Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 295 It’s broken, and it’s put on the stage with the money!

I have never seen such a scene before!

The actors sang the opera professionally while accidentally looking at the audience seats below. They saw a group of audience members watching the opera and eating at the same time. It smelled so good.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

The aroma could not stop floating to the stage.

The more people ate, the more intense the aroma gathered.

The whole audience was hungry just watching.

Then those who couldn't help it repeated the same mistake and asked where to buy duck necks, ran to buy one and came back to eat while watching.

There were many people like this.

The aroma floated to the stage, which made the actors very greedy.

When the opera sang the exciting part, the audience below was also very supportive, throwing money and giving rewards.

The Zhonghua cigarettes were thrown directly onto the stage.

The cheers were heard, and the lively scene attracted many people to watch.

There were not enough seats in front of the stage, so many people brought their own plastic stools to watch the show.

The places around where people could stand were also filled with people.

This troupe was also famous, and the actors were all actors, which attracted a large number of drama fans to watch the show.

There are fewer people watching the show now, and ordinary troupes don’t have this scene.

Amid the cheers of the audience, an old lady calmly came on stage with a small bag on her back and a stack of money in her hand, and raised her hand to stuff a few red bills into the hat of the singing boy.

The boy bowed slightly to show respect.

This scene is an indispensable part of opera. The first prize stuffed on the head of the actor is shared by the troupe on the stage.

The eyes of the performing boy were visibly brightened.

The performance was not interrupted. The old lady turned around and walked to the little girl next to her, and stuffed a few more red bills.

This scene, the big sister of the list stuffed money on the spot!

The audience below was boiling when they saw it.

There was constant cheering.


"Wow, this is so cool, a lady from the offline list gave me a tip directly!"

"No, I can't do this job, I can't sing in a crying voice!"

"It's amazing, how can they hold back their laughter, if it were me, my mouth would be crooked."

"Singing is so good!"

Such a lively scene is the greatest respect for the actors.

Singing is more passionate.

There were several audiences who gave tips in a row, until an old man gave tips excitedly, and the duck in his hand fell on the stage.

Before the old man could react.

The actors next to him smelled the familiar fragrance, and their hearts were filled with joy.

Oh, isn't this the braised food that the audience below eats!

It smells so good!

The actor picked up a bag of duck directly and put it in his wide sleeves with a quick step.

He didn't forget to thank the audience for the tip during the performance.

They have gained experience in accepting gifts. They did not affect the performance and could receive all the tips without losing them.

The grandpa in the audience was really considerate.

He knew that the actors would be greedy for the smell, so he sent it to them!

The smile on the young man's face was so sincere.

The old man who got off the stage returned to his grandson and sat down to continue watching the show with satisfaction.

"This show is really good. You have to watch this kind of old troupe to watch a show. It has a lot of background."

After giving tips, the old man felt that he did not bring enough cash.

This show was really enjoyable.

The grandson beside him nodded in response. After eating the duck feet, he felt a little thirsty and drank some tea. Then he thought about the duck he had not eaten yet.

"Grandpa, I want to try something else."

The old man reached out to his grandson, but his hands were empty.

"It's bad. It was put on the stage with the money!"


Ah! His duck neck, duck tongue, and duck heart!

The grandson's expression was a big shock.

He stared at his grandfather blankly.

It would be fine if he gave money.

Why did he give away duck goods too!

The grandfather looked at his grandson awkwardly. It was easy for him to give money. He was so excited that he gave away whatever he had in his hand and threw it all on the stage.

"Well, wait until the show is over, I'll buy it for you."

Seeing that his grandson looked absent-minded, the grandfather immediately made a promise.

He couldn't eat this duck goods. He tried some edamame and it tasted really good. It was normal for children to like it.

He really stuffed money into it easily, so he put the bag on the stage without paying attention!

Looking at his grandfather's little eyes that were trying to open wide, the grandson sighed helplessly.

"Grandpa, you watch first, I'll go buy some more."

Look at this whole audience, how many people are eating duck goods.

He hasn't eaten enough yet.

The duck goods were given to his grandfather as a reward.

The young man ran out again helplessly.

This duck neck is really delicious!

It's much better than that chain store.

Fresh and spicy, the key is the aroma.

The aroma of the marinade is very strong, the more you chew it in your mouth, the more delicious it is. It is a good thing to kill time.

You can chew a duck paw for several minutes.

The young man came to Lin Zhou's stall quickly.

Looking at the empty counter and the boss standing on a plastic stool to watch the show, he fell into great grief.


How could such delicious duck goods be gone? The show is not over yet!

"Boss, is the duck gone?"

The young man looked carefully and saw that the vegetarian dishes that he was not interested in last time were sold out. He immediately fell into regret.

I bought too little, it's not enough to eat!

This kind of eating, the feeling of having your appetite hooked, and then not being satisfied is too painful.

It makes people unable to hold back the sad tears flowing from the corners of their mouths.

“Yes, no more.”

After selling duck goods, Lin Zhou heard the customer calling him this time, but he did not jump down from the plastic stool, but turned his head and replied directly.

It was the first day of setting up the stall today, and he did not prepare much.

The duck goods were still fragrant.

There were many people watching the opera, and each person bought a little, and it was sold out quickly.

“Okay, then boss, do you usually set up the stall here?”

The young man was not satisfied with the food, and was very unwilling to ask.

“These days.”

Lin Zhou had never listened to opera before, but after listening to it today, he found that he might be old enough to listen to it very fascinated.

It’s good to set up a stall here. Not only is the business good, but you can also listen to opera by the way. These actors sing really well.

I didn’t understand why the older generation liked to listen to opera before.

Now it seems that he was still young before and could not appreciate the charm of opera.

Think about the famous actors in the past, who were rewarded with huge sums of money by fans. It would be impossible without some real things.

He was in a hurry to leave today, so he didn't bring any cash or valuables to reward.

When he comes again tomorrow, he has to change some cash to bring with him.

Seeing the boss looking fascinated by the play, the young man felt helpless.

Fortunately, there is still food.

It is said that this troupe will perform here for three days. He will come again tomorrow and must eat enough by then.

The young man lowered his head and ran back to the venue. His grandfather saw him coming back empty-handed and asked curiously.

"What's wrong, didn't you buy it?"

"Sold out, come back tomorrow to buy."

The grandfather was about to say something to comfort his grandson when he heard cheers from the audience next to him.

He immediately turned his head and looked at the center of the stage.

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