Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 202 If we don’t leave now, there will be a traffic jam!

Ma Ming and his parents each ordered a portion of wontons and packed them to eat in the car.

Wontons cannot be stored for a long time and are delicious only when eaten immediately.

Ma's father drove the car and sat in the passenger seat. Ma Ming and Ma's mother sat in the back seat and pulled down the armrest in the middle of the seat to put the wontons.

"Here, you ordered the soup wontons. Mom ordered the chicken soup wontons. If you like it, eat more."

Ma's mother unpacked the portion she gave her and happily pushed it in front of Ma Ming.

The light in the car was dim, and the fresh fragrance of the wontons filled the entire small space.

Ma Ming was a little jealous.

It was rare to be able to talk about food and eat with his parents so harmoniously. There was no quarrel or unhappy topics all night.

He was a little uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"Mom, you eat too. Boss Lin's cooking is very good. It's the best I've ever eaten since I was a child."

"Okay, Mom will try it and see if I can make you something similar."

Ma's mother enjoyed the closeness between her and her son at this moment. She picked up a spoon, scooped up a small wonton and looked at it carefully.

The soup was filled with oil foam, and the aroma of chicken soup was very rich. Green coriander, brown seaweed, golden egg skin shreds, and transparent wontons wrapped in pink meat filling floated in the soup, the aroma was overflowing, and people were salivating.

The hot steam rising from the chicken soup wontons made people's appetites whetted.

Ma's mother opened her mouth and ate the wontons with the soup.


"So delicious!"

After taking a bite, the chicken soup was really delicious.

The umami was so prominent that people could tell it at a glance. It was not the fragrance extracted by artificially synthesized MSG, but the umami of natural ingredients that took time to stew.

Even the tasteless wonton skin becomes extremely delicious when wrapped in chicken soup.

The smooth wonton skin is thin and transparent, and is covered with the oil of chicken soup. It is fresh and soft in the mouth. When chewing, it also has the elasticity of meat filling and the chewiness of wonton skin. Both the taste and taste are impeccable.

It is amazing after taking a bite.

The boiling chicken soup and wontons slide all the way from the mouth to the stomach. Ma's mother feels warm from head to toe, and her body and mind become warm.

"It's delicious, son, you eat it too."

After tasting the taste, Ma's mother excitedly scooped up a wonton with a spoon and fed it to her son.

Ma Ming was also very happy to see that Ma's mother looked like she was recommended by him.

Boss Lin's cooking skills are simply invincible.

Ma Ming happily ate his mother's feeding and ate the wontons with a look of enjoyment.

Old Ma sat alone in the front, watching this scene of motherly love and filial piety, and curled his lips in envy.

Humph, he ate alone!

"Let's leave quickly after we finish eating. There are too many people. If we walk together, we will probably get stuck in traffic."

Ma's father has been observing the surrounding situation.

Not to mention how many people are queuing, just looking at the empty space on both sides of the road occupied by private cars and electric vehicles, you know that there will be a traffic jam when everyone walks together.

There is no one to direct, and they leave one by one. If they all turn around and retreat, there may be a traffic jam.

Ma Ming and Ma's mother had no objections, picked up the spoon and started eating.

Seeing that Ma Ming was eating happily, Ma's mother drank some soup, and she didn't eat two wontons in a bowl, but fed them all to Ma Ming.

Ma's father ate quickly, including the soup and wontons, in a few big mouthfuls, and asked the mother and son to sit in the back, and started the car to go back.

When most of the diners had finished eating and were ready to retreat after watching the excitement.

As expected by Ma's father, one person did not reverse properly, and several cars were stuck.

It was not yet time for Boss Lin to close the stall and return, but the traffic was already blocked.

"No, how did you reverse? What are you doing lying across the road?"

"The car in front is parked too far out, I can't turn around, the car behind should back off and wait for me to pass!"

"Oh my god, who parked this car? My electric bike was directly locked in."

"Whose car is this white BMW? Move it, the license plate number ends with 886."

"Whose electric bike was knocked down? I'm calling!"

"Someone kind-hearted, please help me~"


The scene was noisy, Ma Ming had already returned home, checking the local news, and saw the news that Taoshan was jammed late at night and almost called the traffic police, and he was very happy.

His father's premonition was quite accurate.

Fortunately, they ran away after eating and did not join in the fun in front of Boss Lin's stall, otherwise they really couldn't leave.

Boss Lin's diners are very cohesive.

Maybe it was because Boss Lin changed places every week, and a group of people felt the same way, and they all experienced the pain of not being able to find Boss Lin, and then some revolutionary friendships were formed.

A group of people seemed to regard the place where Boss Lin was as a gathering and entertainment place.

Even after eating, they were reluctant to leave, or those who didn't eat didn't leave, and stayed there to watch, chatting and gossiping.

No one knew each other, but they had a lot of fun chatting.

With delicious food, it was really an invincible stress relief.

To be honest, Ma Ming was very happy today.

It has been a long time since he went out for a midnight snack with his parents in such a relaxed and warm way.

Perhaps he has never had such an experience.

I wish the harmonious family environment like tonight could last longer.

But Ma Ming also knew that it was impossible.

After reading the news about Boss Lin, Ma Ming went to sleep.

The next night, when Ma Ming's live broadcast ended, he planned to go to Taoshan to queue up in advance for Boss Lin to set up his stall. When he left the room, he saw his parents waiting for him at the door again.


"Mom and Dad, are you waiting for me?"

"Yes, I'm waiting for you to finish the live broadcast, so we can go to the queue together."

Not only Ma Ming, but also Ma's father and mother enjoyed the harmonious and friendly family environment last night.

For this reason, they are willing to do things that make their son happy.

Besides, the wontons are really delicious.

It's Saturday now, and there won't be many meals left, so staying up for two days is nothing.

"Let's go quickly, if we go late, there will be too many people."

Ma Ming's live broadcast ended at 7 o'clock, and the family arrived at Taoshan at 8 o'clock.

Compared with Lin Zhou's stall time, it was several hours earlier.

When they arrived at the place, there were already people queuing at the scene.

No, there were folding stools queuing.

Ma Ming was wondering why he forgot to bring a stool to reserve a seat, and then he saw his father get out of the car and go around the trunk and take out three plastic stools.

? ? ?

Is his father so good at it?

"Let's go, let's go and sit in line."

Ma's mother also brought mosquito repellent spray, mineral water, fruit, melon seeds and other things, filling a handbag, so she was fully equipped.

Compared with his parents, Ma Ming felt like a fake fan, waiting for Boss Lin to set up the stall without knowing how to prepare anything.

"Mom, when did you prepare?"

"When you were live streaming, your dad and I had nothing to do after get off work, so we packed some things. I saw those people yesterday had food and drinks, and some were playing cards. I thought you could eat something when you were bored waiting, so I brought some."

Ma's mother took out a box of grapes, a box of watermelons, and a box of cantaloupe from her pocket like offering treasures, all cut and with toothpicks.

"You've been live streaming for so long, and you haven't eaten anything. Come and eat something."


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