Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 334 Sure enough, Boss Lin still loves them the most!

Looking at the scattered skewers, the car owners around also broke away from their gloating mood.


These are the skewers of Boss Lin that they haven't eaten yet!

Now it was knocked over and snatched away by a dog.

How heartbreaking!

(Please remember šŸ”šŸ— book bar ā†’ 96š–˜š–š–š.š–“š–Šš–™ website, watch the fastest chapter update)

If I had known this, I might as well share it with everyone present to try.

What a pity to waste it.

The car owners sighed one by one, and those who didn't know thought that their skewers had fallen.

"Hey, brother, is the skewers delicious?"

The diners who haven't eaten yet looked at the dirty skewers and swallowed their saliva, and couldn't help asking.

This is really curious about the taste!

As soon as he finished speaking, the big brother next to him couldn't help but take over the conversation.

"Are you stupid? Is there anything that Boss Lin makes that is not delicious?"

Is there any need to ask this?

It's really worrying.

"Of course I know it's delicious, I just want to know how it tastes."

"Look at him like this, he still has the mind to care about us, the skewers were taken away by the dog, and he didn't even have time to cry."

The sad expression on the face of the man eating skewers paused, he looked at the man who was talking, glared at him fiercely, and then walked into the farm with a plate of dirty skewers.

The diners who were watching him were silent as they watched him walk towards the farm.

At least people can enter the farm to eat skewers, but they are still blocked outside, what's so funny.


The atmosphere suddenly became depressed again.

The man eating skewers came to Lin Zhou crying and holding the few remaining skewers.

"Boss Lin, my skewers were knocked to the ground by a dog, can they be saved?"

Lin Zhou's hands kept moving, turning the skewers in his hand over quickly, and then evenly sprinkled the seasoning on them.

Hearing this, he looked up at the skewers in the hands of the man eating skewers.

It just fell on the ground and rolled around, how come it is so dirty.

Lin Zhou waved helplessly and asked Dadong to take him to the farm to deal with it.

First of all, the dirt on the skewers must be cleaned, and then the skewers must be put back, put on the oven to dry the moisture, and sprinkle seasoning again.

The taste may be a little worse, but at least it can still be eaten.

The skewers guy was so happy that his nose bubbles came out when he saw Lin Zhou was willing to save his skewers.

Lin Zhou:......

Dadong, who was helping Lin Zhou on the side, couldn't help laughing when he saw the snot bubbles.

"Pfft, sorry, my wife gave birth, and I can't help laughing."

Dadong took the man's skewers with a smile and took him to the kitchen to clean them.

Lin Zhou didn't want to laugh at first, but he couldn't help it when he saw this scene.

Fortunately, he wore a mask, so he could laugh secretly.


It was past 12 o'clock in a blink of an eye. Seeing more and more people coming, Lin Zhou asked Butler Sun to put up a sign at the entrance of the farm to indicate the business hours of the barbecue stall this week, from 7pm to 12pm.

Those who are still stuck in traffic and can't enter the farm, hurry back.

There is no limit on the amount of ingredients on the farm, but he can't keep busy all the time, it will be tiring.

There are a lot of orders in his hands, and it is estimated that it will be good if he can close the stall before 2 o'clock.

There will be no more orders today.

Even if he is in good health and doesn't feel tired, Xiaobai and others will be tired after working all day.

"Sir, is 12 o'clock too late? You have to work for several hours."

Butler Sun hesitated, holding the sign.

"It's okay, it's not that tiring, just grilling skewers back and forth, I don't need to do anything else."

It's been a long time since I went back to Jiangdong to set up a stall, and Lin Zhou missed these old diners.

Everyone knew that he was setting up a stall here in the middle of the night, and they all came here without any complaints. As his foothold after crossing over, Lin Zhou still had feelings for this place.

It can be said that this is his home in this world.

Now he finally came back to set up a stall once, and he didnā€™t know how long he would be back later. He tried his best to let everyone eat, so that when he changed places later, everyone would not be too sad.


Sun Deye wrote the notice board and put it at the entrance of the farm.

Then he greeted the drivers who were stuck in traffic one by one, and asked them to come again tomorrow.

Although the old diners regretted that they couldnā€™t eat today, there was no limit on the barbecue this week, and the business hours were so long, from 7 to 12 oā€™clock!

Oh my God, what a happy event!

When did the old diners experience such a wealthy life? It was unbelievable that there was no limit on the barbecue, but this week there was barbecue every night.

Whatā€™s the difference between this and dreaming!

Sure enough, Boss Lin still loves them the most!

"Let's go, let's go. They're all here this week. I'm relieved. If we don't leave now, we might have to wait for the people in the farm to finish eating and come out. We might have to get stuck in traffic when we go back."

"That depends on whether they can get out. I just saw a tow truck coming to tow the truck away. I guess the people who parked upstairs can't get out."

"It's not a wasted trip. I know the news. I can come early tomorrow to queue up."

"If I come early, I might be able to go to the farm to have a look. I think it's very interesting that they slaughter pigs."

"Does slaughtering pigs have a pig meal?"

"Pfft, what are you thinking? They're all for barbecue."

The old diners who were stuck in traffic left one after another after seeing the business hours.

It's getting late. I have to go to work tomorrow. It's perfect to come early after get off work to queue up for barbecue.

The traffic policeman, the old diner, not only didnā€™t get to eat Boss Linā€™s barbecue, but was also forced to work overtime all night.

The colleagues he called over were even more innocent.

This night was a carnival for the old diners in Jiangdong.

There were still many live photos until 1 a.m.

The photos of everyone eating and drinking were circulated wildly. If they didnā€™t show off, they couldnā€™t express their feelings at the moment.

Of course, everyone knew the scope of this show-off. They just spread it privately with friends in a few local groups.

Itā€™s impossible to post it online.

Not to mention Boss Linā€™s diners from other places, there is no telling how many local diners there are in Jiangdong.

Moreover, Boss Linā€™s stall location this week was completely exposed. In the next few days, whether you can eat Boss Linā€™s barbecue depends on your ability.

Even the primary school students who didnā€™t sleep late at night were talking about this topic.

As Boss Linā€™s old diners, the obstacles brought by the identity of primary school students are too great.

In normal classes, except for being sick, is there any opportunity to take leave?

In addition, the location and time of Boss Lin's stall are not fixed, so the primary school students have no chance to follow him, let alone eat.

Except for Fang Jun's niece, because of his uncle, the group leader, she can occasionally get some food.

Other children, if they want to eat the food made by Boss Lin, can only rely on their family.

The primary school students themselves don't have the time and freedom to chase Boss Lin.

This time, it's hard to get the news that Boss Lin is setting up a stall locally.

These primary school students and old diners are directly celebrating.

"But what's the use of knowing it? My mother also knew the location of Boss Lin before, but there were too many people in line and we couldn't buy it at all."


(Wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival~)

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