However, after listening to the elders' talk too much, I can't bear it anymore.

Lin Zhou changed the topic directly.

"By the way, have the chef and ingredients been arranged?"

As a specially invited chef, he is most concerned about the ingredients.

"The arrangements have been made. The invited foreign chef team and the domestic chef team are already in place. They will all follow your arrangements. The ingredients will be flown in freshly on the same day. Don't worry, I know Boss Lin's ingredient standards."

Zhang Mingyuan said with a smile, and handed the wedding menu to Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou felt his amusement and shook his head helplessly.

It's normal for Boss Lin to hear the diners shouting.

It's weird to be called out by friends around you.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Lin Zhou took the menu and scanned it. It can be said that it is very complete, with a variety of Chinese and foreign dishes.

The chefs invited to the banquet are also famous chefs at home and abroad, and they all have their own representative dishes.

Lin Zhou glanced at it briefly and then remembered that the father and son had never asked him what he was going to cook at the wedding banquet.

"Aren't you curious about what to cook for my wedding banquet?"

Seeing Lin Zhou's doubts, the Zhang family and his son were a little puzzled.

"It's not like we don't know your cooking skills, how can it be delicious? There are too many guests that day, just watch and cook some easy dishes, don't tire yourself."

Zhang Jianjun was afraid that this kid was too honest and would do all the dishes by himself, which would make him very busy. He would have to have someone follow him to help watch the wedding.

Zhang Mingyuan also nodded in agreement.

Lin Zhou nodded while thinking about the dishes he could cook at the wedding banquet.

Although his cooking skills are at full level.

But cooking does not only rely on cooking skills. Many dishes are delicious. The chef's skills are not only important, but also ancestral recipes, secret recipes, etc. are very important.

All the delicacies he cooks are delicious, and they are all backed by top-level cooking skills and systematic top-notch recipes.

There are no recipes provided by the system. Although he can make many dishes, the taste will definitely be different.

The recipes that are widely known are definitely not secret recipes.

Everyone knows the real secret recipe.

After all, having a secret recipe means money, a steady stream of money.

How can I be so kind as to tell others.

Therefore, at the wedding banquet, since many people came because of the name of Boss Lin, they must not cook substandard dishes.

Then you can only find it in the menu where he has system recipes.

As for cold dishes, he is very proficient in braised food and can make the whole cold dish.

Then roast duck and barbecue seem to be OK too.

Lin Zhou told the Zhang family his thoughts and wanted to hear their opinions.

Then I saw that these two people were holding their bellies just now. Now when they heard about eating, they sat up straight and looked at him with bright eyes, clearly expressing that they wanted to eat.

"Anything is fine. We will eat whatever you make. We all like it."

Okay, Lin Zhou saw that they couldn't give any advice, so he planned to discuss it with the chefs after he and Uncle Zhang went to the island tomorrow.

"Then say so."

The next day, Lin Zhou came to Zhang's house early with his luggage.

At this time, the Zhang family was very lively, with lanterns and colorful decorations, and the decoration was very festive.

Although the wedding is held on a private island, the home still needs to be decorated.

When a group of people arrived at the airport, they saw that the private plane was also decorated with wedding photos of Zhang Mingyuan and Lu Qian on it.

You can tell from one look that it is a wedding opportunity.

Moreover, there were more than one wedding machines parked, and it looked a bit like the wedding of the century described in the novel.

Lin Zhou felt like he was on the wrong channel.

When you come to the island, it will be really shocking.

There is a private parking lot and there are luxury cruise ships parked on the sea.

The scene was full of staff wearing uniform uniforms, busy and well-organized, with all kinds of flowers and streamers blowing in the wind, making it look like a dream.

Lin Zhou looked around, followed Uncle Zhang, and went to his residence to put his luggage first.

Then went to the kitchen.

It's very busy. Tomorrow is the wedding banquet, and everyone is busy preparing dishes.

When Uncle Zhang brought Lin Zhou over, everyone stopped what they were doing and waited for the master's instructions.

"This is Boss Lin, the specially invited chef. I should have told you in advance that Boss Lin is in need. Please cooperate with Boss Lin."

Zhang Jianjun was afraid that Lin Zhou, who was young and kept a low profile, would be ignored.

Even if he was very busy, he would personally send Lin Zhou to the kitchen and give him some advice before he felt relieved.

Lin Zhou nodded gently to the chefs and said hello. Then when he faced Uncle Zhang, he told him to go ahead and work on it. He could do it alone.

"Uncle Zhang, you go ahead and do your work. I can do it myself."

"Okay, find someone to help you. Don't work too hard. We just got off the plane. Why don't you cook the food later? Go and rest first."

Uncle Zhang was ready to leave, but he was still a little worried.

Upon seeing this, Lin Zhou pushed the person out of the kitchen, "I can really do it, don't worry."

As soon as Zhang Jianjun left, even the nervous chefs felt a lot more relaxed.

Then everyone's eyes fell on Lin Zhou.

When these chefs were invited over, they were told to help the special chef and they were responsible for the rest of the dishes. At the same time, they had to listen to the chef's words.

Everyone knows how to use money to do things.

Before Lin Zhou came, the two chef teams met and decided to treat the specially invited chef as the boss after a discussion.

Now seeing that Lin Zhou has such a close relationship with Mr. Zhang, he knows that his identity must be unusual.

Their attitude towards Lin Zhou was also very careful.

"Boss Lin, what dishes do you need to cook?"

Lin Zhou thought about it and asked them to take him to the food warehouse to see the ingredients.

"Let's make a braised beef, a roast duck, and a barbecue."

The chef who followed behind him didn't say anything when he heard Lin Zhou's down-to-earth dishes. Anyway, whatever the boss said was what he did.

When they arrived at the food warehouse, they were all the best ingredients airlifted from all over the world that day.

Lin Zhou chose two pieces of beef tendons, a duck, and some meat.

The chef who followed behind him hurried forward to move the ingredients selected by Lin Zhou to the cart, and then followed Lin Zhou around the food warehouse.

All kinds of spices and seasonings are very complete.

Lin Zhou also brought some Chinese medicinal materials just in case, so he can get started directly now.

"Cut the meat into pieces and string them up for me. Put the duck aside first and I will deal with it later."

The chef went to deal with it after hearing it.

Lin Zhou prepared the marinade first and started to boil the marinade.

While the brine is boiling, soak the beef tendon to remove the blood.

Fresh beef does not need to be blanched. After the blood is soaked out, the brine in the pot will boil and emit the aroma of brine.

It is not very strong yet.

The chefs working in the kitchen are all famous chefs at home and abroad.

They are very sensitive to this kind of smell.

At the beginning, everyone knew that Lin Zhou was going to cook when they saw his movements, but everyone had a lot of work to do and did not pay much attention.

It was not until the aroma of brine came out that everyone looked at Lin Zhou unexpectedly.

(Gifts and more! Please use love to generate electricity!)

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