Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 201 Sometimes it is really helpless to set up a stall alone.

Sometimes it is really helpless to set up a stall alone.

When Lin Zhou arrived at the place, for a moment he thought he was Tang Seng who had mistakenly entered the Monster Mountain.

The way these diners looked at him, and their enthusiastic posture, really made him feel like they wanted to cook him the next second.

His every move was carried out under the eyes of the diners, which made him a little nervous.

Although he was mentally prepared that many people might come if the stall location was exposed.

But he didn't expect so many people.

When there were too many people, Lin Zhou was forced to be socially anxious. He put on his mask after parking his tricycle.

In this way, when he lowered his head to work, no one could see his expression, and he didn't have to keep responding to the diners who were talking.

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Social anxiety is his protective color.

It is very useful.

"Hahahaha, I knew that when there were too many people, Boss Lin would definitely have to wear a mask. Give me money."

In the crowd, a group of people who had finished playing mahjong started a new gambling game.

The diners who lost ten yuan took out their mobile phones to transfer money.

"Alas! I was thinking of betting that Boss Lin would wear a mask, but it was late at night, and Boss Lin might not wear one. I didn't expect it!"

"You decide. When there are too many people, Boss Lin will be speechless."

The old diners were bored in the queue, and their attention was on Lin Zhou.

He observed Lin Zhou's habits very carefully.

There are descriptions of Boss Lin's personality on the Internet.

Are there any strategies to build a good relationship?

You have to get close to Boss Lin when there are not many customers, and you can't catch Boss Lin and praise him. Boss Lin will be embarrassed and silent. You have to start the topic from the food.

For example, if you want to make some suggestions, such as adding spicy food, or wanting to eat new flavors, etc., you can talk to Boss Lin.

If it is reasonable, Boss Lin will add more flavors.

For example, someone wanted to eat chicken soup wontons last night.

When Lin Zhou was preparing the dishes, he boiled two pots of soup, one pot of bone broth and one pot of old hen soup.

Take two coal stoves off the tricycle and heat up two pots of soup first.

Then start setting up the stall.

When the people in the front saw Lin Zhou moving the folding tables and chairs down, they all stepped forward to help.

"Boss Lin, I'll do it, we can do this miscellaneous work, you cook the wontons."

"There are many people today, Boss Lin is probably busy."

"I'm dying of laughter, Boss Lin, let me tell you, aren't there some girls in our group who are afraid, so they formed a convoy and came together, and then drove on the road, and the convoy of cars is getting more and more, guess what's going on?"

Once there is gossip, diners can't help but share it with Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou was very interested and immediately replied, "Why?"

"Because there were several cars following us who were just watching the fun. They thought we were all heading to the same place and had a party, so they followed us to join in the fun."

"Hahaha, I laughed my ass off. I wanted to laugh when I saw in the group that everyone thought there was a ghost car following us."

"Sometimes you really can't let your imagination run wild, otherwise the more you think, the more outrageous it will become. You will also fill your brain with ideas and create an atmosphere."

When Lin Zhou heard this, he couldn't help but laugh.

There are people watching the fun everywhere.

There are even people following us to Taoshan in the middle of the night.

After chatting for a few words, Lin Zhou returned to the stall and took out the prepared ingredients one by one and arranged them.

The fragrant seaweed pieces are all whole pieces of organic seaweed, which are slightly roasted on the fire and then pinched into pieces. Once the soup base is heated, they will melt immediately.

The egg skin shreds are also fried one by one, and then cut into thin shreds after cooling.

There are not many side dishes, just seaweed, chopped green onion, coriander, egg skin shreds, and lard.

If you like spicy food, you can add chili oil yourself.

The freshness of the wontons is the most important thing. The lighter it is, the more delicious the soup base is.

After adding chili oil, it tastes less pure.

Compared with the clearness of the broth, the old hen soup has yellow chicken oil and a more prominent aroma.

Wontons have always been the first choice for many people's midnight snacks.

After the water in the soup pot boiled, Lin Zhou pulled out a tray of wontons and put them in the pot to cook.

Then take out a disposable bowl to mix the soup base.

A bowl of wontons with broth and lard, a bowl of wontons with chicken soup.

The price is the same, you can choose whichever bowl you want.

Before the diners have eaten the wontons, Dabao has already gnawed the big bones.

The diners are so greedy.

"Boss, how much are the big bones? I want one too."

The diner looked at Dabao eagerly while he was enjoying the food, and couldn't help asking.

Lin Zhou:......

"I can't sell it. There are only a few bones. There are so many of you, there are not enough to share."

The diner looked at Lin Zhou pitifully, as if he wanted to attack him with his eyes and make him soften his heart.

The night was too dark, and the diner's eyes were not big, so Lin Zhou didn't see it at all.

He took a look and continued to serve the soup base.

The diner's pretentious coquetry was like playing the lute to a cow.

"No, buddy, why are you a grown man acting coquettish? I can't bear to watch it."

The diner behind him shook off the goose bumps on his body and rolled his eyes directly.

"Isn't it said that women who act coquettishly have the best life? What's wrong with me learning from them?"

The man standing behind him was speechless and stopped talking to him directly.

"If we replace her with a beautiful woman, maybe there will be a chance, unless Boss Lin has a diverse sexual orientation."

They were standing at the front, and Lin Zhou heard everything they said clearly. When he saw that they were discussing his sexual orientation, he immediately spoke up to defend his reputation.

"I am a man, I like women, thank you."

"Hahaha, Boss Lin, how do you know there are comments online that doubt your sexual orientation?"

"What? I am a grown man, why do you doubt my sexual orientation?"

Lin Zhou was very shocked. He didn't even know that those diners secretly doubted his sexual orientation.

No, did he do anything that made people misunderstand him?

"Before, there were always beautiful women asking you for your contact information, but you didn't give it to them, so some people thought you were not interested in women and liked men."

Lin Zhou:......

"No, I like women, and I won't give my contact information to anyone."

What if they don't like him, but just want him to cook all the time!

The diners in the front were all amused by Lin Zhou's way of refuting the rumor.

Lin Zhou's mood was really complicated at the moment.

He didn't give his contact information, didn't these people know anything?

They urged him to open the stall one by one, and they wanted to tie him to the stall and make food for him all the time.

The system didn't urge him to complete the task so actively.

Originally, with the system, he was free and comfortable to set up a stall and get a reward.

If he gave the contact information, wouldn't he be urged by diners to set up a stall every day?

He didn't even look at how many diners he had.

It's okay!

Lin Zhou shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, okay, let's eat wontons quickly."

If he continued chatting, Lin Zhou didn't know what to say.

"The chives and coriander are on the side, add them if you want."

In order to serve the food quickly, Lin Zhou focused on cooking wontons and adjusting the soup base.

As for personal taste habits, let the diners come by themselves.


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