.

"Boss Lin, he said he wants to give this sheep to you and ask you to make him a bowl of mutton soup."

Lin Zhou looked at the live sheep in the man's hand, and then at Shangguan Xi who was translating.

He also couldn't explain why he couldn't understand E Guo last week, but now he understands it.

So he pretended to understand only after hearing the translation and nodded.

"Tell him that the ingredients for the mutton soup need to be simmered for a long time, and it's too late to stew it now."

After Lin Zhou finished speaking, Shangguan Xi translated to the diners who were holding the sheep.

Then the Eguo diner didn't understand Lin Zhou's implicit refusal, but said even more excitedly: "I can wait for the mutton soup to be stewed, there's no rush."

After Shangguan Xi's original words were translated, Lin Zhou fell silent.

Then those diners who also didn't get a number were shocked at first when they saw the Eguo man leading the sheep, and then they seemed to have found a new idea.

If there is no meat or vermicelli, they can just bring their own. They will be afraid of not having enough to eat, so they will just bring the ingredients!

Then someone looked at the sheep and thought it was not okay.

Boss Lin is not easy to cook!

So he saw the right opportunity, ran to the butcher stall in the morning market, bought a whole fan of beef ribs, and ran to Boss Lin's stall carrying it.

Running and shouting at the same time.

"Boss Lin, Boss Lin, it's not easy to kill his live sheep. The cattle he uses, the beef he just bought, are cooked directly in the pot!"

Lin Zhou:......

Seeing that the foreign diners who brought live sheep had not yet been dealt with, another Chinese diner came here carrying a fan of beef ribs.

Lin Zhou looked at the farce in front of him and held his forehead helplessly.

What should he do with this sheep and beef ribs!

"Boss Lin, Boss Lin, are you using these mung bean vermicelli? I saw it at the morning market. The stall owner said this is what you use. I bought it back. Can I soak it now?"

As he watched, after the sheep and cattle, someone else brought a large bag of handmade mung bean vermicelli.

The diners present opened their mouths in surprise, a bit in disbelief.

Lin Zhou even stopped moving his hands.

Each one of these is really genius!

Lin Zhou didn't say anything, and everyone's eyes fell on him.

"It really can't be done now. Stewing the ingredients requires not only processing, but also a lot of ingredients and time. We don't have this condition now."

"There are about more than two hundred bowls every day. If there is more, my stall can't make it. It's not in the store. It can be made all the time. So if you want to eat, you have to come early. If the number is gone, it will be gone."

Lin Zhou's words were a clear rejection.

For a moment, the diners, who were full of expectations, all languished.

"Damn it, I thought I had a good idea. Bring your own ingredients and let Boss Lin cook it, so you don't have to worry about not being able to eat it. But I didn't expect it to work."

"Boss Lin, those people in front are too busy. They came before three o'clock and then took the number, leaving no way for others to survive!"

"No, it's still snowing at night. I thought there would be fewer people queuing up today, so I came here at six o'clock. I thought there were few people and I might be able to eat, but I didn't expect that all the tickets had been picked up early."

"Today is Thursday, and tomorrow is Friday. There are more and more tourists, and the probability of being able to eat is getting lower and lower. It's really uncomfortable!"

"Boss Lin really can't do more. We really can't raise the price."

"It's just that it's a bit more expensive, so there won't be many people who can afford it so they don't have to queue up."

Look at what search ideas came out of this.

Even if they are in the same team, there are still people who cannot hear this.

"It's great to be rich. Even if you have money, you won't be able to eat the food cooked by Boss Lin!"

“I can’t afford it in the first place, but now that the price has gone up, it’s even more unaffordable!”

"Boss Lin, don't listen to him."

Among the onlookers, there were people who lived nearby. When they heard this, their eyes lit up. They noticed the person who just said that the price was going to be increased, and then quietly approached him.

"Brother, my house is nearby. I can help you stand in line and buy vermicelli soup. Just give me this number."

The man carefully raised a finger.

Before the price was mentioned, the diners who mentioned the price increase nodded excitedly and said eagerly: "One thousand? Okay, can I transfer it to you now or wait until I get the number tomorrow?"

The local man who originally just wanted to say a hundred suddenly choked up.

Damn it, are these southerners so rich?

He was just helping to pick up a number. He was a little hesitant when he asked for a hundred, but he didn't expect that the other party actually thought it was a thousand.

So the two of them exchanged contact information in disbelief, and both felt that the other party had made a big deal.

"Brother, let's just say this. When you get your number tomorrow, I will make money for you right away. Don't worry about me cheating you. I'm not short of money, I just need this vermicelli soup!"

The local man nodded sharply.

You would be a fool not to make this money.

His home is just a street away from the morning market.

As long as you don't sleep for half a day, come to pick up a number in advance, and sell it when the time comes, you will definitely make a thousand dollars without losing anything.

What's the difference between this and a trap falling from the sky!

Both of them felt that they had made a fortune.

A quiet agreement was reached.

Lin Zhou was unaware of this. The internet celebrity blogger from Eguo in the crowd had successfully obtained a number because he had asked the diners in line yesterday what time to line up.

Still waiting.

Seeing such an interesting scene, he took a picture directly.

He has been shooting videos for so long, but he has never shot such an interesting scene.

They, the people of Eguo, came to the Huaguo morning market to eat vermicelli soup, but couldn't get it. They actually bought a sheep and gave it to the boss who sold vermicelli soup, just to ask for a bowl of mutton vermicelli soup.

This is such a hot topic.

I dare not imagine how much of a sensation it will cause if he posts this video on the Eguo social software.

Baihe Morning Market, and Boss Lin, can be so popular on the Huaguo social software, so it must be in their country.

And he will soon be able to taste Boss Lin's craftsmanship, and then he will know how delicious this vermicelli soup is.

It's exciting just to think about it!

Finally his number was called.

This Eguo blogger was recording the whole process with a camera.

When he walked to Boss Lin's stall, he saw Boss Lin taking noodles with a colander, and then asked him with a smile what kind of noodles he wanted.

The big pot of noodles was filled with fragrant broth, and in front of it were portions of meat from various parts.

There was a staff member standing in front of the number machine with a loudspeaker calling out numbers.

Those whose numbers were called handed the ticket to the staff and could pay and order.

After a while, in about three minutes, a bowl of fragrant mutton vermicelli soup was ready.

(Gift plus more, please use love to generate electricity. ps: The beginning part was written too much, and it has been modified.)

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