"It's really delicious!"

The large pieces of mutton skewers are quite heavy in the hand, and you can feel the heavy weight in the hand.

After a bite, the mouth is full and it is difficult to chew, but the meat aroma is there, becoming more and more intense, attracting people to chew non-stop.

Every chewing will bring a new experience to the taste buds on the tip of the tongue.

The collision of the roasted charcoal aroma and the mutton fat forms a wonderful reaction.

Chewing again and again refreshes everyone's cognition of mutton skewers.

"Fresh mutton is different. I ordered someone to kill it. It tastes like this now. There is no fishy smell. It is all fresh and has the aroma of the seasoning."

Xiao Bai pulled two skewers in one breath. He was so addicted that he was willing to speak, otherwise he would delay his mouth from eating skewers.

The grilled mutton skewers made by the boss himself, eating one less bite is a loss!

After a day of hard work, at night, when night falls, eating grilled skewers and drinking beer, the taste is really amazing.

All the fatigue and hard work were cured at this moment.

That day, he asked people to go to the nearby village to find people who could kill pigs and cows, and also asked people to pick vegetables, wash vegetables, and skewer them.

He was busy all the time.

It was not until the evening when everything was arranged that he took a break to enjoy the joy brought by barbecue.

This was still the busiest day since he was assigned to work on the farm.

But it was also his happiest day.

The next day, the boss set up a stall at the door of the farm.

In this way, wouldn't he be able to eat barbecue every day?

If he is not happy, then when will he be happy.

Xiaobai was so happy that he was almost bubbling.

Such a good thing actually happened to him.

Especially the colleagues who worked in the building, their eyes were red with envy.

The colleagues who were also assigned to be in charge of the orchard were very happy.

When the boss came to set up a stall at the door of the farm, he saw the hope that the boss would set up a stall at the door of the orchard he was in charge of!

If there is one, there will be two, right?

The employee in charge of the orchard felt very happy while eating the skewers.


Uncle Zhang and others did not squeeze together with the staff of the building.

Butler Sun was very considerate and arranged seats for their family by the lake, with lights and flowers.

"This is my first time to eat barbecue here on the farm. Boss Lin is worthy of his ideas."

Zhang Mingyuan was dressed in a suit and tie, and he didn't feel out of place holding the skewers. He was very happy.

Uncle Zhang was even more relaxed, talking less and eating all the time.

Butler Sun, who came to deliver the skewers, was a little anxious.

"Mr. Zhang, there are a lot of skewers in the back. Mr. Zhang is grilling pork belly skewers now. There are also grilled fish fillets, pork cartilage, grilled lamb legs, lamb kidneys, etc. Do you need anything?"

Butler Sun was also very familiar with the father and son of the Zhang family. Such words were asked directly without any taboo.

Uncle Zhang almost choked to death when he heard this.

But he still looked at his son curiously.

Zhang Mingyuan was stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, he saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him, and his face was a little red.

"Well, one is fine."

After saying that, he found an excuse for himself.

"I've been working overtime too much recently, and I feel a little tired. One is fine."

Lu Qian didn't know what he was thinking about, and his face turned red all of a sudden.

Butler Sun nodded with a smile and went to make arrangements.

The farm killed a sheep, but only two sheep kidneys, which are precious.

This is not outside, you can order as many sheep kidneys as you want.

You can't focus on your own people first!

On the other side, Xiaobai was also asked by a colleague who had needs.

"Xiaobai, where are the sheep kidneys? Will the boss roast them later?"

Xiaobai glanced at him and said silently: "The fourth one."

The colleague looked confused, "Ah? What fourth one?"

"You are the fourth one to ask about kidneys."

The colleague almost choked to death with a mouthful of saliva, and was very embarrassed.

I didn't expect that everyone pretended to be good in front of others, but they were all weak behind the scenes!

All of them were known by Xiaobai.

Isn't this embarrassing!

"I'm under a lot of work pressure now, and I often stay up late. I feel a little weak, so I want to make a kidney to replenish myself. This is the roasted kidney made by the boss. Do you understand what I mean?"

Xiao Bai nodded with a mysterious smile, "I understand, I understand everything!"


No, I don't think you understand what I mean!

"The beef skewers are ready, come and get the beef skewers~"

Not far away, an employee took the beef skewers that Lin Zhou had just roasted, as if he was holding a special sword. As soon as he took out his hand, he attracted everyone to come.

For a while, everyone ran to his position.

A large pot of beef skewers was not put on the table, but it had been divided up by people.

"Don't grab it, Boss Lin said that everyone should eat enough, which means there is still a lot of meat to fill up. You have finished eating now, and there are roasted lamb legs, roasted pig's trotters, roasted ribs and so on. There is a lot to eat, don't worry~"

Having said that, who can say that they can stay rational in front of a lot of beef skewers!

And this is not an ordinary beef skewers.

There are beef brisket with bell peppers, beef skewered with pineapples, and pure beef, with a strong aroma of fat and the fragrance of vegetables and fruits.

Who can resist this!

The right way is to eat the meat first!

"I want to, but I can't control myself. I'll do a few push-ups on the spot after eating to help digestion, and then wait for the skewers to come out before eating, so I can eat them repeatedly."

The corners of my colleague's mouth twitched when he heard this, and then he felt that it made sense.

As long as you can eat more barbecue, you have to think of a way.

Exercise is a good way.

"I'll go see if Boss Lin needs help. If you do more work, you can eat more."

It seems strange for one person to do this, but when a group of people eat and think of ways to consume, it seems particularly harmonious.

It just looks a bit strange to those who don't know.

The villagers who passed by and returned to the village saw people jumping high and jumping back and forth, people running in circles, and people dancing.

Along with their exercise, some people would dub themselves.

Put together, it would make people feel, "Is this a group of people doing magic in the middle of the night?"

The villagers who were frightened ignored the aroma of barbecue in the air, and just lowered their heads and hurried on their way, wishing they could run as fast as they could.

Every night when he came home from get off work, he passed by here, but it was always quiet, with not much light. What happened today?

The villagers left quickly.

The old diners from Jiangdong who were still looking for Lin Zhou had already visited most places in Jiangdong during the day and at night.

The remaining places were some remote places, and they looked at different times to see if there was Boss Lin in these places.

The old diners came in groups after groups, and when they had nothing to do after get off work, they formed teams to look for Boss Lin.

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