Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 368 It’s so delicious, and you’re saying this?

"If you can't serve dishes of this level, then our dishes are even more inedible.

Hearing Lin Zhou's words, the other chefs looked at Lin Zhou with a hard-to-speak expression.


Such delicious lamb skewers, you said this?

Are you going to let them live!

"Yes, this lamb skewers is very authentic, and it fully brings out the flavor of barbecue, it's amazing!"

"Barbecue is delicious when it is hot, so the order of serving the dishes has to be changed."

"Indeed, braised beef is a cold dish, which can be served in the first batch of cold dishes. It is very suitable as the last dish of cold dishes, and then the roast duck must be eaten while it is hot. Let's see whether to eat Beijing roast duck or Nanjing roast duck. If it is Beijing roast duck, we have to ask Mr. Zhang to invite a batch of duck slicers. ”

Speaking of this, a group of chefs immediately started chatting.

When two chef teams gathered together to discuss dishes, such scenes often appeared, and everyone was used to chatting.

Now eating barbecue, looking at the roast duck in the oven, it started again.

"Beijing roast duck is more ornamental and looks more upscale. Just imagine the fragrant roast duck being served on a plate, pushed out, and then the chef starts to slice it on the spot. The ornamental and taste are full. ”

"So, it seems to be more beautiful than Nanjing roast duck."

"Why is Nanjing roast duck not beautiful? If it is well cut and placed delicately, it can be directly regarded as a big dish. Isn't it also good?"

"If it doesn't work, you can only cut the beautiful parts, share the meal, and each person can have one piece! ”


The young man was stunned when he saw that everyone stopped talking about eating and started discussing the banquet.

He had just eaten a skewer and was craving for more. He originally thought that there would be other dishes to try, but now he saw these people chatting about it. He was really craving for more!

But from what they were talking about, he knew that they were talking about business, so he didn’t want to interrupt them.

Lin Zhou just watched them discuss it.

I didn’t expect that these people would argue about roast duck.

Take advantage of this time to check the color of the roast duck in the oven. When he felt that it was almost done, he turned off the oven and took out a roast duck.

The young man said to the chef The chefs were not interested in the conversation between the chefs, and their eyes were always on Lin Zhou. When they saw him take out the roast duck, they immediately came over.

Smelling the more intense aroma of roast duck, the chefs who were arguing about whether Beijing roast duck or Nanjing roast duck was better also stopped.

Turning back, they saw Lin Zhou taking the roast duck and starting to cut it.

Because it was a food trial, many things were not prepared in time, so they could only eat the roast duck to taste the flavor.

Needless to say, Lin Zhou's knife skills, a piece of roast duck skin came out, the skin was skin, the fat was fat, clean and beautiful.

"The roast duck skin can be eaten directly, or dipped in some white sugar, or eaten with some caviar. "

Lin Zhou said as the sensible chef started preparing.

One person prepared one thing, and when he rushed back, Lin Zhou hadn't finished slicing yet.

The speed can be said to be very fast.

The young man was still the same, first rubbed a piece of roast duck skin, directly added a spoonful of caviar to the roast duck skin, and then ate it in one bite.

This freshly baked roast duck skin is really crispy to a certain extent. The moment you bite it, you can clearly hear the crispy sound of the roast duck skin.

Then the addition of caviar adds a new flavor to this deliciousness.

This combination is also very outstanding overall, which completely brings a new experience to roast duck.

"It smells so good! I feel that a single piece of roast duck skin with a little caviar is delicious enough. I dare not imagine how delicious it would be if I ate the whole duck. ”

“I feel that a roast duck can be divided into many dishes, such as roast duck skin, roast duck wraps, Nanjing roast duck, all of which can be divided into meals, one piece per person, so that it is delicate and delicious. A roast duck can be made into many portions, and we can eat the rest ourselves…”

Everyone was listening well until the last sentence appeared, and they turned their heads in surprise to look at the chef who was speaking.

Good boy, you are openly deducting the guests’ rations.

As one of the guests, the young man couldn’t sit still when he heard this.

What’s the use of being delicate? One roast duck, eating one slice, isn’t this going to kill him!

“Boss Lin, we don’t want delicacy, we want quantity. No matter how we eat, can we guarantee one roast duck on one table?”

The assistant who was arranged by Uncle Zhang to help Lin Zhou said at this time: “Boss Lin, Mr. Zhang doesn’t want you to be too tired. One table is too hard. There will be many tables tomorrow. ”

As Mr. Zhang’s assistant, he was assigned to Lin Zhou to serve as a reminder.

Hearing the assistant’s words, the young man immediately fell silent.

He is a relative of the Zhang family, so he naturally has to listen to Mr. Zhang.

The chefs immediately understood how to arrange it.

Lin Zhou really didn’t know how many tables there would be tomorrow.

But looking at the level of preparation in the kitchen, I’m afraid there will be a lot of people coming.

“This is just the hot food kitchen. There is also a team making desserts and a kitchen for fruits and drinks next to it, which are all made separately.”

Seeing Lin Zhou looking around, the assistant explained.

The hot food kitchen is the largest, with not only thirty or forty chefs, but also a lot of kitchen helpers and handymen.

And there will be more people tomorrow when it’s busy.

Lin Zhou didn’t try to be stubborn, and just prepared according to the requirements.

“Then give me the specific number of tables later, and I’ll see how many dishes to prepare. ”

The dish testing is almost done, and once there are no problems, it’s time to prepare the dishes officially.

Lin Zhou saw that the chef was preparing dishes for hundreds of banquets, and he knew that there would be a lot of people coming tomorrow.

No wonder it requires many cooks and helpers.

Moreover, some of the chefs invited for a certain dish have not arrived yet and will probably arrive in the afternoon.

After Lin Zhou determined his workload, he began to prepare dishes urgently like everyone else.

The young man left the kitchen after tasting the food.

He couldn't wait to share with his friends that he had eaten the delicious food cooked by Boss Lin, and he also knew what the dishes would be for tomorrow. It was really great.

"Guess what I found in the back?"

The young man found a group of friends playing games in the lounge and shouted excitedly.

The others were playing video games and asked perfunctorily: "What? The bride?"

"Are you stupid? The bride will not come until tomorrow."

"Don't tell me, listen to me. I saw Boss Lin in the back kitchen and ate the mutton skewers and roast duck made by Boss Lin himself. Let me tell you, what is said on the Internet is not an exaggeration at all. I even think they are I can’t boast one-tenth of the deliciousness of Boss Lin’s craftsmanship, really!”

The next second, the friends who heard his words threw away the game controllers one by one and prepared to stand up.

"Huh? Where are you going?"

"Nonsense, of course we go to the kitchen!"

"I haven't tried it now. I've finished eating it. If you want to eat it, you have to wait until the banquet starts tomorrow."

After the young man finished speaking, he was immediately greeted with contempt from his friends.

Good guy, I won’t come back until after I finish eating.

What a good brother!

(More gifts! I beg you to use love to generate electricity!)

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