Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 299 Is the Boss Lin you are talking about the Boss Lin I know?

The young man and his grandfather had been here yesterday, and they didn't feel the lively atmosphere.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

The few people who heard that Boss Lin was setting up a stall here were very curious and looked around.

"I didn't expect that watching a play could be so lively."

"It depends on the place. I saw a play opening on the video before, and there was only one audience."

"There are a lot of people here, all of whom come to watch the play, and of course there are also people who come for the snack stalls."

When a troupe comes here to perform, the news spreads, and vendors come to set up stalls.

Because eating while watching a play is also a habit of many people.

The whole street is lined with various snack stalls on both sides of the road, and you can also see some milk tea shops setting up stalls, which is also very novel.

"Look, there are actually milk tea shops setting up stalls over there!"

Guo Qiang's girlfriend saw the stalls of several well-known milk tea brands at a glance and was very surprised.

This is the first time I have seen a milk tea shop setting up a stall.

Several girls like milk tea, and they were a little unable to walk.

So the job of buying duck necks fell to the men, and the girls lined up to buy milk tea. There must be food and drinks.

After the two groups were divided, Guo Qiang came to the young man to explain.

"Brother, when I called you, my girlfriend happened to be next to you, and she was chatting with her bestie. When she heard that Boss Lin came to Nanjin to set up a stall, she had to come and see. I didn't expect so many people to come."

When Guo Qiang arrived at the place, he saw that his girlfriend's bestie also brought people over, and it was still the same group, and he was also very confused.

"If we go there earlier and buy more, it shouldn't be a big problem. If more people know about it, whether we can buy it will be a problem."

It's also his fault that he didn't remind him when he called.

The young man blamed himself for a second, and then thought that it was because Guo Qiang hung up the phone too quickly, which made him not think of it.

It's all Guo Pei's fault!

He immediately looked over with a flying knife.

Guo Pei thought he was talking nonsense, and immediately promised to treat him today.

The young man quickened his pace when he heard this.

This is a good relationship.

He was just worried that he wanted to eat too much and couldn't bear to buy some expensive food, and now the person who paid for it came.

Hehe, he told Guo Qiang about Boss Lin for free, so it's not too much to get a meal of duck neck.

"Let's go, let's go, we're all a little late, I'm afraid if we go too late, we won't be able to buy it."

The young man took the lead and shuttled quickly through the crowd.

As the footsteps approached Lin Zhou's stall, the others also smelled a fragrance that surpassed all the delicacies.

"Is this the fragrance of duck neck? What a fragrant stewed fragrance!"

"Indeed, it tastes fragrant and spicy."

"Let's go, let's go, I can't wait. Those who have tried it online all say it's delicious. Boss Lin has been popular for so long, and I haven't seen anyone say that the taste is bad. The complaints are all about small portions, purchase restrictions, unfixed locations, and not being able to buy something, which makes me very curious."

A group of people followed the fragrance and found Lin Zhou's stall.

The young man arrived first and saw people queuing up. He first looked at the counter to see if there were any duck necks left. When he saw that there were some, he stood behind the counter with a look of relief and queued up.

The duck necks were packed up very quickly, and everyone gathered around the stall without queuing up properly.

Then the passers-by attracted by the fragrance took a look and didn't see Lin Zhou's stall, but only saw a group of people surrounding it.

Some diners who had never eaten there missed it.

After knowing that Lin Zhou was the boss Lin who was rumored on the Internet, his figure was still easy to recognize.

Guo Qiang and others were very excited when they saw Lin Zhou.

There was a sense of novelty in seeing an Internet celebrity, but the smell of duck necks on the nose was the source of their excitement.

It smells so good!

It felt like being surrounded by the smell of duck goods.

The smell can really arouse people's appetite.

Smelling the fragrance of duck necks, a group of people's eyes were attracted by the duck goods on the counter.

The bright red spicy duck neck, the lighter original duck neck, and all kinds of parts and braised flavors really dazzled the eyes.

My mouth began to salivate unconsciously and I started to be greedy.

I dare not imagine how happy they would be when they chewed these ducks.

They were heartbroken even when they saw the people in front of them bought too much.

They were afraid that they would not have enough to eat when it was their turn.

"Oh my god, it's finally my turn, Boss Lin, I'm here again, hehe, no purchase limit, right?"

The young man looked at the braised food on the counter and rubbed his hands excitedly. His eyes full of appetite stared nakedly. Any living thing would be scared to tremble with fear.

"It depends on how much you buy."

Lin Zhou recognized the young man as the diner who recognized him yesterday, and replied with a smile.

"Then you have to try them all. Half a catty for each spicy one, he will pay."

The young man pointed to Guo Qiang on the side.

Only children make choices, adults of course want everything.

Guo Qiang also nodded.

Just because his brother has delicious food, he didn't forget to tell him that he must treat him no matter what!

"I'll pay, well, give me half a catty of each."

Lin Zhou looked at their way of buying and felt that his stewed food might not last long before the show started.

But it was just right that he could go to the show after selling it.

He took the bag and weighed it one by one.

The men behind him followed suit, but the stock in the counter was not enough to buy. When it was the last man's turn, the duck necks, duck hearts, and duck feet in the counter were all gone, and the rest were not even half a catty after weighing.

"It's okay, Boss Lin, just weigh it, take as much as you want."

Looking at a group of friends who were already eating nearby, the man stretched out his hand to grab it and said.

Lin Zhou ordered and emptied the braised food on the counter.

The speed of closing the stall made the stall owners nearby envious.

The show hasn't started yet.

The young man squatted on the roadside with Guo Qiang and others, gnawing on duck necks, and sighed at Lin Zhou's cooking skills while eating.

"Oh my god, no wonder those people on the Internet follow Boss Lin wherever he sets up a stall, it turns out it's so delicious."

"That's right, I didn't know before that duck necks could be so delicious."

"Yes, I really don't know how it's braised, even the bones are fragrant."

"By the way, remember to keep it a secret. If Boss Lin's fans know where Boss Lin is setting up his stall this week, we won't be able to eat it."

The young man reminded worriedly.

According to his speculation, as Boss Lin sets up a stall in one place for a longer time, more people will eat it, and there will definitely be repeat customers.

It will become more and more difficult to buy at that time.

So they have to come early tomorrow.

"And it seems that this troupe will only perform for three days, and tomorrow is the last day. It is not clear whether Boss Lin will change the place to set up the stall. We have to come early to ask."

The young man's words make sense.

The rest of the people wrapped duck necks in their mouths and nodded in turn.

They will definitely keep this secret.

Then a fan of Boss Lin who passed by heard their conversation and suddenly said behind them: "Is the Boss Lin you are talking about the Boss Lin I know?"


(Happy New Year! I wish you all good health, good luck, and happiness every day in the new year~)

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