Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 298 They are all a bunch of ancestors!

"Grandpa, are you going to the theater tonight?"

After dinner, the young man asked curiously when he saw that his grandfather was not packing up as he was yesterday.

His grandfather is an old theater fan. Now that he is old, he continues to listen to theater and take a walk when he has nothing to do.

He was so fascinated by the theater last night, it is impossible for him not to go today.

Why is there no movement now?


The old man looked at the young man as if he was asking for trouble.

"Then why don't you pack up?"

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The young man was a little confused by his grandfather.

He actually had to pack up. Why didn't he pack up? It was already past six o'clock.

Yesterday, he brought melon seeds and tea, everything was ready.

"Hey, the duck neck you bought yesterday was delicious. Let's eat something you young people like today. Let's buy some milk tea. I'm rich, I'll treat you."

Young man:......

Of course he knew his grandfather was rich. His pension was higher than his monthly salary, and he couldn't spend it all.

Now he knows that young people's food is delicious.

Before, when he brought back hamburgers and fried chicken, his grandfather said it was junk food, no nutrition, and he was not allowed to eat this and that.

Now he can taste it.

Tsk tsk tsk~

Boss Lin is awesome.

With one move, he changed his grandfather's stubborn thinking.

"Okay, let's go."

The young man was thinking about the duck neck made by Boss Lin, so he called his grandfather and prepared to go.

Then he thought about it and chose to notify his friends.

Boss Lin set up a stall so close to them, it was a rare opportunity. While no one knew, they secretly ate to their heart's content. Isn't it too much?

"Guo Qiang, do you want to watch a play?"

It was during the break after get off work, and Guo Qiang replied immediately.


"What the hell, when did you like watching a play?"

The young man really didn't like watching a play, but he loved eating!

So he only replied with one sentence, "Boss Lin is setting up a stall in the snack street outside the theater."

Guo Qiang was shocked. Which young people who hang out on the Internet have not seen Boss Lin's videos? He immediately called him.

Sending messages is slow, not as fast and convenient as calling.

"Is it true? Is it Boss Lin who is very popular online for his western suona?"

"Yes, I met him at the play last night. He was selling braised duck. It was so fragrant and delicious."

"Send me the address and I'll go there right away."

The young man looked at the hung up call and shook his head helplessly. He was really impatient.


Before the performance today, the actors of the drama troupe were still thinking about the duck they didn't buy yesterday, so they asked the troupe owner to buy some.

They also specifically asked for non-spicy ones.

Spicy food is for the show, so I can't eat it. I tried it yesterday and it doesn't matter. The show hasn't ended yet, so I'll eat something that's not spicy.

The actors were putting on makeup, and the troupe owner was urged to go out and find duck necks.

After leaving the theater, there were snack stalls on both sides of the road.

The troupe owner muttered while looking for the duck neck stall.

They are all a bunch of ancestors!

After the show, I still have to eat duck goods. No matter how delicious it is, it's not good. I didn't buy it yesterday, so I went to buy it before the show started today.

Lin Zhou has already set up a stall at the same location.

The theater starts at 7 o'clock, and the snack stalls on the roadside will set up their stalls in advance.

It happened to be night, and many people who have nothing to do will want to come and visit even if they don't watch the show.

When there are more people, it's time for the snack stalls to be hot.

With the foundation of yesterday, when Lin Zhou just came today, there were diners waiting on the side.

Seeing Lin Zhou coming, they happily came up.

"Boss, you are here. The duck neck yesterday was so delicious. I have never eaten it before. Give me more today."

It was getting dark. Lin Zhou parked the stall and turned on the lights.

Then he talked to the diners while moving out the prepared ducks one by one.

The braised ones yesterday were not enough to sell, so he prepared more today.

The meats include duck neck, duck heart, duck liver, duck wings, duck feet...

There are not many kinds of vegetarian dishes, so he added bean curd skin.

Everything was put out, and the portion was very large. The first diner was very happy to see the full appearance.

The rich aroma of braised sauce spread on this street, attracting every passerby.

Soon, several people gathered in front of Lin Zhou's stall.

After Lin Zhou cleaned up the stall and was ready to sell, the first diner couldn't wait to place an order.

"Duck neck, duck feet, duck head, kelp, and bean curd, half a pound each."

Lin Zhou nodded, took the bag and packed it for the customer, weighed it and packed it.

The customer left with a full bag, satisfied.

This kind of cooked food is sold very quickly, and there is basically no need to queue up, just wait and buy one by one.

After a while, the troupe owner who came all the way here smelled the aroma of braised duck and came up curiously.

It smelled very fragrant, no wonder it made the actors think about it.

"Boss, how much is the braised food?"

Lin Zhou: "Different types have prices marked on them."

The troupe owner counted the number of people in the troupe, then waved his hand and asked for two pounds of non-spicy types.

This time, half of the ingredients on the counter were directly sold.

There is much less visible to the naked eye.

As the show was about to begin, the troupe leader hurried back carrying two large bags of duck goods.

Guo Qiang, who was called by the young man, didn't just come by himself.

I also brought my girlfriend.

Because his girlfriend was right next to him when he was on the phone.

She was also chatting with her best friend.

Then my girlfriend's best friend heard that Boss Lin was setting up a stall in Nanjin, and she also dragged her boyfriend over to find out.

When my best friend and boyfriend heard this, there was something new.

So I pulled my girlfriend and three friends in the car, including the girlfriend of one of the friends, and they all came together.

After Guo Qiang brought this large group of people to meet the young man and his father.

The expression on the young man's face immediately stiffened.

Don't ask, you will regret it if you ask!

I have something delicious to tell you, but you are a big mouth!

123...8, good guy, there are eight more food grabbers all of a sudden.

Guo Qiang winked at the young man and quickly explained, "These are my girlfriend's best friend and her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's friends."

The young man's mouth twitched as he listened to this introduction.

This person is quite complete.

Even though everyone was here, he had to give face to his brother.

He immediately smiled and said hello.

Guo Qiang couldn't wait to ask about the young man, Boss Lin.

Just one boss Lin attracted so many people.

He didn't expect it either.

"Xiao Fei, are you telling the truth? Is Boss Lin really setting up a stall outside this troupe?"

"There are so many food stalls, which one is Boss Lin?"

The young man smiled slightly and asked everyone to smell it carefully.

"Is there a special and strong fragrance?"

A group of people sniffed and silently turned to look at the stinky tofu stall not far away.

Sorry, it was too close to the stinky tofu stall, and they only smelled the stench of stinky tofu.

The young man understood what they meant.

He twitched his lips in embarrassment.

It’s so embarrassing, it’s better to pretend than not to pretend.

"Well, let me take you there."

The young man greeted his father and led the group of people towards Lin Zhou's stall.


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