Those who don’t know would think it was a traffic jam during the Spring Festival, as the cars didn’t move for half a day.

“Look at the double chins and big belly, they must have eaten a lot.”

A car owner looked at the group of Zhang family members passing by with envy.

It was really enviable. He was stuck in this traffic jam for a long time, and could only watch others eat and smell the food.

In the end, some people had already finished eating and came out, how could this not be enviable.



The Zhang family father and son walked all the way over. Because they were too full, they held their stomachs one by one, which was the feeling of digestion after a meal.

Who wouldn’t be confused by their leisurely and contented look?

The envious rows of car owners stuck in traffic had red eyes.

Zhang Jianjun is still strong and exercises every day. He looks better than Zhang Mingyuan, and he walks so fast.

Zhang Mingyuan has eaten too much recently and neglected exercise. He has been getting fatter. Now he can’t keep up with his father.

He started to hold his waist after walking for a while.

Don't look at one road, it takes more than ten or twenty minutes to walk from this intersection to the next intersection.

Zhang Mingyuan's face started to turn pale not long after he walked.

Lu Qian was still better. She looked at Zhang Mingyuan who had just said he would carry her and now needed her support. She didn't know whether to laugh or worry about his health.

"Mingyuan, are you okay?"

Thinking back to the first time they met and agreed to climb the mountain, the other party was walking briskly.


It's hard to say.

"It's okay, I just ate too much and can't walk anymore."

Zhang Mingyuan was like this, still wearing a suit, maintaining his domineering personality, his face was pale, with beads of sweat on his forehead, but he still looked cold.

People who saw it laughed.

The diners in the car where they passed by just opened the window for fresh air, and this conversation floated into his ears. In an instant, his expression lost control.


Overeating and can't walk?

He has been stuck in traffic for twenty minutes!

The man's expression twisted for a moment. If it weren't for the damn traffic jam, he would have definitely eaten the barbecue made by Boss Lin.

I can't imagine how cheerful he would be when he ate Boss Lin's barbecue.

The man took out his mobile phone and looked at the video posted by the diners who had already eaten in the group.

The various barbecued skewers on it can be seen how well they are grilled in the dimly lit scene.

The golden and shiny skewers were photographed with a flash, and the chili powder and cumin powder on them were clearly visible.

There was also a little bit of burnt brown on the surface of the skewers, and the smoke of charcoal fire was wafting.

It smells so good!

The man sniffed in fascination and shook his head intoxicatedly.

No, he could still smell the fragrance through the screen?

Then he looked up and saw a man outside the car coming out of the farm with a plate of skewers!

Yes, he was standing on the side of the road, watching the traffic jams here while eating skewers.

The aroma of barbecue spread rapidly in this area.

People gradually lowered their car windows, stuck their heads out, and quietly watched the man eating skewers.

Soon, in the long line of cars, car owners lowered their car windows and stuck their heads out to watch the man eating skewers.

"It smells so good~"

"I've lived for so many years, but I've never tasted such delicious barbecue, oh my god~"

"It's so delicious!"

The man eating skewers shook his head artificially while eating.

It seemed like he was sighing at the deliciousness, and it seemed like he was showing off, which made the car owners feel itchy.

"This kid deserves a beating. Who is he from? Does anyone know him?"

"I'm a little itchy. Is it illegal to punch him?"

"He's showing off so openly. Has he never suffered?"

"No, I can't stand it. I have to teach him a lesson!"

"Go, go, go, if you don't go up and eat the skewers, it will be a shame for his operation."

The car owners were talking one by one, and before they could get off the car, they saw a dog running from nowhere and pounced directly on the man eating skewers.


This sudden operation made the car owners who had not yet gotten out of the car dumbfounded.

The skewers man who was eating skewers with a smug look on his face was also caught off guard by this operation. He was completely unprepared and the plate of skewers in his hand fell to the ground.

I was also knocked back a few steps by the impact of the dog and almost fell on my butt.

He had no time to pay attention to his own situation. He looked at the skewers that fell to the ground and screamed in fear.


"My skewers!"

This scream scared the diners nearby, which was enough to prove how panicked the sound was.

The skewers of the skewers man fell to the ground at this moment.

The whole process took only one minute, and the dog that ran over from nowhere ran away with a mouthful of skewers in its mouth.

It ran away under the desperate eyes of the skewers man!

The onlookers who got out of the car saw this scene and couldn't maintain the sad expression on their faces, and laughed out loud.


"Puff~ Sorry, I'm not laughing at you, hahahaha, I didn't mean to laugh, sorry."

The owner of the car in front of the skewers man got out of the car, looked at his miserable appearance, and couldn't help laughing while holding the car door.

The continuous laughter around him broke the skewers man's defense, his face flushed, "Where did you come from, stupid dog, I can't stand with you, ah ah ah!"

"Don't let me find you!!!"

The man screamed like crazy, holding the skewers that fell on the ground, crying so sadly!

This is the skewers made by Boss Lin!

This is the first time he has tasted Boss Lin's craftsmanship after Boss Lin went to set up a stall in another place!

This is the skewers that he saw the mini program reminder at night, and he took a taxi directly to the scene and became the first batch of diners to buy!

Now everything is gone.

Everything is gone!

Men don't cry easily, but they are not sad yet.

The man who was eating skewers has no skewers, and his happiness is gone.

He can't control his sad emotions at all!

"Well, this seems to be a stray dog ​​in the village, which is not easy to find."

The car owner who watched the big show next to him rubbed salt in his wounds, and it would be better not to say this.

The man who was eating skewers looked at the skewers on the ground with a ferocious look.

The car owners who were watching the show were a little bit reluctant.

Although the man was too cheap to show off the skewers just now, the retribution came too quickly, so fast that people were caught off guard.

They didn't have to do anything, and they suffered retribution.

Everyone was at a loss of words.

"Well, if it doesn't work, there should be water in the farm. Go wash it and ask Boss Lin to process it for you. These are all bought with money, and I can't bear to waste them. These are skewers made by Boss Lin!"

The skewers man heard this and perked up a little. He first looked around carefully and didn't see any other dogs. He quickly picked up the skewers on the ground and put them on the tray.

"Don't let me meet that stupid dog again!"


(Thanks to Brother Xi for the gift king extra update~)

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