After knowing that the cold noodle stall downstairs would only be open for one week, Ding Su quickly told his colleagues who were resting at home.


As a result, many people took their families out to travel during the long holiday.

I thought the cold noodle stall downstairs would always be there, and everyone could eat it when they came back to work.

I didn't expect this to happen.

When Wang Yanghui saw the news, he had already gone to the beach with his wife and children.

He was immediately entangled.

This was a family trip that the family had been looking forward to for a long time. If he said he wanted to go back just after arriving at the place, wouldn't he be beaten?

But if he didn't go back, he didn't have the heart to play, and he kept thinking about the cold noodles.

His wife noticed his sad look and thought something had happened. She found an opportunity to let the children go to the beach to drink drinks, and ran over to ask.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Ding Su said that the cold noodle stall downstairs will only be open this week, and will be moved to another place next week, and the location and time are not fixed. If you want to eat, go back and eat quickly, otherwise you won't be able to eat it in the future."

The woman's eyes widened immediately when she heard this, "Then what are you waiting for?"

"Ah?" Wang Yanghui didn't understand what his wife meant.

"Hurry up and go back. It's Saturday today. It's ten o'clock at night. We can definitely get back and have two more meals."

Wang Yanghui looked at his wife who was more active than him and nodded blankly.

This is the seaside trip that his wife has been looking forward to for a long time. He thought his wife would not want to go back.

"Are you stupid? Didn't you say that cold noodles can only be eaten this week? We can't come to the beach at any time. As long as we have money, we can rush back next Monday. It's important to eat cold noodles first."

Wang Yanghui thought about it carefully and it made sense.

The family rushed to the hotel in a hurry, checked out, and booked plane tickets in one go.

"Wait, there are still three hours before registration."

There is no airport in Koucheng, so they have to fly to the nearest Nanjin, and then take the high-speed rail back to Koucheng.

The child doesn't understand why his parents went to the beach and were anxious to go back before playing for a while, and he is making a fuss.

"Be good, wait until we get back, and your parents will take you to eat delicious food in the evening. I tell you, the food is so delicious, you have never eaten it in your life."

Wang Yanghui chose to use food to coax the child.

It really hurts the child to change his mind and say that he will take the child to the beach to play, but he has to go back before playing.

"How delicious is it? Is it better than a seafood feast?"

The child hugged his chest with his hands in anger, looking like I am very angry.

In the eyes of adults, he just thinks it is cute, and he is as angry as a pufferfish.

"Of course, what level is the seafood feast? Can it compare with the food I said? Wait, dad will take you to see what real delicious food is in the evening!"


This is someone who is willing to give up travel plans for food.

Some people who don't want to waste money and change their plans when they are away from home can only beat their chests and stamp their feet.

Why didn't I know this news earlier?

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have gone out to play.

Not only did I spend money, but I couldn't eat cold noodles.

In fact, Koucheng also has a festive atmosphere during the festival, with shopping malls holding activities and programs.

Playing around during the day and eating cold noodles at night, isn't it also delicious?

Looking at the cold noodles photos sent by colleagues, I really can't stop craving.

The cold noodles and cold skin taken by the camera are shiny in color, with red chili oil wrapped on them, fine sesame seeds and peanuts, and green cucumber shreds and other vegetables.

The vegetables are rich and the colors are attractive. Just looking at them can arouse everyone's appetite and make them drool like crazy.

Lin Zhou thought there would be a lot of people today, so he prepared more vegetables,

adding carrot shreds and purple cabbage shreds, which are more colorful and have a richer taste.

But it seems that not many people like these two vegetables.

Many diners avoided them.

"Boss, I want a bowl of shredded chicken cold noodles and a bowl of shredded chicken cold noodles, add more spiciness, and no shredded carrots and purple cabbage, no cilantro, and no sesame sauce."

"I want another bowl of shredded chicken cold noodles, two bowls, slightly spicy, no carrots."

"Another bowl of non-spicy shredded chicken, vegetables, and more carrots."

The meal Wang Yanghui ordered was obviously for a family of three.

He ordered two bowls, his wife's slightly spicy one, and the child wanted more carrots.

"Ahhh, I don't want carrots, carrots are the worst!"

When the child heard that he wanted more vegetables and carrots for his portion, his face was full of rejection.

Why? The adults themselves don't eat it, but they want the children to eat it!

"Carrots are good, they have carotene, eating more is good for the body, you know, children need this nutrition, adults don't need to eat it when they grow up, eating more carrots will make you grow taller, you know."

Lin Zhou:......

Do adults always fool children like this?

"Boss, just do it this way, he can eat carrots."


Lin Zhou saw that the child was reluctant, but he didn't refute it, so he did it according to the order.

In fact, Lin Zhou didn't like carrots either, but the color would look better with carrots, red and green.

After ordering the food, Wang Yanghui brought his wife and children to find Ding Su.

Ding Su and other colleagues who didn't go out to travel gathered together to eat cold noodles. They were surprised to see Wang Yanghui come back specially.

"Wow, you came back specially?"

"Of course, we can have fun at the beach anytime, but we won't be able to eat cold noodles after this week."

A group of people stood together, talking about Lin Zhou.

After doing some research, Ding Su has become the person who knows the most about Lin Zhou among the new diners.

Excitedly, he popularized the knowledge with his colleagues.

"You don't know, the owner of this cold noodle stall..."

"Wait, my cold noodles are ready, I'll bring them, and I'll listen to you while I eat."

Ding Su:......

On the other side, Qi Liangping bought cold noodles and packed them to eat in the hotel. Although eating outside late at night has an atmosphere, there are many mosquitoes. It's better to go back to the hotel, watch a movie, drink beer, and order takeout.

Although the cold noodles are delicious, they are not enough to fill you up. Even if you eat two bowls, you will be hungry after a few hours.

He mixed in various Lin boss fan groups in the middle of the night last night, lurking until three in the morning, and was so hungry that he ate all three bowls of cold noodles that he packed one after another.

So today, in addition to cold noodles, he also bought barbecue, braised food, fried chicken and other foods to eat together.

It’s a pity that there is no braised pork roll made by Boss Lin, otherwise the cold noodles with braised pork rolls would be so delicious!

Qi Liangping sighed while slurping a big mouthful of cold noodles, and couldn’t help squinting his eyes and shaking his head.

It smells so good!

Suddenly thinking of something, Qi Liangping opened the fan group he joined last night while eating.

Reading everyone’s posts one by one.

“The first day... of not finding Boss Lin, I miss Boss Lin!”

“There is only one day left this week, tomorrow, has no one found Boss Lin yet?”

“Damn, praying to Buddha is useless, I go to Changzhong Temple to make wishes every day, but I haven’t seen Boss Lin!”

“The above, you really believe it, it’s better to pray to yourself than to pray to Buddha, go out more, maybe when luck comes, you will meet him.”

“Have you seen the speculation of a big fan of Boss Lin?”


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