"Meat is delicious, take more meat, vegetables are for relieving greasiness, you can take some fresh leaves, I see there are several kinds of leaves, and there are purple leaves.

Several people took trays and started to walk around the kitchen counter.

Just take what you like.

The parts that can be kept until now are the common parts in general barbecue restaurants.

The rare parts have been eaten by the employees long ago.

The old customer who looked around but couldn't find the kidneys glanced at the few people who were still taking skewers, secretly approached Xiaobai and smiled, and asked in a low voice: "Handsome man, do you have kidneys?"

The roasted kidneys are so delicious.

That is a must-order food for some men when eating barbecue.

Xiaobai also replied in a low voice: "All the ingredients are raised in the countryside and killed on the same day. There is no goods bought outside, so some parts are gone after eating, such as kidneys, which are rare and have been ordered long ago. "

The old customer looked disappointed when he heard this.

It always feels like something is missing when eating barbecue without kidneys.

At this time, another old customer who heard the conversation between the two came over and whispered: "There are still many customers behind, we can kill another one."

"Then we have reserved the kidneys."

Xiao Bai: "......That's fine."

So when Dadong brought another group of diners to the kitchen, Xiao Bai greeted him and asked people to kill cattle and sheep.

Fortunately, he knew that it was busy today, so he greeted in advance and asked the farm staff to stay and work overtime.

Otherwise, he would not be able to find anyone to help.


As more and more diners came to the scene.

The local old diners in Jiangdong were all excited.

Ma Ming, who usually broadcasts live every day, went offline immediately after seeing the news, without any explanation, and rushed to the farm.

Although his live broadcast room has many local fans, after all, it is online. If someone finds out It would be bad if it was not too late, so I had better eat it myself first.

With such good news and the time being not too late, everyone rushed to the farm.

Because it was news that everyone knew, the Reuters on the road, the Reuters on the scene, and the traffic jam at the farm intersection were all updated in real time.

For the diners who were far away and arrived late, the traffic jam started a long way from the farm, and they had no choice but to take out their phones to ask about the road conditions ahead.

Everyone did not give up the long distance and kept refreshing the message area of ​​the mini program.

"Where is the one in front? Has it moved?"

"What's the situation at the scene? Are you sure that Boss Lin is setting up a stall?"

"What is blocking the front? Why can't it move!"

"It's the middle of the night. Can't the car be parked here? It's better for me to run over than to stay here!"

"No, let's all eat here?"

"When the traffic police come, all points will be deducted and fined. ”

“Brothers, I remember there is a traffic police in our group, can you come out to direct the traffic?”

As soon as the man finished speaking, he saw a man running out from the traffic behind, putting on the traffic police uniform while running. This speed made everyone's eyes light up.

“Oh my god, I just mentioned the traffic police, and there really is a traffic police.”

“The road should be open to traffic soon.”

“Good job, bro! "The man shouted excitedly at the traffic police who were running to the traffic jam ahead.

Everyone came here for Boss Lin, what's the big deal about being stuck here!

If the traffic jam continues, the daylily will be cold!

The traffic police ran for several minutes to reach the long traffic jam, and then started working and directing traffic.

It was really unexpected that there were traffic police in the traffic jam.

After a while, the traffic was finally able to move.

Everyone who could run in each car ran away, and only the drivers who couldn't run away were left.

The barbecue is right in front of us, and the people in front have eaten it. Who has the patience to wait slowly? It's better to run over and queue up first.

Driver The drivers moved the cars at a snail's pace, watching people getting off the cars and running forward, and they were envious.

Especially looking at the group and the message area of ​​the mini program, the first batch of people who arrived at the scene had already eaten, and the ingredients were not enough, so the farm had already started slaughtering pigs, cows, and sheep. In the middle of the night, the lights in the farm were bright.

Not only were there butchers, but there were also diners who volunteered to help.

Everyone had never seen such a novel barbecue method.

Not only were the ingredients slaughtered on the spot, but everyone could also watch from the side and eat the freshest ingredients.

And you can choose the parts on the spot.

"Eat pork tenderloin, the tenderloin is tender, there is only a little on a pig, I have to have a few skewers."

"I love pork belly, a few skewers of pork belly."

"Small skewers are also delicious, just cut the pork hind leg into small pieces, and then put the fat and lean together and roast them, it's fragrant. "

Looking at the pig being bled on the bench, the old diners standing by to help have already started thinking about which part to eat.

No one has ever eaten such fresh skewers.

They are already drooling before they even eat them.

The lights on the roadside at night are not as bright as the light in their eyes. They stare at the pig that is about to be cut up with green eyes.

"Don't wait here, the chicken over there has been killed, you can go and order some skewers."

The chicken is killed very quickly, just wipe the neck, burn off the hair, and then pluck the hair and cut it into pieces for skewers.

The group of people who were just surrounding the pig ran to the chicken killing area again.

"Oh my god, this chicken is good, and there are eggs. Is this a lantern?"

"Yes, I saw that the hanging egg yolk in the roasted bird is called a lantern. I haven't eaten the barbecue made by Boss Lin. Auntie, give me a string of eggs."

"Oh my god, these are all fresh livers. The meat is okay, but this amount of chicken offal is really not enough to eat. Give me a string of chicken skin and a string of chicken liver."

"I want a string of lanterns too."

The aunt working on the farm saw that there were only four or five egg yolks for a chicken. So many people ordered, it's not easy to share!

She advised with a tangled face: "It's enough for four of the lanterns you said. The rest of the small eggs can't be strung."

The aunt thought that with so many people, everyone might quarrel over the order. When she was worried, she saw that these people were very easy to talk to.

"It's okay, whoever asks first gets it. Let's eat something else. They are all grilled by Boss Lin. They are so delicious that they are delicious even if they are grilled with grass. They can be eaten with anything."

"That's right, give me ten skewers of chicken first."

The old diners have been looking for Boss Lin for so long, and they have some revolutionary feelings. Besides, no one has eaten the food made by Boss Lin for so long.

It's okay as long as there is something to eat, not picky at all.

Don't rush to grab, it will delay the business. Only eating it in your mouth is the kingly way.

"By the way, is there still a traffic jam outside?"

The third group of people who arrived at the farm have ordered the skewers. The first two groups have already eaten, but the people behind are still stuck?

"I just saw the group message, there is a traffic policeman among the diners, I guess he will be here soon."

"Hey~ Auntie, wash the chicken gizzards cleanly, I want two skewers, the kind with slices."


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