Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 293 It’s true, the higher you stand, the better the view.

“Damn, it’s delicious, my wife!”

The man who tasted it subconsciously stuffed a piece into his wife's mouth.

The son no one cares about: ...

"Well, brother, where did you buy this duck neck? I'll buy some to try too."

The passers-by who were watching the show smelled the scent of the duck and couldn't help but chat with him.

They are all here to watch the show and watch others eat with gusto. He has nothing and his mouth is lonely!

"It's a food stall on the road outside."

Passers-by looked at the time and saw that there were still ten minutes until the show started. A round trip should be enough to catch up with the show. They immediately got up and walked out regardless of where they were.

The young man in the front seat heard the address and was about to move. The grandfather next to him took out a handful from his pocket and handed it over.

"I know you're greedy, so give it."

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The young man took the melon seeds helplessly.

He wanted to eat the duck neck, not the melon seeds.

The melon seeds that usually taste very fragrant suddenly become boring in front of duck neck.

The fragrance of melon seeds is like a younger brother in front of the rich and spicy duck neck.

After eating a few melon seeds, the boy still wanted to eat duck neck.

So I said to my grandfather: "Master, I'm a little thirsty after eating the melon seeds. I'm going to buy some water. You wait for me."

After the young man finished speaking, he was about to get up when his father grabbed him.

"I brought water for you."

The young man just raised his buttocks and sat down again in an instant.

"I'll drink it later and I'll go to the restroom, so I don't have to go to the restroom until the show starts."

After the young man finished speaking, he stood up tentatively, thinking that this time his father finally had no excuse to stop him.

As expected, his father didn't speak.

After the young man got up, he quickly walked out of the crowd.

He just heard that the duck neck was bought at the snack street outside.

When we walked outside the venue, we saw the food streets on both sides of the road, with all kinds of food stalls, which dazzled everyone.

The young man concentrated on looking for the duck neck stall.

Fortunately, Lin Zhou's family sells duck necks on both sides of the road, and the young man arrived at the stall smoothly.

I saw a few customers standing in front of the stall making purchases.

The young man also hurried over.

When he smelled the familiar scent of braised food, he knew he was in the right place.

After the people in front of him finished their purchases and it was his turn to order, the young man’s first choice was duck neck, “Then I’ll have a duck head, two of the duck wings, and some edamame too.”

"Except for the duck neck, which should be spicy, the rest should be original."

While waiting for the meal, the young man looked at the time and became a little anxious when he saw that it was about to start.

After Lin Zhou finished quoting the price and paying the money, he ran back with the bag.

His father also occupied his position well.

"Come on, come on, it's about to begin."

As the opening time approached, there were obviously fewer people visiting the food stalls on the roadside. They all gathered around the stage. Without a seat, they just stood and watched.

When the opera started singing, Lin Zhou could hear it clearly even from a distance.

He looked at an uncle who was doing business next to him. Hearing the sound of singing, he stood directly on the steps and stretched his head to watch.

Lin Zhou listened to the play and found it quite interesting. After seeing that no customers came to buy duck necks, he stood on a plastic stool to watch.

Not to mention, the higher you stand, the better your view will be.

His eyesight has been modified, and he can see clearly even from a distance.

The play begins.

The young couple who bought the duck neck also put on gloves and started eating.

The original duck neck has a pure braised flavor in your mouth.

The meat of duck neck is dense, tough and chewy. When you bite it, you have to work hard to get to the meat between the bones. After chewing, the fragrance will linger on your lips and teeth, and the taste will be long.

The meat has a dry texture, a hint of texture, and is very tasty, with a fresh aroma in every bite.

This kind of fragrance cannot be accurately described in words.

The meat is firm, not dry, and has an oily texture in your mouth, but not greasy.

After finishing a portion of duck neck, the girl reached out to take another one as she was still busy. Seeing that her boyfriend at the side had not eaten yet, she quickly urged him to try it.

"This duck neck is so delicious. I feel like twenty yuan is too little to buy. We'll buy some after the show is over."

The boy put on his gloves, picked up a piece and ate it in his mouth, then his eyes lit up.

It's delicious, very fragrant.

He had no interest in opera to begin with, and the 20-yuan duck neck didn't look like much, so he thought about buying some more.

"You eat first, I'll buy some."

Girls have no objection.

The boy walked carefully out of the crowd.

Lin Zhou, who was enjoying watching the show, quickly jumped down from the plastic stool when he saw a customer coming to buy duck necks.

"What do you want?"

"The original duck neck will cost 20 yuan, and the duck paws will also cost 20 yuan. Two duck heads, four duck wings, and six duck hearts..."

The boy clicked a bucket and ordered it. After tasting the taste, he looked at the duck products in the glass cabinet and really wanted to eat everything.

Lin Zhou also weighed and packaged the dishes according to the customers' needs.

"Okay, 170 in total."

The boy was surprised. When he ordered, he didn't realize that a little of this one and two of that one were added together. Only then did he realize that the braised food at the roadside stall was not cheap compared to the ones in the store.

But it tastes amazing.

The boy paid the money quickly and his attention fell on Lin Zhou.

At this glance, you can see the difference.

Compared to other stalls on this street, Boss Lin can be seen to be young even with a mask on.

And although his hair style is not well-groomed, it can be seen that it is trimmed very fashionably, just covering a little of his eyebrows, but not blocking his eyes.

The clothes are also very textured, which is completely inconsistent with the temperament of the roadside stall.

And there is no smell of cooking fumes on his body, but a faint fragrance.

And this mask and figure make him feel familiar.

The boy didn't think much, looked at it twice, and thought of his girlfriend who was still waiting for him to watch the show, and walked back with a bag of duck goods.

After seeing off the guests, Lin Zhou quickly stood back on the plastic stool to continue watching the show.

This play happened to be a story that Lin Zhou knew, because he knew the plot, it was very interesting to watch.

On the other side, the boy returned to his seat with a large bag of duck necks, and was greeted by his girlfriend's shining big eyes.

"This duck neck is delicious. I thought it might not taste good if it's not spicy, but it tastes good. I ate several pieces, and it wasn't salty. Instead, it tasted better and better. I chewed the bones until they were broken into pieces and I was willing to spit them out after eating them."

The girl was completely impressed by the deliciousness of the duck neck after the boys had been eating them.

At this moment, she only glanced at her boyfriend and then looked at the bag in his hand.

The fragrance of the duck could not be hidden even if it was wrapped in a bag. It floated out faintly, which made it even more attractive.

They were not the only ones who bought duck necks in the entire theater.

There were also people who ate duck necks while watching the theater.

The smells overlapped, and more people could smell it.

Some of the elderly people watching the theater were distracted.

"Where is the fragrance coming from? What are you eating?"

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