Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 244: Damn, such a long line, his roast duck!

"Hey, why are there so many people at the door?"

When Ding Chao arrived for work, he noticed a large number of people gathering at the entrance of his farm from afar.

There were probably hundreds of people there, and people who didn't know it thought they were having a group fight.

Confused, he asked as soon as he entered the venue.

"I seem to be waiting for Master Lin to come out of the stall to buy roast duck."

The workers came earlier, and after listening to the work while they were working, it became clear.

"That's it. I haven't seen so many people here before."

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Ding Chao can understand that such a delicious roast duck may have the ability to attract so many people to queue up.

What he didn't understand was why these people suddenly came out.

There weren’t so many people there a few days ago.

Adhering to the principle that if there is excitement, you can't help but watch it, Ding Chao walked to the gate and walked up to the diners.

"Hello, hello, I'm the owner of the farm. Are you all here to wait for the roast duck?"

Ding Chao took a cigarette and walked to a group of diners who were chatting lively. He came up and spread a circle of cigarettes, then introduced himself and successfully got in.

As soon as Ding Chao said his words, he attracted the attention of the surrounding diners.

Farm owner?

Doesn’t this mean that he has been eating roast duck since Boss Lin set up his stall?

Ding Chao successfully attracted the attention of everyone nearby with just one sentence.

That feeling was that as soon as he finished speaking, the people who were chatting or joking around all turned to look at him.

This strange scene shocked Ding Chao.

"Yes, we are all customers of Boss Lin. Are you the owner of the breeding farm here!?"

Ding Chao felt uncomfortable all over after being stared at by so many people.

Is there anything wrong with what he said?

He carefully replied: "Yes."

"Oh my god, haven't you been eating the roast duck sold by Boss Lin these days?"

"You are so lucky. When will I have such luck? Boss Lin will come directly to my door to set up a stall."

"Boss, you must know what day Boss Lin came to set up a stall selling roast duck, right?"

"What's your last name, boss? We are all fans of Boss Lin. We came from Jiangdong to eat the roast duck cooked by Boss Lin."

A group of diners immediately surrounded Ding Chao, asking curious questions one after another.

Ding Chao originally came to see the excitement and asked why so many people came all of a sudden.

Unexpectedly, after he came over, it would become a lively event.

He answered these people's questions with an embarrassed look on his face.

With this enthusiastic attitude, and each one of them giving him cigarettes back, Ding Chao felt that he didn't satisfy their curiosity, and he was afraid that they would be surrounded and unable to escape.

"Master Lin came on the 10th or 11th. I can't remember clearly. It was only a few days anyway."

When the old diners heard this, they all looked at Ding Chao with envy and jealousy.

When will this incredible wealth fall on them?

"Wow, it has been sold here for several days, and we just found out!"

"It feels wrong."

“Boss Lin didn’t even mention changing cities to set up a stall, but he also went to set up a stall at the entrance of the breeding farm. Who can find this!”

"Pfft, I can't find it. It's not like we found it."

"I have found Boss Lin's rules for setting up stalls. Although the places change randomly and I have no clue, I can come to Boss Lin from the perspective of diners. For example, this time, we can look for stalls in weird places online, but There’s news that the food they sell is delicious, maybe I’ll find one right away.”

"What you said makes sense, let's do this next time."


Lin Zhou was mentally prepared when he came. He didn't see those old diners for a week, and he really missed it.

But when we arrived at the entrance of the farm, we were shocked to see so many people there.

He had moved to another city to set up a stall, but he didn't expect all these diners to come and wait so early.

Touched, so touched!

When the old diners saw Lin Zhou, they immediately cheered with excitement, just like fans when they saw their idol.

Song Chang was indeed a star chaser. She had already secured the best shooting position, took out her camera and started taking pictures of Lin Zhou.

When the diners saw Lin Zhouyi, they swarmed around him and kept talking.

"Ah ah ah, Boss Lin, you miss me so much!"

"Boss Lin, are you surprised or surprised, we found him again!"

"Hahahaha, Boss Lin, roast duck, roast duck, I want to eat roast duck."

"Boss Lin, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are handsome again."

"Boss Lin..."

Faced with everyone's enthusiasm, Lin Zhou stopped the tricycle with a smile and said hello to everyone.

"Hello, hello, you are so early. You must have been waiting for a long time."

The old diners treated Lin Zhou like an old friend, gathering together to chat.

"Hey, I never expected that I got off work too late last night. I didn't have a high-speed rail ticket, and I was afraid there would be too many people in the morning. So I took a taxi all night and it cost me hundreds of yuan."

"I took the first high-speed train, and I didn't have to wait long. I knew I could eat the roast duck cooked by Boss Lin, so it was nothing to wait."

"I came here yesterday afternoon after seeing the news, but when I came here you had already closed the stall, so I had to find a hotel to stay. I came here in the morning."

Everyone hugged Lin Zhou and while saying this, they made way for Lin Zhou's tricycle so as not to delay Lin Zhou's stall setting up.

Lin Zhou appeared from the side and a large number of people surrounded the tricycle. Ding Chao was shocked by this scene and stepped aside, fearing a stampede.

I didn’t expect these people to be so orderly in the chaos. They paid attention to their positions while running and started to line up directly.

The whole process took less than a minute.

Lin Zhou’s tricycle found a place to stop, and a long line was formed.

Ding Chao, who realized it later, slapped his thigh.

Damn, such a long line, his roast duck!

Doesn’t he have to line up too?

Ding Chao’s face was distorted, regretful, extremely regretful!

How could he forget that these people were here to snatch the roast duck from him!

They were standing aside and watching the fun happily!

Ding Chao reacted and didn’t stand aside to watch the show. He quickly ran to the back of the line to line up.

Such a long line made him a little desperate.

A few days ago, when eating roast duck, although there were people queuing, it was not like this. There were twenty ducks in a furnace, and everyone was not in a hurry. Unlike now, hundreds of people have lined up before the duck is roasted.

How long do we have to wait?

Then he saw some people in front of him skillfully taking out a folding stool from their handbags and putting it on the ground. Some were playing with their phones, some were playing cards, some were watching TV series, and some were eating with breakfast.

Ding Chao was stunned.

At the same time, he became curious about Lin Zhou.

Could it be that this boss Lin is very famous?

"Brother, I want to ask if boss Lin is very famous? I see so many of you are following here with full equipment. Is there any organization?"

Ding Chao was very curious.

It was the first time he saw so many people queuing for a roadside stall.

The diners in the queue in front were bored. Looking at the people from Koucheng who knew nothing, they envied his good luck, but they were still happy to popularize Lin Zhou's popularity in Jiangdong.

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