It can be seen that a group of people just received the news and ran out immediately. Ye Yan

Everyone was wearing pajamas, and some were wearing bathrobes. Although there was no foam on their heads, water was still dripping. It can be imagined that they had just come out of the bathroom.

Everyone looked at each other and was stunned.

So they were in a community, but they were all strangers.

The city is not like the countryside. In a village, everyone is more or less related and basically knows each other.

In a community, you may not know the neighbors across the street, let alone other people.

But at this time, everyone gathered together awkwardly, and they all felt a sense of closeness inexplicably.

Inexplicably, they felt that these people were all fans of Boss Lin.

Since they are all fans of Lin, they are all family.

"Are you guys going to see Boss Lin?"

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters or disordered chapters

"I am, what about you?"

A group of people chatted and ran outside the community. They are really senior people who work hard.

"At this time, everyone is in a hurry to go out. What else can it be if they didn't receive a message from Boss Lin? I called a car. Is there anyone who wants to share a ride?"

"I see there are private cars behind, all blocked at the garage door. If there is a car or a ride, it should be possible."

"My, my, my, brothers, you are really fast. I left immediately after seeing the news. I didn't even have time to call a car."

In a flash, a group of people got in the car, disappeared at the entrance of the community, and headed for the farm.

The night in Jiangdong has never been so lively.

In the middle of the night, many people went out from various communities, and the number of cars on the road gradually increased.

All of them were heading to the same destination.

As a result, they were already stuck at the intersection before they even reached the farm.

"How come there is still a traffic jam in the middle of the night? You guys are amazing!"

"Boss Lin is so charming!"

"How long will this traffic jam last? Can we park here? Can I park my car here?"

"I should have known better than to drive and take a taxi."

Some old diners who drove saw people taking taxis through the car window, paid the fare and got off the car, and ran to the farm.

They were so cool, but those who drove couldn't leave their cars behind!

They were forced to wait where they were.

After all, the farm is not a public place, and there are limited parking spaces.

The first batch of diners who arrived at the scene couldn't find a place to park, so they could only park where they were, or find a place to park. Then, if there were too many cars parked, the cars behind them couldn't drive to the farm, so they had to be stuck in traffic and wait for the cars in front to move.

Lin Zhou saw that it was already past ten o'clock, and the employees of the building had already left for Koucheng one after another. He was also preparing to close the stall and go home.

As a result, a large number of diners came.

"Boss Lin, Boss Lin~"

"Ah, it smells so good, it's Boss Lin's smell, the air is filled with the aroma of food."

"Is Boss Lin still here? Save the child, he's starving to death!"

"Boss Lin, we're here, is there any barbecue?"

"Boss Lin..."

Watching groups of diners surround Lin Zhou and his barbecue stall.

The employees of the building have left.

Xiao Bai hurriedly brought the farm staff to maintain order.

Lin Zhou was ready to take a break, but seeing so many old diners running over, he smiled helplessly.

Well, it seems that he can't take a break.

I have to work overtime today!

"There's also barbecue. Follow Xiao Bai to the farm to order. Some ingredients can be ordered, and then bring them over and I'll grill them for you."

Lin Zhou was surrounded by a group of people, holding his pants with difficulty, for fear that a diner would pull his pants down in excitement.

In just a moment, he didn't know how many times his pants had been pulled down, he had to hold them up!

Xiaobai stood outside the crowd, waving the plate in his hand, calling on everyone to follow him to order.

It was so funny, there was no way to squeeze in!

I knew the boss was popular, but I didn't expect him to be so popular.

When he just sent his colleagues away, he was still thinking about what to do with the ingredients left in the kitchen. He had to put them in the refrigerator, and he didn't know if they would be fresh tomorrow.

I didn't expect it would be so long.

He was now worried about whether the ingredients in the kitchen were enough for these people.

Compared with surrounding Boss Lin to complain about their grievances these days, the ready-made skewers were more attractive to them.

A group of people followed Xiaobai happily to the farm to order.

Until this moment, they finally let go of the worries they had been carrying all the way.

Apart from anything else, this barbecue tonight is stable.

"Handsome guy, is this farm owned by Boss Lin? Can we order all the ingredients in it?"

Judging from Xiaobai's attitude towards Boss Lin and his familiarity with the farm, these diners guessed the correct answer at once.

Xiaobai nodded, and was also curious about why they came so late.

"How did you know about Boss Lin's stall?"

"We have a mini program, let me show you."

Old customers didn't expect that the mini program would bring so many surprises to everyone shortly after it was put into use.

It seems that the money raised in the crowdfunding was not donated in vain.

Look, everyone can receive a notification when there is news about Boss Lin.

There are a lot of people, but now that we know the address, there is hope this week.

Even if there are too many people and we can't eat every day, it's good to taste the flavor.

Since Lin Zhou went to other places to set up a stall, the old customers' wishes have been reduced little by little.

From the beginning, I wanted to find Boss Lin and eat enough, but now I have reduced it to just having a taste.

Only the old diners themselves know the sad journey involved.

Xiaobai suddenly realized it after being educated by old diners.

The eyes that looked at these people showed admiration.

These people are amazing for being able to think of such a way.

"Handsome boy, do you have enough ingredients? We are the first batch. I don't know how many users this mini program has. Tens of thousands of people have registered. When we arrived, the intersection had already begun to jam."

Entering the kitchen, the regular diners looked at the various kebabs placed in front of them and warned them in advance.

Although it looks like a lot, it is still unknown whether it will be enough for a large army.

Xiaobai was amused by their worried tone.

"The entire farm belongs to Boss Lin. I'm afraid you don't know how big the entire farm is. There are a lot of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms and livestock. Is there enough to eat?"

"Don't worry, it's not enough. I'll kill pigs and cows for you."

Xiaobai said this very boldly.

He is the one who manages the farm and knows the farm’s food reserves best.

It was the harvest season in autumn, and he had harvested so much food that he was ready to cooperate with outsiders to sell some.

Still not enough to eat?

The old diners looked at Xiaobai's confident smile and said nothing.

It's a good thing to have such confidence. At least as diners, they don't have to worry about not having enough to eat.

"The relationship is good, the brother is generous, it depends on you whether we can have enough to eat!"

After knowing that there is no shortage of ingredients, the regular diners are not polite after reading the price list. They take whatever they see and don't miss anything.

It's as if they haven't eaten yet, and their eyes are shining when they look at the ingredients.

Xiaobai was a little frightened next to him.

How long has it been since you last had a meal?


(More gifts! I beg you to use your love to generate electricity~)

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