Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 348 Look at what this incident has caused.

The man who just thought he had a very good idea suddenly turned embarrassed.

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First he looked down at his round belly, and then noticed that everyone's eyes were on his face again. The man nervously touched his double chin.

He smiled awkwardly.

"It does seem a bit different."

The man said with a smile.

Too embarrassing.

There was a thin man in the crowd who couldn't help but touch himself when he saw this.

If you don't worry about your conscience, this is indeed a good way to deceive Boss Lin into eating delicious food.

The diner next to him rolled his eyes angrily when he saw this.

"Don't think about it, don't you look at your thin skin and tender flesh, do you look like a beggar?"

Hearing this, the thinner man also shrank back into the crowd in embarrassment.

See what happened.

Everyone was embarrassed.

In the crowd, Luo Yu couldn't help but shake his head and laugh after listening to their conversation.

When watching Boss Lin, how could he still hold back his laughter when he saw a group of diners discussing how to pretend to be beggars?

He couldn't help it.

Boss Lin is indeed Boss Lin!

"Oh my god, no wonder the number of diners at Boss Lin's steamed bun stall is the largest. They are all divided into one group and two groups. It turns out the steamed buns are so delicious!"

The hot steamed buns fresh out of the oven are still exuding heat, and they are delicious and steamy. The feeling of eating them together is really amazing!

That moment of satisfaction was truly impressive.

It's enough to make people fall in love with a food based on its taste.

"It's delicious. I missed the steamed buns. I didn't expect to be able to eat them again. I have no regrets in this life!"

"Speaking of this, I still have regrets. I feel like many people have never eaten the grilled cold noodles in front of me. I wonder if Boss Lin will make a return of grilled cold noodles one day. Hehe, I feel happy just thinking about it. "

"What? And grilled cold noodles? Didn't Boss Lin sell steamed buns from the beginning?"

"You are a fake fan at first sight. Boss Lin went out of town to set up a stall before. When everyone checked out, they found that there were fans at the stall selling cold noodles, but the number of people who had eaten there was much less than the later diners. "

At this time, the diners who knew the cold noodles stall also said, "I remember that the cold noodles stall seemed to be at the bus station. Someone bought one while taking the bus in the morning. When he was looking for it later, Boss Lin ran away, and then came the steamed bun stall.”

With that said, everyone knows.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Some even ran to Boss Lin to ask.

"Boss Lin, since the steamed buns are back, the grilled cold noodles will make a comeback. Many of us have never tasted the grilled cold noodles you made."

Speaking of grilled cold noodles, Lin Zhou's thoughts were immediately brought back to the time when he had just traveled through time.

When he first arrived, he was still immersed in the confusion of sudden death and being taken to another world by the system.

With the start-up capital given by the system, I set up a stall, completed the novice task, and received a villa as a reward.

Gradually I became familiar with the world and settled down in the city of Jiangdong.

Thinking about it now, everything seems very far away.

The same goes for the memory of the cold noodle stall.

Now everyone knows that he sold grilled cold noodles, this feeling is quite novel.

"you guess."

Lin Zhou gave it up with a smile.

Suddenly, the old diners present started wailing one after another.

"Ah! Boss Lin still likes to show off!"

"No, Boss Lin, stop fishing, you're almost turning your mouth into a mouth!"

"Boss Lin, tell us, children are very curious and cannot bear to fish like this."

"I feel there is hope. You understand Boss Lin's smile."

"Boss Lin is so handsome. Female diners are blessed. The food is delicious, he is handsome, and he has money. If I were a woman, I would be confused."


Lin Zhou listened to everyone's words with a smile on his face but said nothing.

Without stopping, he kept packing buns for the diners in line.

There is a limit of two per person, and two to three hundred buns are sold out quickly.

When Lin Zhou closed the stall, the diners who had not bought anything were not sad.

Just make sure Boss Lin is in Jiangdong this week.

As long as Boss Lin is here, they still have hope!

It's better than Boss Lin going out of town.

"Hey, brothers, Boss Lin is still here in Jiangdong this week, so the secret must be kept well!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, we are all old people, there is still some way to keep this secret."

"Isn't that right? Last week's barbecue didn't reveal any of it."

"It's not too early to worry. There are too many people passing by the park entrance. It's not like last week when the barbecue stall was located at the entrance of Boss Lin's farm. If we don't tell the outside world, no one will know. There are so many people coming and going. There are too many certainties, and we still have to think about it carefully.”

"If I had known that Boss Lin would still be setting up a stall in Jiangdong this week, I wouldn't have posted about the barbecue stall online to show off."

"Don't you know everything in advance? By the way, there is one more thing you need to pay attention to."

"We have to be careful about the diners from Koucheng next door. What if they look for Boss Lin in Koucheng this new week but fail to find him and come to our Jiangdong to look for him?"

"No, Boss Lin in Koucheng has quite a large number of diners."

After all, Boss Lin has set up stalls there several times.

After the diners finished speaking, they went online to discuss.

That night, the group owners of various fan groups gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Lin Zhou knew nothing about this.

After closing the stall and returning home, he lay down on the sofa.

Started to think about what to sell tomorrow?

Is it the grilled cold noodles that the diners asked about today, or something else?

I have sold a lot of food in Jiangdong, and I really don’t know what to choose for a while.

The system tasks are not only random in location, but also in time.

It’s not enough to just look at the food, you have to look at the time.

For example, he wants to get up early to sell breakfast, or sell lunch at noon, or supper.

Lin Zhou looked at the steamed buns and fell into deep thought, and then decided to sell porridge.

After all, steamed buns and porridge really go well together.

After eating steamed buns, I want to drink porridge.

One is indispensable!

And he hasn’t climbed a mountain for a long time, and he is a little nostalgic.

So happy to decide!

After Lin Zhou determined what to sell the next day, he turned to the bathroom to take a shower and prepare for bed, go to bed early and get up early, and go to the seafood market in the early morning to buy the freshest seafood to cook seafood porridge.


When Lin Zhou finished his shower and lay down on the bed to sleep, he realized that no one had asked him tonight if he would still sell buns in Huaguo Mountain tomorrow!

No one asked, and he hadn't thought of this.

Wouldn't it be empty?

Then he thought, the porridge stall was on the mountain, and it was still six in the morning.

According to those elusive diners, his location would probably be discovered in the morning, so there was no need to worry about everyone running to Huaguo Mountain to wait for buns at eight o'clock in the evening.

Lin Zhou, who figured it out, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes again, it was time to be woken up by the alarm clock.

It was three thirty in the morning.

(Chapter 4, or a gift extra update!)

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