Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 340: Plans cannot keep up with changes

The diners around him drooled.

He wished that he was the one eating at the table.

"Everyone ordered fish. Will there be any grilled fish when it's our turn?"

The old diners who were waiting were greedy and worried when they saw the fish being served.

These were the fish caught by Boss Lin. What would they do if they ran out of fish when it was their turn?

"There are fish in the farm, so we won't have no grilled fish to eat. I didn't expect these freshwater fish to be so delicious when grilled."

The man who was talking obviously didn't understand the value of these fish. He only had food in his eyes.

"Can the fish in the farm be the same?"

"They are eating the fish caught by Boss Lin. I didn't know that Boss Lin actually liked fishing before."

The diners who were very greedy for the fish caught by Lin Zhou said with a look of "what do you know" on their faces, and then they were puzzled by the fact that Boss Lin could actually fish.

He can catch so many fish, which shows that he is a master!

"Don't you know? During the week of the tea eggs, some people saw Boss Lin fishing everywhere when he was not setting up a stall."

The topic started with fishing, so that the old diners would not be so bored while waiting in line.

Primary school students are small and have small appetites. They feel full halfway through the meal. Careful parents will not let their children eat anymore.

Children have weak stomachs. If they eat too much, they will get sick.

So after seeing the children holding their stomachs or burping, they stopped the children from eating any more.

"Don't eat when you are full. You will have to get an injection if you have a stomachache."

Hu Jiayi ate more than a dozen skewers of meat in a row, and her stomach was full all of a sudden.

She has a small appetite, and these skewers are not small in size, so the fullness of pure meat is still very strong.

Now she saw that she couldn't eat more than two bites of a grilled fish, and her eyes were so sad.

"I think I can eat more."

Seeing that her father took away the grilled fish she had eaten two bites of, Hu Jiayi couldn't help but want to take it back.

It smells so good, how can I resist not eating it!

"Touch your own stomach, don't get too full, if you can't, eat some vegetarian skewers."

Dad Hu has already got the grilled fish, so there is no reason to return it.

It's the first time to eat this kind of grilled fish that is grilled to golden and crispy. Although it is not as meaty and boneless as sea fish, it is fresh. This kind of river fish is grilled on the grill right after it is cleaned. The taste is really extraordinary.

He took a big bite of the fish meat and ate it happily.

It's a pity that the child's mother has work today and can't come, so he will accompany the child to the autumn outing.

It's a bit tiring to do farm work, but the taste of barbecue is amazing.

No wonder my daughter talks about Boss Lin every day at home, it turns out to be so delicious.

"My daughter, Mr. Lin's cooking skills are really good. Every skewer has its own flavor. If he opened a barbecue restaurant, it would be crowded every day."

"Brother Lin's candied haws are delicious. They are completely different from the candied haws sold outside. The sugar coating is like glass, shiny, and it won't melt and fall off. It's especially delicious!"

Children are children. No matter how delicious they are, they can't compare to the candied haws that have become a myth in their hearts.

It's such a common thing that can be bought everywhere on the street, but you can never taste the taste of Lin Zhou's.

"Okay, okay, you're full, I'll eat the rest."

Dad Hu happily watched his daughter eat a little and couldn't eat anymore. The delicious food on the table was all his.

"Don't we bring some for mom?"

"Your mom doesn't eat at night to lose weight, so we won't bring it."

Hu Jiayi watched her father finish a grilled fish in a few bites, without leaving any for her, and silently remembered this sentence.

There were still many grilled skewers on the plate on the table, including lamb skewers, beef skewers, pork skewers, chicken skewers, etc.

But her little stomach couldn't eat so much.

She could only look at the vegetarian skewers on the side.

There were also many vegetarian skewers, such as grilled Chinese cabbage, grilled potato slices, grilled eggplant, etc.

Hu Jiayi silently picked up a string of slightly crispy roasted potato slices and put them in her mouth.

Her eyes lit up after one bite.

The taste of this roasted potato slices was completely different from the spicy and sour potato shreds and braised potatoes she had eaten before.

The potato slices were a little crispy on the outside, but because they were left for a while, they softened a little, with a little tough and crispy feeling, and then the fragrance of potatoes with a dense taste inside, coupled with the spicy taste of the sprinkles, it was directly doubled in deliciousness.

Potatoes are really delicious food no matter how you eat them.

It's delicious, but the feeling of fullness is too strong.

The stomach that could have been stuffed with a few bites of vegetables, a string of potato slices was eaten, and it was so full that I couldn't eat a bite.

Hu Jiayi slumped in the chair, holding her belly, and just watched her dad eating heartily.

She couldn't stop the envy in her eyes.

When will she grow up and eat a lot!

Not only her, many primary school students couldn't eat anymore. Some of them were so full that they just walked slowly on the open space with their belly in hand.

Then these primary school students gathered together and whispered.

"The adults are so lucky. We organized and planned this activity, and it was approved with great difficulty. As a result, they wanted to come with us after knowing it, and then they snatched food from us."

"That's right. I eat one skewer, and my dad eats several skewers. He doesn't give in to me at all."

"Fortunately, my mother came with me. I don't eat much barbecue, but she doesn't know how to work. I did all the farm work by myself during the day, and my hands were all worn out."

Chen Wei rubbed his sore arms and legs, looking miserable.

His father was on a business trip, and he didn't plan to ask his mother to come with him.

But when his mother heard that Boss Lin was selling barbecue at the farm, she wanted to come with him.

His mother usually doesn't touch the spring water at home, and the nanny does everything. She doesn't look like she can do farm work.

Since the teachers planned to bring parents, he was worried.

As expected, when they started working in the farm, his mother didn't know how to do anything, and he had to do all the work by himself.


The primary school students fully experienced what it means that plans can't keep up with changes. They had planned everything, but things that they couldn't control still happened.

According to their original plan, they were all primary school students on the autumn outing to the countryside, so they would definitely do some activities such as picking vegetables or weeding.

I didn't expect that after the parents were involved, they were directly arranged to plant vegetables in the fields.

The intensity was different all of a sudden.

But they were a group of elementary school students, what else could they do.

"Anyway, we all had the skewers made by Brother Lin, and other people in the class didn't have this opportunity yet. It was really delicious. I don't know when we can have it next time."

"It's okay, we'll find a way if we have a chance."


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